
Chapter 4: Old Habit, New Friend

~Zen's POV - Three Hours Earlier~

As dumb as it sounded, I was going to sneak out into the forest again. Yes, Dad had put an end to it, but that was when I was thirteen. I knew how to stay hidden. I was born with that instinct. At first, I waited until I knew Zed and Zoey were asleep, creeping down the stairs quietly. Dad was usually asleep by now, but I had to be extra careful just in case. I dropped into a crouch, listening for any sounds of movement from Dad's room. Deeming it safe, I made it to the door before hearing someone softly clear their throat behind me.

"Do you know what time it is, Zen?" It was Zed. Thankfully, I thought to myself. Dad would've killed me.

"Zed, please. I'm just going for a walk and coming right back. You know I have trouble sleeping." I whispered, turning to look him in the eyes. He searched my expression before sighing, giving me a short nod.

"I'm sleepwalking again. Oh no." I smiled, hugging him briefly before turning to leave. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're one of them." I gave him a look, keeping my expression neutral.

"We've been over this. Go back to bed, sleepwalker." I left the house, making sure I had my key before making a run for the woods.

It was a short ten minute walk, but running cut it in half. I felt a sense of calm and peace wash over me as I crossed the fence, the light of the half moon washing the trees in a silvery glow. I didn't have a care in the world. At least, not until I heard a twig snap behind me to my left. I whipped around, seeing a dark figure crouching in a bush.

"I can see you. You're not a very good hider." A soft chuckle came from the bush as the figure emerged, and I tensed as I recognized him.

"Willa always said I was bad at that game. Against another werewolf, anyway." Something in his eyes seemed calculating and observant, and I felt the need to defend myself.

"I'm not one of you, if that's what you're thinking, Wyatt." His smirk only grew as he stepped closer to me. I wouldn't back away. Not yet.

"So you know my name. Waylynn told me about you. Zen, a girl raised by zombies, but not born one." I glared at him.

"Don't go barking up the wrong tree. Hate to see you embarrassed." Sarcasm was dripping from my tone, but it only seemed to amuse him more. It infuriated me.

"Of course not. But there is something different about you. Tell me, does Zed know what it is?"

"No, because there's nothing he needs to know."

"You seem defensive."

"I'm not defensive." I hurried to fire back.

"That in itself is defensive."

"It is- Oh shut up!" I hissed, turning my back on him to hide my embarrassment.

"Now who's embarrassed?" Wyatt's voice practically threw his smugness at me. When I didn't turn to look at him, he sighed. "You're an interesting person, Zen."

I glanced at him over my shoulder. "Am I now? You'd be the first to say that." His brows furrowed.

"Surely you've had-"

"What, other boys say that to me? In case you forgot, I was raised by zombies. In a town that hates anything different." I cut him off sharply, arms crossed.

"Right. Then... I'm happy to be the first." Something in his tone made me look into his eyes like Zed had done with me earlier. "Zen, I-"

A howl full of anger and warning cut through the still night air, startling us both. Wyatt turned to me, eyes suddenly full of worry.

"I have to go. You need to get out of here before someone comes looking for me. Waylynn and I might be more willing to accept outsiders, but Willa definitely isn't." I nodded at him, taking a step back before steeling my nerves.

"Wyatt, wait." Before he fully turned around, I placed a soft kiss just below the two markings on his cheek. I ran before he had a chance to react.

~Present Time~

The school day had been less than eventful, dragging on as I waited for Addison and the cheerleaders to arrive and finish practice. We'd scheduled a sleepover for tonight, planning to do homework and then just have fun together.

"Hey, Zen." Eliza greeted as she sat next to me. I returned her greeting, typing away at my computer keyboard. "Is that yearbook or coding?"

"Yearbook. I'm finishing the design for the Prawn page so all it'll need is pictures." I replied.

"Can you help me with this coding assignment? There's a bug that's making the entire thing malfunction and I can't find the problem." I looked at her screen, where the coding script told me what she was doing.

"You didn't see this? There's an entire line of code missing." I stared at my friend incredulously, watching as her eyes widened.

"You're right! How did I miss that?!" She worked to fix it, sighing in relief. "Thanks, Z."

Several voices came down the hallway, alerting the two girls to the approaching cheerleaders.

"I've got to get going. See you tomorrow, Zen." Eliza left just as the cheerleaders entered, followed by Addison and Bree. I focused on my computer again, paying little attention to the movement in the corner of my eye.

"Hi, Zen!" I jumped, beanie slightly slipping from my head. I scrambled to fix it, glaring at the culprit.

"I appreciate the scare, Waylynn."

She grinned, fangs glinting in the light of the gym. I sighed, going back to what I was doing before she'd decided to scare me.