
the return of my ex (ghost) girlfriend

what would happen if the person you loved more then your life left you behind it would be devastating won't it but what about the person stuck in the time zone between two worlds just for her lover who she would do anything for won't it be more amusing to witness that but now what about a person stuck between these two people who love each other but also can't be together because it's impossible because that's against nature and you're one of the reason they can't be together since you're between them well that might not be that exciting for her but would be an adventure for sure a rollercoaster of emotions where they live (2/3), love (complicated) and laugh(well most of the time) together but the cries, devastation and emotions aren't hidden either let's see their journey of friendship and love and how they will discover new things with the help of each other. This is the story of Lia and Liam who love each other but because of unwanted circumstances they can't be together 5 years later Liam meets Mia and some sparkles happen between them but what about Lia who is still stuck in this world because of her love for Liam what is going to happen in this complicated life of these 3 and what are the discoveries they are gonna make together through hardship, pain, confusion and some supernatural powers(maybe)but one thing for sure they will overcome all struggles together or will they?

museumoflife · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The return of dead lover

"Hello 911, hello officer an accident occurred at the downtown Street, near the coffee shop ...."

"ahh ouch ahh, woah that seemed like a big accident gosh huh but i feel fine weird "

"huh what is this person talking about near my car oh gosh it's all crushed oh dear lord I'm so lucky to survive but i should ask someone for help my head still hurts "

as Lia was about to ask the women standing by her car for help she overhears her conversation on the phone

"yes a truck collided with a car, oh no officer it seems like the victim is dead but we aren't sure yet yes please hurry".

"huh wait what dead gosh what kind of nonsense is tha....."

she suddenly saw a body in her car all covered with blood and it was her body she was shocked this was unbelievable

"huh wha... what is that!! what happened to me why am I lying there what the hell what's going on "

she looked at herself again right now she didn't had any injuries on her body she tried to touch the lady standing by her car and now it all seemed to make a little more sense

"wh...why...why can't I touch this women why is my hand going through her body? what is happening"

she cried, as she was in the middle of processing all these thoughts police arrived they checked her body and informed others that Lia was dead

she was stunned and really sad what now how can this happen if she's dead why is she still in this world she was thinking to herself as she saw an officer call someone with a name she was very familiar with....

"hello is this Mr. Liam I'm talking to "

"sir do you know someone named Lia..."

"huh Liam.....Liam!!! what about him what will happen to him my Liam what should I do, wait am i really dead am i a spirit now why, why, why did this happen to me it was supposed to be my happy day today"

she was really confused and wanted to think all of this was a dream but no that was her reality when she realised it she cried, she cried so much that even the tears were flowing down from her physical (dead) body it was one strange event where the emotions of a soul overpowered nature .

In the midst of everything she saw that her body was being taken away she tagged along while sitting on her own body and reached the hospital where she finally saw the person she wanted to see the most even while taking her last breath ,

"hello do you know a patient named Lia , i was asked to come here so do you know where she is"

"huh Liam he... he finally came "

she placed hands on her mouth while crying and sniffing.

She was in utter shock when she saw how desperate Liam was, she wanted to comfort him and in reality the only person who could comfort him was her but no use since she was not a part of this world anymore.

When Liam was finally in front of her body she saw his eyes filled with tears, she saw how he was crying like a child how he was begging her to not leave him she saw everything but couldn't do anything then Liam said something that completely shattered her....

"Lia look what i got for you Lia it's a ring, a ring for you, you wanted to Marry me right...right see i got a ring for you now we can get married we can be together forever Lia..now please wake up please Lia..."

"Liam ....Liam forgive me please Liam I'm sorry why, why didn't i listen to you why did I use my phone while driving Liam I'm so sorry I'm also sorry for not seeing this coming i should have saw this coming when that bastard threatened me I'm sorry Liam I'm sorry that i didn't tell you anything...."

she hugged her lover as she was crying and she kept hugging him throughout the night he might have not felt it physically but he definitely felt a spiritual sensation but he wasn't in his right mind and didn't realise that his dead lover was still with him one way or another, just like this they both were together and unknowingly promised each other to stay together that even death couldn't do them apart.

5 Years later...

"uh uh where are my shoes gosh I'm already late ugh where are they"

"they are literally right besides you gosh just let me help you again as always " Lia shrugged her shoulders while making the shows fly and placed them right in front of Liam,

"huh woah how did they appear in front of me all of a sudden well whatever I'm already late and it's not like it's the first time this has happened to me"

he shrugged his shoulders while putting in the shoes, taking his keys and rushing

"my Mr. perfect is really not that perfect huh how many time has it been that I've helped you oh gosh"

said the glowing spirit sitting on the couch know as Lia the old lover .

"ok I'm out I'll be back soon" he said that and closed the door and rushed to work .

"I still don't understand why he always says so when he lives alone " she said while softly smiling .

"hey li booh!!!"

someone jumpscared her from the behind as she was busy in her thoughts,

"oh gosh please how many times have i told you not to do that it scares me and for 'god's sake' when are you going to say my name correctly"

"Li how many times have i told you not to say that forbidden word and you're my li hmp I'll call you like them huh "

said the floating spirit while crossing her arms

"what word.. oh! the word that starts from 'g' and ends with 'd' huh..haha"

Lia said while laughing and teasing her friend

"come on li you know we don't like that word and that word is like a taboo among us they say if you say that word something bad will happen "

"yeah yeah sure my little Aisha haha i won't say that word anymore don't worry "

"ugh please don't call me with that name I've told you so many times already" she pouts

"oh ok yeah sorry i forgot your name is 'Ava' now sorry haha i know you don't like that name since it means life and ironically you died at the young age of 15" Lia laughs and pets Ava's head.

