
The Result of Greed

For two long years a demon has been traveling throughout the world and abducting people. Every single person it took could be considered greedy in one way to another, and no place on earth was spared of these strange disappearances. It was the world’s great mystery, up until some of them started to reappear with incredible powers and stories of another world. At that moment I decided to give this world a visit. The demon would be coming for me sooner or later anyways, after all I am rather greedy. -------------------------- Also on Royalroad under the name Hurdle.

Huurdle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 14

The goddess glared at me from across the table as she picked up the small booklet and began to flip through its pages.

"You expect me to read through all this?"

I leaned back in the chair, "Read? Quite frankly I couldn't care less how you choose to follow the rules listed there. All I care about is that it is done."

She slowly set the booklet back down on the table.

"And what's stopping me from taking the information from you by force?"

I held up my hands in mock fear, "Oooh, scary, but I wouldn't try it. You can't access the information without my help. Matter a fact it destroys itself if it's tampered with too much."

"Oh, then maybe I should torture it out of you, or perhaps I should just leave you in the void for a couple hundred years. That would put you in a more cooperative mood."

"No actually, that would have quite the opposite effect. I'd just leave and give the next closest god the same offer, alongside the knowledge that they could have been hunting down the earthlings much, much sooner if a certain someone hadn't blown this negotiation."

"And you believe I'd let you just waltz out of my domain?"

"Well, not waltz per say, but I can definitely leave."

"Then prove it."


She shot up from her chair, "Oh, so this is all one big bluff then?"

I sighed, "You're the god of lies. Do I look like I'm lying? Think about it carefully, your namesakes on the line here."

She stared at me a moment longer, before leaning in so close that I could feel her breath on me, and slowly her eyes widened in surprise.

"You're telling the truth."

"Glad you think so, and now that the two of us are finally on equal footing for this deal, let's get it underway. I do have other things to do today."

She stared at me a moment longer before sitting back in her chair.

"You are rather bold."

I grinned, "I've been told that, but I didn't come here today for the compliments."

"Yes, you wanted a power. What form do you wish for it to take? Keep in mind that it must fit with my abilities."

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh, but your brother seemed capable of granting any power?"

"And that would fit with his abilities. Now what power do you want?"

My smile brightened, "I couldn't help but notice the illusion magic you used at the entrance of this town. Useful stuff that."

She hummed for a moment and tapped her fingers along the desk, "I can't just give you a power like that. It's more of a discipline; something to be learned. What I can do is give you the talent to learn it."

"So you can't just give me mastery in illusion magic? That's somewhat disappointing. What about talent in the magic akin to you? I'm sure a goddess like you could accomplish that."

She stared at me for a moment before bursting out into laughter.

"You seem to be forgetting yourself, boy."

She glared at me from across the table, but I simply chuckled.

"I'm hardly a boy, but I appreciate the flattery. However, I think you're misinterpreting the value of this information."

"Oh, and do tell how I'm doing that."

"My people are a technologically advanced group, and while most of us don't have the knowledge required to take advantage of this. Some do."

I leaned back in the chair, "Tell me, do you know what gunpowder is?"


"Think of it like fire in a bottle. Deadly stuff, capable of killing somebody from miles away or leveling mountains if one has enough. And do you want to know the real kicker? It's easy to make, anyone with knowledge of the process could do it."

I grinned, "And let me tell you this goddess. My people are cruel beyond measure. They're more than willing to use such a weapon."

"You come in here with horror stories of weapons that may not even appear and ask for mastery and talent in magic at the level of a god. Do I look like a joke to you?"

I waved my hand, "Oh enough of that. You're well aware I've been telling the truth."

She stared at me a moment longer before gritting her teeth, "Your information has value, but you still ask for too much."

"I'm not asking to suddenly become an expert in the subject. Just for my body and mind to readily accept the task of learning it. Surely that's not asking for too much?"

"... it suppose, but it's still a high price."

I smiled, "You shouldn't view me through the same lens you use for others."

"Oh, do enlighten me. How exactly are you different?"

My smile faded for a moment, "Because I intend to kill you one day, goddess."



She broke out in deep guttural laughter across the desk as I stared expressionlessly towards her.

Eventually she calmed down and wiped a tear from her eye.

"You want to kill me, the goddess of lies, using illusion magic? My own specialty?"

I shrugged, "Amongst other things."

She smiled brightly and slammed her fist down on the table sending cracks shooting down the wood, "Then I accept the challenge. Have your talent, but be aware that you'll never be able to best me with it"

I rolled my eyes, "There's actually one more thing I want from you."

"You dare ask for more? What is it now?"

"Mark me as your champion, I have a feeling the higher ups in this town won't appreciate me being here, and I'd like to keep my head on my shoulders for a while longer.

She looked me up and down, "True, your attire isn't exactly going to keep your status as a lowerworlder hidden, but I can't just give you the mark. It would bring you too much trust with my church."

"Then how about this. Leave the mark on me for a week and then afterwards take it away. During that time I promise to not abuse the privilege. If I do then the powers that be may rip my body to shreds on the spot."

"You are aware that these contracts are fully binding, correct?"


She spoke with venom in her voice, "Then we have a deal, lowerworlder. I look forward to killing you one day."

"And I you, god of lies."


I reappeared in the church covered in golden light. All eyes turned towards me as the light became malleable and floated through the air; eventually circling back to me and burning through my shirt and entering my shoulder. It snaked its way into me, and moments later took the form of a golden fox tattooed upon my skin.

A priestess quickly ran up to me with tears in her eyes and bowed towards me, "He's been chosen by the goddess! He's a champion of the goddess!"

Tears flowed down her face as others in the church began to walk towards me with awe in their eyes.

I raised my arms warmly, "Now, now. Let's not make this into a big deal. Me and the goddess simply share ideals, and she rewarded me for that."

The priestess's eyes widened, "You spoke to the goddess?!"

The sound of the adoring crowd was broken by the sound of platemail hitting stone, as an absolutely ripped old man walked through the entrance.

His eyes locked onto me and narrowed slightly.

Nobody acknowledged his presence, but the dragon scale armor didn't slip by me unnoticed. This man was strong, and very likely to be the leader of this place.

I politely walked through the crowd until I was eye to eye with the man and I held out my hand in greeting.

"A pleasure to meet you. I'm Marcus Keane, champion of the Goddess of Lies."

He stared at me a moment longer before his hand gripped mine tightly as he pulled me in closer, "I don't know how you did it, but I know your kind. You are not her champion, no matter what that tattoo or the church says."

He released his grip and turned to walk through the door as I raised an eyebrow.

"Disrespect to the goddess is quite an offense. She provides your village with the protection to continue living. Her illusions keep the monsters out, and I'm quite acquainted with how dangerous those beasts are. The undead could probably topple this town on their own given the chance. My point here is that questioning her choices and threatening her champion don't seem like the greatest of plans."

The old man stood still, and after short moment he turned back towards me with gritted teeth, "You're right. I apologize."

"That's alright, the goddess is rather amiable. You've admitted your mistake and now we can move on."

A nearby priestess whispered into my ear, "Actually the goddess is rather vengeful."

"Is she now? In that case I'd love for you to continue my tour of the town in place of Evelyn."

He stared at me with intense hatred as he forced his words through his terribly faked smile.

"I would love to."