
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 47 - Everyday mutations (2)

—" Can I come in? "— Rei's voice was heard after she knocked.

—" Yes, Rei." — I shouted, writing down all the data and my thoughts in a notebook.

— "I brought you something to eat. Katsudon." — she said and put the plate on the table.

— "Thank you, Rei... I'm sorry that I haven't been paying enough attention to you lately. "— I apologized.

— "Nothing, I understand everything... but Saya thinks you're an even bigger jerk with an inflated self-esteem. "— the girl giggled.

— "I'm not surprised. By the way, how is she? Well, her parents aren't here, are they…"

— "She doesn't worry about them... I think she was offended at them for not looking for her. When she found out that her father organized his asylum, but did not make the effort to find his daughter, her resentment became much stronger." — the brown-haired girl told me.

— "What about Saeko?"

—"What about me?" — Another voice sounded softly behind Rei, and the girl even jumped in fright.

— "Saeko! Don't sneak up on me from behind like that, I almost died of fright."

—"I'm sorry..." — the purple-haired woman answered her with a small smile, which said that she did not repent a bit.

— "How are you?" — I turned to Busujima. —"Your father is supposed to be at the swordsmen's convention right now... aren't you worried?" — I asked the girl.

—" No, I'm sure he can handle these infected. "— she answered me and tried to stand up so that her body was emphasized favorably.

—" What are you doing?" — I asked.

—" Nothing ..". — she replied and again arched slightly, exposing her breasts for display.

—" It seems to me that you decided to parody this Yuka Mika and, if you ask my opinion, the idea is so-so. This slut has probably already found someone to get into her pants."

— "For example, your childhood friend." — Saeko smiled when Rei's face twisted a little.

—" Don't remind me... we're not friends anymore, but I still didn't want him to have a relationship with this girl of easy virtue. I saw him recently and tried to explain it to him, but he got angry and told me to stay out of his business... idiot." — the girl said a little poutingly, crossing her arms under her chest.

—" Hmm." — that's all I heard from Busujima and she sat down next to me and started tying up her hair.

— "You had sex with Alicia." — Busujima suddenly said, and Rei choked on her cough. She seems to enjoy watching Rei in this state… that's a bad girl. —"There's no point in denying it. I realized it this morning when I saw the two of you and your sister's walk... pervert. But only yesterday you accepted my feelings... also a traitor."

— "Um ... Saeko, Alicia and I..." — I wanted to explain ... at least something so as not to feel like a goat.

—" No need, I understand." — Saeko stopped me. —" Your relationship was very... visual. Alicia treated you like her boyfriend, not her brother. Anyone with eyes could have noticed it."

—" Well... there is such a thing. But did you really have s-sex?"

— "Yes, they had sex. Love. They were connected by bodies. They're fucki..." — Busujima said and watched with pleasure the increasingly blushing Miyamoto. But I had to cover her mouth with my palm so she wouldn't drive Rei... to something.

— "I think Rei understood perfectly well what you were trying to convey to her. Did you just lick my palm?" — I asked when I felt something wet on the inside of my palm. —" Saeko, I'm sorry that it happened with Alicia... but I won't go back on my words. I like you. "— I decided to say, all the cards are thrown anyway. After these words, I used telekinesis and dragged the girl to me and immediately kissed her on the lips ... for which I received a not weak blow in the chest. More precisely, it might have seemed like this to me before the mutation, but now with a strengthened body, I faintly felt this blow.

— "This is you for cheating right after you kissed me last time. "— Busujima said. ——Do you... do you really want our relationship? And what about Alicia?"

— "I don't know, but I'll think of something... I can definitely say that I won't let you go." — I smiled at this beauty... with an inner mini sadist. —" And you too." — I said and closed the door with telekinesis, where the drooping Rei slowly retreated. After that, I immediately turned my gaze to Miyamoto herself.

— "Are you telling me this after you admitted that you slept with your sister and still want to do the same with your other friend... and my friend too... and with me?"

—" Exactly." — I nodded. — "Okay, Rei, put down the scalpel.…"

—" Felix-kun." — she said. — "My father is a policeman, don't you think he can shoot you something... or that I can do it?" — Miyamoto asked a question, which showed that she didn't know what to do right now.

— "Rei, I remember how you wanted to kiss me at that moment by the bus... I wanted to do the same."

—" You... "— the girl sighed and put down the scalpel. —" Really a fool…"

—" I know." — I hugged her, to which she did not resist in any way. Simple hugs should not transmit the virus in any way

We talked for another fifteen minutes while I ate the food Rei brought. The girls were interested in my powers and what I managed to learn, so I told them everything I know myself. And after they realized that I most likely transmitted the virus that gave me telekinesis to Alice and heard my suggestions that she also had a chance to acquire the ability... in general, they were thoughtful, and Saeko's gaze even glittered ... although it just might have seemed to me.

Shizuka has also already met her friend, although maybe more than a friend — Rika. The girls said that they hugged hard when they met and Rika immediately started asking her about me and about this place in general.

Alicia's condition has been stable all this time and literally an hour after our conversation with the girls, she began to wake up. And, of course, at that moment I was next to ... well, Alice and Eric were standing behind me, who looked with some awkwardness as their daughter, who had just woken up, threw herself almost naked on my neck.

— "Brother! You're back!" — she said joyfully and squeezed me with remarkable strength… I would even say that I really felt the pain.

— "Alicia, hold your horses... don't squeeze so hard. "— I helped myself with the help of telekinesis and loosened her grip, and the girl's eyes changed to scarlet for a moment because of her overwhelming emotions, and everyone who was in the room noticed it.

— "Mom? Dad? Why are you looking at me like that?" — she was surprised by the frightened looks of her parents.

—" Alicia, your eyes just turned blood-red for a moment..." — commented uncle.

—"W-what?" — she was taken aback and finally let me go.

—" Sis, what's the last thing you remember? "— I asked the question.

—" The last one? How you left... left your beloved sister alone, and after... after I felt unwell." — clearly she remembered it. — "What happened to me?"

— "At first we thought the worst, that you were infected somewhere." — Alice began to tell. — Several people have seen the transformation and change of a person and said that you clearly have something else… you just haven't woken up for hours. But with the arrival of your brother, we have sorted out the situation ... Alicia ... daughter, it's time to talk about your relationship with Felix. "— at the end, my mother said sternly.

—" You don't have to be so strict." — Cassandra put her hand on her daughter's shoulder, and Alex was now organizing people and distributing rations for them. The first couple of days you need to control everything yourself, and then you can leave it to subordinates.

— "How is that? I still can't figure out how your relationship is... although no, I can figure it out just the same." — Alice closed her eyes. — "Why are you silent?" — she looked at the other relatives, and Rei and Saeko, standing near the door, tried not to make noise.

— "Well ... I'm just, of course, stunned by what happened, but they are not ten years old, and they can decide for themselves who to be with ... even if it is wrong from the point of view of the morality of society. Felix has always been not an ordinary teenager, remember all his adventures in the laboratories of America, and his mind, so I'm more than sure, so this moment does not spoil anything in any way ... yes, just remember his relationship with his sister, they were even closer than you both." — uncle looked at our parents. —" They have been inseparable for a long time, so this is just the logical outcome of such a relationship... love will save this world, heh." — Roman smiled and winked at my sister and me. And the degree of awkwardness in the room has risen by a couple of points.