"Guys, guys can you already stop it now we need to go i told you we are going to meet another spirit today"

"oh your boyfriend is here sis"

Ava says while placing her hand on her mouth and grinning looking at Evan's face

"oh gosh i told you already that we are not in a relationship stop it already you little troublemaker"

Lia says while smacking Ava's head

"ah ouch! it hurts Li"

"oh yeah , yeah we're not like that haha...ha " Evan does an obvious fake laugh while saying so,

"ok now if you are done shall we go already " Evan changed the topic while trying not to make eye contact with Lia

"yeah let's go, by the way why are we meeting this spirit Evan you haven't told us yet"

Lia says while placing her hands on Ava's shoulder

"oh actually i don't know either one of my friends told me that i should go and must see this spirit i don't know why though"

"oh ok let's go maybe it's something important you never know "

Lia says as they proceeds to leave

"oh hii guys where is the spirit"

Evan says on reaching the location and waving at his friends that seemed rather old "oh he is here!! let's show it to him"

the group talked among themselves while bringing a box towards the group of 3

"huh what's in this box " asked Ava

"let me open this and see"

Evan took the box from the old spirits hands and opened it. As soon they saw what was inside the box all 3 of them looked at each other with confused expressions and at the same time..

"A cat!!!!" they shouted

"yes a cat someone killed this little being so we thought maybe we should give it to Evan since he said he likes cats"

said the old spirit that somehow looked wiser than the others

"oh yeah sure i do like them but why is a cat here why is it stuck between the 2 worlds of death and life"

Evan asked while taking out the small cat and hugging it

" well we don't know about that maybe she does have some attachments because of which she can't leave this world" said the wise old man

"yeah ok understandable but what do you mean by 'killed'who killed this little kitten" asked Ava and the rest two also looked curiously at the old spirit waiting for an answer,

"you see in this world everyone says they are animal lovers but only like one kind of animal and that is dogs they don't like cats specially someone like this little buddy" said the wiser old spirit.

Lia looked at the cat and noticed that it was black which are said to be bad luck

"so they killed her just because she's a black cat this world is really something else "

Lia said while petting the cat

"sis shouldn't we do something else as well " Ava said while petting the cat and smirking

"oh shall we"

Lia smirked back this kinda took Evan off guard he looked at them concerned and said

"you guys really scare me sometimes " he scratched his head .

"ok let's go" they all asked some details from the old spirits and rushed somewhere

"oh there they are haha found those Little bastards"

said Ava while cracking her knuckles

"ok let's get it done with "

Lia said while looking at Evan as they both nodded and smiled at each other .

They were here to punish the group of middle school boys who were responsible for the cat's death .

Lia grabbed a bunch of stones and distributed them among the three of them then all three of them threw the stones at the boys continuously, the boys were confused and scared while they were figuring out what was happening,

"ah what the who is it come forward you coward" one of the boy shouted while trying to save himself from the rock attack

Ava took their bags from their shoulders and swinged them in air which scared the boys even more then Evan pulled their shoes which made the boys fall on the ground

"ah...ahh who is...who is it ahhh!!!" the boys cried, in the midst of all these Lia took their water bottles out and threw the water on them she took out a pen from one of the boys bag and started to write something on a notebook the boys looked at the it and read it together it said

"never ever try to hurt another animal ever because the animal can hurt you too and you won't like that trust me this my last warning" the boys got scared and ran away while shouting

"help, help ghost! ghost!!!!!!"

"ah really he called us ghost i can't believe him that punk"

Lia said while shaking her head with an annoyed voice

"ah forget it don't pay attention to them they all are the same at least we had fun with them haha"

Ava said while petting Lia's shoulder and laughing

"yeah whatever let's go I'm getting late i need to go to Liam's office"

Lia said while hurriedly rushing away

"oh looks like you still don't have a chance you poor soul" Ava said while laughing and teasing Evan ,

"yeah whatever let's just go already and let's get to know the cat more shall we "

Evan ignored her and they went back .

Lia reached Liam's office and went straight to his desk but Liam wasn't on his desk she overhead some colleagues of Liam talking among themselves about a new employee turns out Liam went with the employee to show her around, she searched for Liam and finally found him near the cafeteria

"oh Liam looks so good with this new girl doesn't he"

"oh yeah he sure do I mean he's the most good looking employee in our team but the girl is nothing less than him she is gorgeous even i feel like i might fall for her haha "

Lia overhead some employees talking about Liam and the new girl she didn't like that for some reasons she was busy in her thoughts when she suddenly saw Liam smiling and looking at the new girl with gentle eyes .

"huh why is Liam looking at her like that isn't she just a new employee why does it looks like Liam is interested in her "

Lia was talking to herself while biting her nails and then all of a sudden the heel of the new girl broke and as she was about to fall Liam saved her , Lia was looking at them with her mouth open with utter shock and disbelief
