

His eyes shone like a blood moon and his mouth was open, growling, showing his fangs. He didn't seem to like me very much. He stalked towards me, ready to pounce, but I wouldn't let him. "Wyatt," I said softly, "you don't have to do this. It's me." He slowed, but didn't stop.

He growled again. "You don't belong here. You left. You made your choice." His voice was low and dangerous.

"Wyatt, please." I begged. "It's me."

"I know who you are, but you don't belong here. You're lucky Willa isn't the one to have found you. You wouldn't still be standing."

"Why are you acting like this? I didn't choose to leave, I was forced to. I'm your sister, I belong here."

"NO!" He tackled me, his face inches from mine. "You are NOT my sister. You disgraced our pack when you abandoned us. Leave now, before Willa sees you. But if I see you again, I will show no mercy." He yanked me up by my arm, and shoved me farther into the forest. 

 The force of his push knocked me down again, and I scraped my arm on a rock on my way down. I hissed in pain, clutching the bleeding scrape. I looked to where my brother had been standing, but he was nowhere to be found. 

I felt tears of frustration rise in my eyes, but I held them at bay. Even if he'd been hostile, Wyatt was right about one thing: Willa would shred me before I had a chance to speak. 

Against my better judgement and instinct, I returned to a small cabin far from the den.

Four years ago, I'd been found and captured by some superstitious human that had a bloodlust to kill werewolves. 

I just happened to be his last catch. 

I'd bided my time, acting like I was eating the food he was giving me that he thought was secretly laced with silver to poison me. Finally, he'd tried to kill me. 

I'd wrapped my hand around my moonstone necklace, making quick work of him. That night was only one year ago. 

I never regretted taking that man's life. He'd taken me from my family, turning them against me now that at least one of my siblings knew I was alive. 

Wyatt and I had always been closer, so I know he was angry with my disappearance. Willa herself had always radiated power, so it would be no surprise if she took the role of alpha.

As I entered the small building I ripped off my necklace and threw it to the side. 

Did I even deserve it anymore? 

Wyatt disowned me, Willa is going to kill me if she sees me, and I have no pack. I cried out in frustration and pulled at my signature strand of white hair, willing it to go away. 

I flopped down onto the old bed that sat menacingly in the dark corner and a cloud of dust surrounded me instantly. I sneezed and sat up. 

Something across the room caught my eye; the moonstone shone blue, calling for me. I sighed and stood up, walking over to the necklace. As I reached down to pick it up something dripped onto the stone and sizzled away in an instant. 

I looked down at my arm remembering the scrape. Being back here suddenly brought back so many memories of pain and torture. 

Three years captive in this house, three years wishing that my pack would come looking for me, three years of endless hunger. I almost fell back as the memories hit me all at once. I snatched up the necklace and threw it over my head as I quickly exited the house.

"I thought I smelled something foul." I froze.

"So, is this where you've been hiding all these years?" The voice was low and threatening. Willa.

"Hello, Willa. It's good to see you again." Before I could move I was on the ground with my face in the dirt. Willa was crouching over as she whispered in my ear.

"You should never have come back. You should have died a long time ago." I heard her deep growl and metal on metal. "You know what this is?" She showed me a glistening dagger. Silver. I started to panic and squirm, but then a voice rang out from the woods.

"WILLA!" The voice was full of hate and warning. "I told you not to come looking for her."

"I'm your leader, you don't get to tell me what I can and can't do." She smashed my head into the ground as she stood up and I groaned. 

"It was your own fault for telling me you saw her. If you're so attached to her then maybe you would like to join her." She stalked towards him snarling. I could tell her moonstone was losing its charge, though, because she gagged slightly when she growled. 

This didn't even earn a pity look from Wyatt; he stood taller, glaring at her. Her back was turned to me so I quickly tried to make my escape, but that was no good. She heard me move and was back to me in an instant. 

"Where do you think you are going?" She grabbed me and slowly pressed the point of the knife into my back. It burned, the pain was unbearable and I screamed in pain. I looked at Wyatt and pleaded for him to help as the tears rolled down my face.

"Willa! Please. She is still your sister, you don't have to do this." Wyatt ripped her arm off of me and stood between us. But it was too late, my vision was swimming and I stumbled causing myself to fall. 

My head slammed against something hard and the last thing I remember is feeling the warm liquid gushing out of my skull.