
The Return of the Demon King of Destruction

Valshin · Fantasy
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Start of a New Beginning

500 years back there lived a demon king who was known for his power so powerful that even the Gods and the other demon king feared him he was known as the demon king of destruction even though feared by all he had no intention of killing anyone all he wanted was peace for his people but the humans had no intention for peace they attacked his kingdom out of anger he attacked them against his raged the human kingdom fall. He thought that it ended but the war was far from over. The human's prayed to the Gods for a hero and a holy sword that could kill the demon king, the Gods granted the humans a holy sword and chose a hero that could weld the holy sword, even with the hero and the holy sword they were still no match for him. Soon the demon king realises that the human would never stop hurting his people till he exists so he went to the hero and called him to his castle the hero thought that it was a trap and didn't accept and the war went on and many humans and demons died the demon king went to the hero several times till the hero finally accepted once they reached the castle the demon king told the hero to seal him but the hero refused to seal and told him that if he sealed him he could break out the seal and eliminate all of the humans, the demon king said yes I will break out by it eventually but not in 700 years or so and also the holy sword can kill me but your power is still very weak to kill me if you want to try then try the hero use the holy sword to stab him but it only injured him, the demon king said see I told you even with the holy sword you can't kill I want to keep my people save and you want to save yours so seal me and tell them you have killed me and make a peace treaty between the two kingdoms and it should keep both mine and your people safe. Now it's your choice to make yourself strong enough to kill me and lose many innocent lives or seal me and save many lives choose fast and the hero said I will seal you away and save lives yes! that's my choice, good now hero do it and the hero chant a sealing spell and sealed the demon king. After that, the hero did exactly as the demon king told and stopped the further conflict. Grandpa is the demon king a bad man no sweetheart but yes he was a very bad guy for bad people, Eula

Unknown man- Hey little girl do you hear me

Eula- Yes, who are you, and where am I

Unknown man- We are in your mind little girl

Eula- Stop calling me little girl I have a name and it is Eula and if it's my mind then why are you here

Unknown man- I am the demon king of destruction and my name is Daímonas tis katastrofís

Eula- What daimo is kata

Unknown man- Daímonas tis katastrofís

Eula - Your name is so hard let me shorted it okay

Unknown man - Okay

Eula - hmm, oh I know Daitas yes Daitas

Daitas - Okay I'll accept it after all you are a little girl

Eula - Don't call me little girl my name is Eula

Daitas - Okay Eula I have a very important question to ask you are you ready to answer the question

Eula - Yes what is the question

Daitas - Are you ready the accept the little brother that is going to be born soon

Eula - No actually I think my parents won't treat me like they do now that's what my friends

Daitas - I have a solution let me be your little brother and I will tell your parents to treat us equally okay

Eula - Okay, how are you going to do that by the way

Daitas - I am going to need your help do you know where is the demon king of destruction sealed

Eula - Aren't you the demon king of destruction Daitas

Daites - Indeed I am but because of the seal I can't come out but you let me out will you help me Eula or should I say, big sister

Eula - No need for that I am ready to help now tell me how

Next Day

Eula - Kaizo come here quickly

Kaizo - Why are we here by the way

Eula - I don't know about you but I am here for my brother Daitas

Kaizo - When did you name your brother

Eula - Yesterday I met him in my dream

Kaizo - What a waste of time Eula it was only a dream

Eula - We have reached our destination the place where the demon king of destruction is seal

Kaizo - what this is not where the demon king of destruction is seal let me guide you there Eula if you want to go there

Eula - Kaizo stand back "Eímai o apógonos tou daímona tis katastrofís, apeleftheróno dia tou paróntos ti sfragída pou ríchtike ston prógono mou"

Kaizo - How did her spell work none of the spells she has cast has work what is that spell

Eula - Kaizo look, my brother

Kaizo - It looks like some kind of vessel Eula where are going

Eula - Home dummy

Kaizo - Wait for me

Eula - Phew I have finally reached the last phase for the ritual Daitas get ready

Kaizo - What are you doing Eula why did you put it in your mom's womb no that shouldn't be the question how did you even put it

Eula - Kaizo don't worry about it

A few weeks later

Mitera - Eula wake up it's time for school

Eula - Five more minutes mom

Mitera - Eula wake up immediately or you won't get any breakfast

Eula - Okay I will wake up

Mitera - Good

Eula - Dad I don't want to go to school

Askastro - Why Is it so

Eula - Because school is boring

Askastro - That reason is not good enough for you to stop going to school

Eula - No fair

Mitera - Eula come let's go

Eula - Okay mom

Eula and Mitera walk together to Eula school

Mitera - Eula you will be fine

Eula - No I won't be fine they will laugh at me because I have no mana

Mitera - You don't need mana only the weak have mana and besides you have friends right

Eula - Yes but only one Kaizo I think soon he is also going to laugh at me for not having mana

