
broly fused with hulk

As the underworld trembled at the roar released by raditz it seemed as if he was undergoing some kind of transformation that has never happened before

his hair got wilder more primal ( like a ssj type hair strands ) his eyes changed from the well known dark brown almost black eyes to a dark crimson with a slit pupils and his gritted teeth grew fangs similar to a ozaru ( forgive the spelling if wrong 😅 ) as his skin tanned slightly

than almost as if he became a powerful transcendent being he made his presence known to the underworld by letting out a dark and powerful roar that sounded like a combination between a demonic beast and a ozaru that shook the realm one final time as a pillar of dark purple malicious Ki shoot into the sky

as the light faded it showed a naked but perfectly healed and brand new raditz as he glares at the hood skull creature in front of him as he asks " why ? " the hooded skull tilled it's ' skull ' to the side in slight confusion

raditz realized that he was not specific with choice of work so he asked again differently " why did you make me a scepter ? it's one thing to give me power but why this " the ' skull ' seemed to have understood better than replied with a voice that would annoy but horrify living people due to how deep and distorted it is " the underworld is seen a dumping ground for sinful souls second only to pergetory so the underworld decided to bring back the scepter and show the multiverse that even people as strong as the omni king is capable of suffering the consequences of all his wrong doing as well as making the underworld a place to be feared again in exchange for your revenge "

when he heard this he was surprised but knew that it is too good to be true but knew time wasn't on his side and if his enemies somehow found out about him too early than it will be games over for him so he simply sighs " very well I accept the offer and now I would like to start my training to prepare and plan for revenge and what now looks like restoring balance to the equation " the ' skull ' nods in agreement and turns around to leave but stops and look at him in the eyes with it's glowing crimson orbs " I recommend you go to the rising tower behind you inside it is someone powerful who will train you and get you up to date without wasting time .. oh and here's some clothes for you " as a hand of bones reaches out to him than a black fog washes over raditz than as it disappears he is revealed to be wearing a white tight vest with baggy pants that a sull grey with black leather bracers around both wrists

raditz nods his thanks as the skull vanishes leaving him alone as he stands up and looks at the tower as he begins to think out loud " ok so I can just fly there and arrive quickly and still fresh but I need to get use to my new power level and strength so I will walk there unless I meet an opponent who is stronger or much more experienced in combat I will push hard to beat them all and maybe I can use this to get summons or minions to make information gathering and infiltration easier " and with he wondered into the unknown ready to fight until the very end.

slow updates so please be patient as my imagination is the fuel for this and it has a mind of it's own for some reason¯\_(ツ)_/¯

please keep supporting me it keeps me motivated

damian_xaviercreators' thoughts