

Once the called the Guardian of Universe. The strongest alive. He didn't want any responsibilities but was forced by fate..... Betrayed,after sustaining serious injuries during a long fight against a long time enemy,he was besieged by his very friends and woman. Heavily wounded,he was killed but before he died he condensed a part of his soul and his legacy. after several years,he was reborn. follow the guardian on his thirst for revenge.

Nobleman4 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Arthur was bleeding and running. His stamina was running out. But the jaguar had no plans on stopping, it was determined to eat this human for dinner.

Arthur kept on thinking of what to do, he had to get rid of the jaguar because the jaguar was already almost near him, he could hear its legs hitting the ground with great speed , and even the occasional feel growl of the Demon beast.

When he was about fifty feet from leaving the forest and entering the view of the town , the jaguar with a great bound, leaped and tackled Arthur from behind, they both fell down with the jaguar trying to pin down Arthur, but he did not allow it because that will spell the end of him.

As they were wrestling, the jaguar scratch his left injured shoulder again almost cutting his hand off, Arthur screamed with pain, his breath grew raspy and rapid, the pain was too overwhelming, with great amount of effort he managed to separate from the Demon Beast.

The jaguar pounced on Arthur again, but he was ready for it. Ge dodged to the side and slashed his sword at the Demon beast hindquarters, the jaguar growled with pain and tried to slash him again with it's claws but Arthur drew back and then suddenly move forward to strike it's foreleg. The blow connect but Arthur wasn't strong enough to deal fatal damage to the demon beast. To make matters worse he was still bleeding and the movements in battle mad the wounds worse drawing a sharp breath from him.

Just as he was loosing hope on surviving this unfortunate encounter, the Demon beast made another leap with it's mouth wide open, showing long fangs and bite off Arthurs head, he had a flash of inspiration and then Threw the Rank 1 sowrd at the demon beast mouth.

The Demo beast wanted to close its mouth but it was too late to do so, and the sword flew Into the jaguar's mouth, piercing through its mouth, the "shadow winged jaguar" slumped to the floor and vomited blood. It tried to weakly stand to it's feet, its eyes that were lively before suddenly dimmed.

Arthur has successfully slain a beast that even Core Realm experts will find it difficult to kill.

Arthur was not In the right condition to celebrate, he had lost so many blood and was still loosing more.

He knew he couldn't stay here for long, so he dragged himself to the slain demon beast and dug out it's Core. Every beast from the demon rank has a core.

He dragged himself up a tree as he was too exhausted to walk the remaining stretch to the town .

After two days he woke up, and he was not surprised to see that his body had healed up completely. Despite that he had not awakened his body always heal up after he got injured, no matter how serious the injures are, that was the only reason he started a risky work like hunting.

But this was the first time he was really badly injured and he had spent two days in the forest, he started worrying about his sister.

Arthur has a gem hanging down his neck, it was a stone with so many colors in it like a rainbow. His parents told him that he was born with it clenched in his fist at birth.

The stone has always been with him.

He got down from the tree and started rushing back to the town, his profits this time was really great, with the demon beast core he could sell it and maybe move away from the slums he and his sister loved in.

Just as he entered town and rushed home to meet his sister. But when he got home, he couldn't find her.

"Liza"! "Liza"!! " Elizabeth"!!!

"Brother is back"

Unfortunately he couldn't find Liza.

He was distraught with grief. He had always warned her not to go far from home, but being a curious child, she would not listen.

Just as he was about loosing his mind, suddenly someone appeared before him.

A young woman, whose face was covered with a veil, but even with the veil covering her, it was easily seen that she was an absolute beauty, she was darb in white clothes which did justice to her figure.

She was breathtakingly beautiful even with her veil.

But her eyes could be seen, which was sea blue in color, radiating coldness that it could freeze a soul. Those eyes were scrutinizing Arthur with so much intensity that made him feel comfortable. The eyes had barely scrutinized him for a few seconds before loosing their interest.

"My name is Elder Matilda, from the snowmoon guild in the central continent"

Arthur was lost, he only knew from his parents about how the continents were divided Into four. Hearing that there was another continent made things hard for him to understand. But how does it relate with his sister's disappearance.

Just as he was about to ask, Elder Matilda spoke again.

"I know you're wondering how there's another continent apart from the four known ones, but that's the truth. There are lots of things you don't know since you live in this backend of the continent.

"Wait don't interrupt me" She snapped at Arthur when she noticed he was about to say something.

" I was passing through here, when I sensed the holder of a 'ice moon body' "

"You don't know what it means, but in simpler terms, it is one of the immortal body constitution known. Those blessed with the ice moon body can cultivate the rare ice and moon energy".

"Liza, your sister has this body"

She stopped to see Arthur's reactions but was disappointed when she didn't see any notable reactions.

Did he even understand what I have been saying since?