
The rest of the world, doesn't matter.


AnimeOtaku11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Pei Shangdi didn't look content. A few thousand? That was simply too little.

"I cant borrow you a few thousand. It is too little. Let's do it this way…" he brought his palm to her face and wiped off the remaining tear that had stained her cheeks. "I will give you a million, you go on two dates with me."

That seems unreasonable to Abena. A million for just two dates?

Sounds too good to be true. Especially since it was the devil offering the deal himself.



She wanted to tell him to not act cunning because she was in need of a favor but couldn't find the strength to argue with the man. She just felt tired. Earlier today, she had left his room after an intense night of passion and rolling over. She didnth et the chance to get a good rest and was overwhelmed by the thoughts that he might be the by the boy she knew at the orphanage.

And then there was Valentine plans and then her mother and landlady had somehow managed to get on her nerves and further stress her.

She placed her head on his chest and closed her eyes. She didnt know why she was doing this, but somehow, even though he appears cold and aloof. He was emotionless and a socio path and an undiagnosed psychopath, she felt safe with him. As if she knew that even if he hurts the rest of the world, he wouldn't try to hurt her one bit.

Abena released a sigh of relief and she inhaled his scenth. Even if he denies that tey did not know ecah other, she would let him be. It didn't matter to her anyways. She wasnt a fan of digging up the past or questioning a boring soul.

She had prepared to reject his feelings but now that she was the one welcoming his embrace, she didnt know what else to say to him if he asked her to be with him. It would be too hypocritical to turn him down after rushing into his embrace.

Pei Shangdi had a satisfied faint smile on his lips when he felt the girl start to relax. He carefully picked up the document and began to read it with his other hand softly patting her back. Letting the girl fall into a deep sleep. After what had happened between them overnight, she deserved to get some good sleep. Besides, her stamina was something they would have to work on. She got too tired after doing it just once.That, he couldn't cope with.

Thinking about the possible things he wanted to do to her and with her, he began to realise they still didnt feel enough. As if something was missing.

"Maybe I should just marry her." He mutters to himself, his mind drifting away from the document he was reading.

But strangely it still didnt seem to be enough.

He wanted something more. Something more intimate. He had felt a little satisfied when they made love but it just wasnt it. It didnt have the touch of what he imagined.

Perhaps he would have to ask Professor Mo about this. This particular creature was too complex for him to understand. And these feelings were too foreign to him.

Maybe they were as a result of his mutation, he couldn't tell. But biologically, nothing explains why he would feel that nothing was enough towards a woman he had taken fancy to.

Or was there something?

He decided to go back to the document he was reading when he remembers something. The car suddenly felt extra cold and dark. Pei Shangdi squeezed the docuenntin his hands and his dark eyes landed on the girl who was peacefully sleeping against his body. The blood from all his body rushed to his brain and veins began to pop on his forehead.

If it was what he was thinking then Professor Mo would have a lot to explain to him. He had clearly announced that he was against other type of mutation. But as it would be, scientists did whatever they wanted with their subjects.

And he as the subject had no right but to obey. He squeezed his hand to feel his flesh and be sure he had blood running in him. If he hadnt bled whenever he cut himself, he would have thought that he was only made of iron and steel and chemicals.

The girl stirred in his embrace and turned her head to the other side. It felt amusing to him, how quickly and easily sleep came to her.

Even though her earlier actions had showed how scared of him she was. He continues to run the girls back as the car maneuvered to Sky Blue.

In this type of estate, money could not buy a house here. One had to be influential and powerful. Most of the Pei family lives here but Pei Shangdis house was still different from everyone else's. There were no other houses around it and he even had a whole golf course to himself. The mansion didn't look too extravagant and had a spanish setting to it. As the driver carefully parked the car, he left the entire space to them knowing the boss would rather rremain in the car than disturb the little girls sleep.

And he was right, although he was home, Pei Shangdi didnt leave the car and pretended to look at the document in his hand. The girl in his arms didnt stir a bit and contnued to sleep. Afraid that he would disturb her sleep, he couldn't even flip the document to another page so he just rests his head into the seat and felt to rest his eyes till she woke.

He would never have thought that he would really sleep as well. He had never been able to sleep without the usual routine. Not for once had he thought the day would come when he would let down his guards so much.

When Abena woke, she didnt stir and first studied her environment as she looked out the window. This place looks different and exquisite.

She raised her head and saw that the man had closed his eyes. Assure that he was asleep, she studied his gorgeous face. Even back then, all the girls including the little ones had liked him for his gorgeous look. Only she, didnt fancy him one bit and instead thought of him as a brother…