
The Return of the God Level Assassin [BL]

Author: Tyramisu
Ongoing · 10.5M Views
  • 1140 Chs
  • 4.8
    1.1K ratings
  • NO.134

What is The Return of the God Level Assassin [BL]

Read ‘The Return of the God Level Assassin [BL]’ Online for Free, written by the author Tyramisu, This book is a LGBT+ Novel, covering COMEDY Fiction, SLICEOFLIFE Light Novel, BEAUTY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: As soon as Luo Yan graduated, he immediately got an offer from a prestigious gaming company. He thought all his hard wor...


As soon as Luo Yan graduated, he immediately got an offer from a prestigious gaming company. He thought all his hard work finally paid off. And he would finally reach the pinnacle of life. But then, on his first day of work, a potted plant fell on his head and he died. Surprisingly, when he thought he would cross the Yellow River, he suddenly woke up and found himself in the body of a 17 year old boy. This body had the same name as him but completely different background. Because the original was the second young master of the Luo family - one of the most powerful family in S City. Luo Yan almost cried. God probably took pity on him and decided to give him a loving family with a wealthy background. He didn't have to work hard anymore. Studying like his life depended on it and pretending to be a holy father just to cater to people. So Luo Yan decided to be a salted fish and just shamelessly sell meng. A certain male god who always bought Luo Yan's meng: Yan Yan is so cute! Why is Yan Yan so cute?? Cold faced on the outside, a cinnamon roll on the inside Gong X Super beautiful, black-belly Shou.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :Rebirth
Volume 2 :Revival
Volume 3 :Return

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Since we're 10 chapters in, I'll be completely shameless and give myself a 5🌟. 😅 I've always wanted to write BL but never really had the opportunity or the time to do so. I'm a fujoshi thru and thru. If I've been born a guy, I would definitely be gay. LOL. 😂 That's why I'm really happy that I could finally write this. 😊 I've always loved a beautiful shou/uke. That's why I made Yan Yan super pretty. ML hasn't appeared yet. But as i've mentioned on the synopsis, he's a big cinnamon roll. And I really hope that you would love him. 😊 Lastly, I wanted to thank everyone who gave this book a chance and added it to their libraries. I hope you'll continue to enjoy reading it. Arigatou gozaimasu!~


Fufufu(〃艸〃) just found this story after long time not reading here(´~`ヾ)[with laziness still around] (´・ω・`)━( ´・ω・)━(  ´・ω)━(   )━(   )━(ω・´ )━(・ω・´)━(`・ω・´) Shamelessly put 5 star(〃艸〃) while waiting (´~`)


This story is so good that I wish the author to update more chapters good luck from meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee........


I love tyramisu's stories. I dying to read what happens next. They always surprise me and are able to keep my interest at all times. There's only 16 chapter out now but they have manage to capture my attention and i've read them twice now. I'll probably start to read it again later today cause it's Just so interesting and I love This story


Reveal spoiler


You know a story is good when you just started reading that day and are at the last available chapter wondering how you finished so fast and what is the release schedule.


This book is flat out amazing! I love how it keeps your attention and makes you NEED to know what will happen next. I'm not sure if the main focus of the book will be inside the game or IRL but either way I could see this turning into a book I would read many times. Thank you author and I can't wait to see what happens next 💜


I like how the story goes so far. I also hope that the update can be a lot faster...................................\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥


This is my first BL novel I read on webnovel hehe. So I will not add in any spoilers as there are just 10 chapters for now. The story is easy to follow and there are plenty of dialogue and interaction between characters. It is simple, yet intriguing to follow. The side characters (especially family) are very doting and lovable and it makes the reader go "aww". Cant wait for more updates and I will update the review again once the author completes the story :) #Shotas4life


Omg I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this novel. The characters are so cute and funny. I especially love the MC. He’s just so cute but also very badass. And also Luo Jin (the very tsundere younger brother😂😂). The family interactions with the MC are SO heartwarming and lovely and even though the ML has only met with the MC for a few short scenes so far, their chemistry is already so explosive and really makes you squeal in excitement!!😍😍😍


I'm going to give you a 5 star because I didn't notice they were gay until chapter 31. I'm personally not so I'm going to stop here but just know you got me. I just noticed BL mean boy love. I'm going to stop reading but it's a pretty good book for people that like that stuff.


Oh my god. this is the BEST bl book ive ever read on webnovel.💖💖💖 And when it comes to all the BL books ive ever read....well id put the author right up there next to MXTX and her works!!!!💖💖💖💖 Its so wholesome and satisfying! The MC and ML are EXACTLY the kinds that ive been looking for since forever!!! I love their personalities so much!! And the plot development is just so perfect! Every new experience has me clinging to the book in a good way! The story is just enough to keep you hooked and Craving for more! Both the MC’s interactions with the ML and his own family leave you feeliNg so happy and fluffy inside! Then come the game elements of the story and i cant even find the words to describe how amazing they are!! I actually wish i was living in the book! One thing is for certain. If There Are any readers out there who just cant seem to find the right BL book, then i highly recommend this one! Regardless of what ur looking for, if you wanna feel good then this is the story for you. KUDOS TO THE AUTHOR!🥳😎🥰💖💖🤗 (Thankyou so much Tyramisu-san~)


I love ittttt!!!! Gosh darn, it really appeals to me. I love the different characters and their descriptions so far. Most video GAM stories are usually confusing to me as the plot is centered on the game itself as well the life the character lives within the game, so I don't really get much of the main character's back story as well as the fact that it seems like the character has no life outside the game, its kinda off putting, but this one isn't like that and even better its BL. So thumbs up to the author


This swept me off my feet just by the first chapter! I'm looking forward to reading more of this awesome novel! Like I'm lucky to have found this since it captured my attention right away!


I love the story and everything (especially the characters and their adorable interactions), but progress of the plot is so damn slow, there can be up to 20 chapters in a row with nearly 0 plot progression! Very frustrating when one chapter has pretty much the same thing as the five chapters before it.


Everything is so cute and Yan Yan's character is more cuteeeeee~~~! I love the family and their character. Love the ml and also hoping for a good rivals since im only at chap 92~ hope this ends good. Keep it up author~


The only thing that's bad about this is that.. THERE AREN'T ENOUGH CHAPTERS-- I NEED MORE- PLEASE- IM GONNA CRY IF I DONT GET MORE 😭😭😭 Just kidding, go at your own pace, author! “ψ(`∇´)ψ


This novel is very interesting,I like how the story progress throughout the story line. And the fact that it didn't take the ML and the MC so long just to get to know each other and realize each other right away. Overall I enjoy reading this novel.


A second-chance BL with a bunny shou-type MC. If you love cute fluff and a warm-hearted storyline, this is the story for you! You can expect a solid plot, many memorable side characters, and plenty of laughs along the way! This story is heavily focused on the VR gameplay, but that doesn't stop the lucky MC from being a winner in real life either! Read this story, you won't regret it!


Reveal spoiler


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