

A circus adventure of a girl named Calypssa. She accidentally went  to Maru Temple which existed hundred  years ago This temple is known for its different mysteries There is a story that the heart of this temple lost hundred years ago The goddess living at the temple disappear after the heart had lost The myth says that the goddess had a child but no one can prove it. Calypssa, an 18 year old girl happened to crossed the line between past and present Find out what will happen to Calypssa on her adventure in the past Will she be able to comeback? Or she will be forever lock up on the past Can she unravel the untold stories? Can she found the long lost heart of temple? Will she encounter some trusted people on her way? Can she determine what are the truths and the lies? Can she answered all the answers that they been seeking all these years? Can you return Calypssa?

lavandeerrrr · Fantasy
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Ang liwang at dilim ay magsasama

Mga sikretong pilit tinatago ay unti unting mabubunyag

Siya ang liwanag at kadiliman

Siya ang dahilan ng kapayapaan at kaguluhan

Puso nya'y titibok sa dalawa

Dalawa ang magnanais sa pagibig na totoo,ngunit isa lang ang mananalo

Hindi mabilang na mga pagtataksil

Siya'y mawawasak at muling mabubuo

Hawak nya ang susi

Siya ang sagot

Siya ang gamot

genníthike o epilegménos...