
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 7 - Everyday development (2)

We have already been in Tokyo for a whole week and during this time I have helped her several times with assigned projects and tests, after all, my knowledge is not limited to biology and microbiology alone. Even Alicia stopped treating her as some kind of rival, after all, the character of the girl has to herself. After that, we went to other cities in Japan to my uncle's friends, where I even watched my uncle's fight against several fighters. Roman has already said that he served and knows how to fight but hearing and seeing are different things.

Aggressive and strong blows of the uncle rained down on opponents, and the uncle studied martial arts together with his Japanese friend, so all the blows were very technical. And seeing this fight, I realized that it's not enough to be very smart... how will my mind help me if ordinary bandits attack me? Try to talk their teeth out? How can I protect my sister if I can't fight back against opponents of my uncle's level... after all, no matter what kind of child I am, I understand perfectly well that strength decides a lot.

With such reflections, we returned home where our studies began ... more precisely, it began with my sister. After all, she will soon be ten years old, and she needs social communication skills with her peers. To be honest, I didn't really want to watch my sister go to a school for the rich where she would talk to all sorts of boys... but I kept these feelings to myself and tried to cheer Alicia up. Everything is a little more complicated with me, since all the tutors I hired confirmed my knowledge and were shocked, since I have had all the school knowledge for a long time and it's just stupid to send me to school.

That is why I proposed the idea of my physical development, since I am already mentally developed and I do not need a school for knowledge, then you can try to develop yourself physically. Of course, this was taken with hostility, both by my grandmother and my mother. But my uncle and father supported me, after all, it is best to start practicing different martial arts from childhood, so that the body elasticity was on top. But the women of our family were adamant and so far, have given permission only for the developing elasticity of movements. After all, mom often studies herself and keeps herself in shape, so she understands that elasticity is important.

But since all the exercises are not too difficult for this, I studied with the teacher only three times, and then I remembered everything myself, and then I taught my sister this. Who was very willing to spend more time with me, which I was very happy about?

So, time passed, and I turned eleven years old. I kept in touch with Shizuka, with whom I corresponded by phone. Of course, she should already be twenty-one years old, and it may not be too fun to communicate with a child, but I am an exception. After all, I even insisted on helping her with complex materials and tasks. Although, it is worth noting that this did not happen often, after all, she is not a stupid girl.

Slowly but surely, different techniques have also entered my hobby. No, I used to be fond of parsing everything and collecting it back, but now with the knowledge of electronics, electrical engineering, physics and other sciences, it became clear to me what works and how. Therefore, I have whole sets of various technical devices assembled together in my room. In general, I had fun as much as I could, but apparently this could not last long, so my uncle took me on his next trip to his friends.

First of all, he and I went to Texas, or rather to the city of Houston, where my father had a friend. This friend was in charge of the shooting range and had a huge number of all kinds of firearms. Therefore, I quite easily got the opportunity to shoot from various calibers, starting from 22 Long Rifle , which almost had no recoil.

Ending with various armor-piercing cartridges of the 14.5 × 114 mm type, which are loaded into rifles capable of piercing helicopters and tanks.

In general, there are quite a lot of calibers and during the week of my stay in Texas, I tried to find out everything that my uncle's friend knew, who just had a whole arsenal with a huge amount of ammunition. In any case, I remember these days best because of the noise of the shots and the feeling of recoil. After Texas, we went on and the next city we flew to was Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. As I understood from snatches of conversations, my uncle asks about rumors from those with whom he used to serve, and especially about a missing friend and comrade, who, as my uncle thought, disappeared because of Umbrella.

We also visited Colombia, Venezuela, Portugal, Spain and other cities in Europe and Russia, but after that we flew to Japan again. Only this time we landed not in Tokyo, but at Fujisawa Airport, which is located in Tokyo Prefecture, Hanto region. This city is an hour's drive from Tokyo, that is, the distance separating the cities is hardly more than sixty kilometers.

It was here in one of the military bases of this prefecture that we stopped, since Roman had very good relations with the local chief. Up to the age of twelve, I learned a lot about weapons and about how to shoot correctly. We spent six months at this military base, where I quite often participated in all sorts of shooting competitions. Moreover, if the first few times I could not compete with anyone, then literally a week later I was already one of the best. It came out by itself, I just watched how to do it correctly and copied the movements, my eyes and perception allow me to do it. Even though I still haven't been able to figure them out, but one thing is clear to me, they are clearly not ordinary.

Also, after several briefings, I was allowed to be inside a tank of the ninetieth type, which was adopted in 1992, that is, it is already over fifteen years old.

The tank itself is quite bulky with a mass of fifty tons of weight and guns of one hundred and twenty millimeters.

I was even allowed to shoot a couple of times... that's what the right acquaintances do. In addition to tanks and other military equipment, there was also aviation. I was not allowed to control the helicopter myself, but during the flight I remembered how to control it ... I love my memory and my eyes, which allow me to do this.

When we returned back to New York, we, or rather me, were greeted by my sister, who was very happy with my return. Even though we kept in touch on the phone, but it was quite difficult for her... as well as for me. After all, since childhood we have been together and long breakups are uncomfortable for me, so when we met, the girl who grew up in a year hugged me tightly and, as it even seemed to me, sniffed ... although maybe it really just seemed to me.

On the same day, at night, she snuck into my room.

— Alicia, we're not small enough to sleep together anymore. I said to the girl. It is almost impossible to approach me silently with my perception. I can almost see what is happening around me. And if you take off the blindfold or glasses, then I can see the smallest changes in a radius of several meters around me.

— Brother, but we haven't seen each other for so long... I want to be closer to you. You don't mind, do you? — She asked shyly, standing next to my bed in her pajamas. After this question, I had to exhale heavily and grab the squeaking sister, lay her down next to me.

— Felix... — she said softly and hugged me. In the morning I woke up and noticed that my sister somehow threw her leg over me in a masterly way. And she looked very peaceful at the same time, so I didn't wake her up and lay with her until she woke up. A little later, our grandmother, who was visiting us, scolded us a couple of times, but still did not achieve anything and the girl continued to make her way to my room.

I couldn't help my sister with her lessons, because she herself knew everything perfectly well and was able to, but I could take her to school, which I actually did. A month later, an acquaintance of my uncle and my father arrived in New York, the friend who gave Roman wakizashi. Kenta Busujima is a renowned Japanese martial artist who specializes in Aikido and Taijutsu in general. And since such a master and, moreover, a family friend turned out to be in our area, he was invited to us, and their word by word, and he agreed to teach me. I've been begging my parents for this step for a long time. Alicia also wanted to come with me, but I promised her that I would teach her everything when I learned myself. He did not take me as an official student, but while he is here on his own business, he will teach me. He did not agree to teach his art in the wrong place, so as a result he occupied one of the New York premises where the Japanese Martial Arts Hall was located. Of course, with his reputation, he was easily allowed to conduct lessons.

— It'll do. — he spoke in Japanese, walking around the room, and then glanced at us and the other guys in the hall. — I won't be with you for long, but during this time I will make you at least something like those who can protect themselves and their loved ones. — he said already in English. — The oldest of you, come forward and show me what you have learned so that I know where you are now. — he asked. Well, when these older guys of about sixteen came out, they didn't last five seconds. Kenta is a very strong fighter and in a few moves was able to defeat them all.