Mitera - Kaizo will never do that okay sweetie

When Eula enters the class someone shoots a paper ball

Eula - Who did it

Ntias - It was me do you have any problem with that

Eula - No sorry for the distribution Ntias

Kaizo - Why are you saying sorry Eula it's not your fault it's Ntias fault

Eula - Stop Kaizo I don't want to fight

Ntias - Yes Kaizo she doesn't want to beaten

Kaizo - Why fight with her if you are very strong fight with me

Ntias - I'm okay with that

Eula - Kaizo stop and Ntias we are going

Kaizo - But but Eula

All other children starts at Eula

Kaizo - Everyone stop it don't you guys feel ashamed of yourself bullying a single girl just because she doesn't have any mana

Ntias - Well yes, Kaizo why do you even stand up for the worthless girl oh don't say me you like her

Kaizo - It is not that but I stand up for her because even if she doesn't mana she is still one of us and besides everyone has their own problems right

Ntias - What ever let's go fighting is useless we already have enough fun

Eula - Why did you stand up for me a manaless girl

Kaizo - Didn't you hear anything I said Eula and a quick question about the mock battle are you ready Eula

Eula - What the mock battle is today

Kaizo - You forgot didn't you

Eula - What will I do Kaizo help me please

After sometime the mock battle finally commence, the parents of all of the students came

Commenter 1 - Welcome lady's and gentlemen the Chevalier Noir elementary school mock battle is finally commencing and without wasting any time let's begin the mock battle and the first round of the mock battle is between Eula Chevalier Phénix and Ntias Chevalier Platine

let the battle commence

Eula - What will I do I am going to lose what should I do what should I do

Ntias - There is only one thing you can do forfeit loser manaless girl

Daitas - Are you going to give up so easily big sister Eula the sister I know will never give up

Eula - You are right Daitas I won't give up so easily and if I lose I will lose by giving everything I got thanks Daitas

Daitas - Since you at a disadvantage I think I can help to make it fair and best of luck sister

Commenter 2 - Coming from my left is Ntias of Chevalier Platine family and from my right is Elaine of Chevalier Phénix family. First let me tell the competitors the rules number one all types of magic is allow except death spells number two no cheating and last rule after the match is over if you lose you should not hold any grudge, I hope all the competitors understand now without any delay let's begin the match

Ntias - You are fool if you think you can win Elaine

Elaine - I know I can't win against you but I will give my best so that I can prove to everyone that even if I am manaless I can fight like everyone else

Ntias - Okay then show me what you got Elaine here I come

Commenter 2 - Looks like the both of the competitors are very serious about this fight, Ntias is using 1st tier fire magic fire bullet and wow Elaine is using a claymore to block the fire bullet by Ntias, Elaine is strong for her age right

Commenter 1 - You are right but Ntias isn't weak either he's very a talented mage and Elaine is at disadvantage

Commenter 2 - How please tell me

Commenter 1 - Elaine doesn't have any mana which is why she can't use magic and is in severe disadvantage

Commenter 2 - Well that is a problem indeed but it doesn't seem to effect the battle in any how

Commenter 1 - Well time will tell who is the winner. Wow! Ntias Is using 3rd tier water magic Water Strike and Elaine is severely injured I guess Ntias is going to win this battle

Ntias - Elaine just surrender and I won't hurt you more

Elaine - Never will I surrender I don't care if I get injured I don't care if I win or lose I will not surrender so Ntias please give me best shot let me lose will honor please Ntias

Ntias - Okay Elaine but don't complain if I hurt you badly

Elaine - Thanks

Commenter 2 - Well it seems the battle is taking a interesting turn both of them are really fired up

Commenter 1 - Yup they are really fired up.

While the battle was becoming more intense Daitas went to the realm of the death to meet someone

Daitas - Long time no see old friend Chevalier Phénix

Chevalier Phénix - Why are you here your majesty how can I be of any help

Daitas - You can be helpful in many ways

Chevalier Phénix - I am very pleased to hear that your majesty

Daitas - I need you to grant someone some of power or to be precise I want you to grant your blessings to your great great great great granddaughter Elaine

Chevalier Phénix - Even though I grant her my blessings she is not going to be able use is anytime she wants only on very rare occasion she will be able to use it

Daitas - When to be precise

Chevalier Phénix - In times of absolute necessity like a life and death

Daitas - I am sure she is going to be happy with that too

Chevalier Phénix - Okay then I shall grant her my blessings your majesty

Daitas - Thanks old friend

4 months later

Eula - Mom let me see my little brother

Mitera - Okay sweetie here take a look

Eula - He is so cute oh have you decided his name

Mitera - No actually

Grandpa - Eula why don't you decide

Eula - Thanks Grandpa his name is Daitas

Grandpa - What does the name mean

Eula - Well it is the short form of the full name

Askastro - What is the full name

Eula - Daímonas tis katastrofís

Grandpa - What where did you learn that

Eula - Daitas told me in my dream

Mitera - Haha Eula you are very creative

Eula - Mom I am not lying Daitas he also told me about a ritual to break the seal that the hero cast upon the demon king of destruction where it was if you don't believe me ask Kaizo

Mitera - Okay we believe you Eula dear

Eula - Really thanks mom can I carry the baby

Mitera - Sure

Eula - Daitas is crying mom