
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 45 - Everyday salvation (2)

— "We almost reached the airport." — Roman said. —" Tadasi said that the operation to escort the rich was supposed to take place in Hangar 3-V, most likely that's where the fighters were holed up. The airport is fenced with a large fence and before its integrity was seriously monitored, which is not happening now ... because there is no one."

—" We have grenades and explosives, we can make a hole in this fence." — John immediately began to make plans to undermine something.

—" I think I can just put a hole in it with telekinesis." — I said.

— "There is nothing to waste time on detour, full speed ahead ... only then everything will have to be repaired. Fortunately, it's not for us. " — Roma agreed with the plan and as soon as we drove up to the mesh fence, its bars began to tear and move apart, creating a sufficient passage for the armored car to pass.

— "I never thought it was so easy to get into the airport, especially on the runway." — uncle said, and then abruptly became serious. — "But I can already see thousands of people from here near one of the hangars, most likely that's where the SAT group is located. After his words, we heard the horn of a car carrying aviation fuel."

—" What is this..". — suddenly the car abruptly burst into flames and drove straight through the infected, crushing them and additionally igniting the spilling combustible fuel. — "I think we're a little late."

— "Go to the hangar and order the people to start firing at the infected through the hatch from above." — Roma ordered. Less than a minute later, shots rang out, and the infected began to fall with a punctured head. But at the same time, the crowd rushed straight at the armored car and SUV, which did not pose much of a threat, since I also began to help and just tear the infected from a distance. After all, what can infected people do, because they are considered ordinary people without visible intelligence, who can only rush forward straightforwardly. And we have an armored car of a huge mass, which will simply crush them and not choke, so it's very strange that the army stopped responding and in general someone started jamming the connection ... only if there was no sabotage, and in several places at once.

We expected any problems, but apparently they are not expected. After a couple of minutes of shooting the infected, they began to help us from the hangar. All this went on for another fifteen minutes and only when Roman was convinced that there were no more infected people around and everyone seemed to be dead, we decided to go out.

— "They heard us after all. "— someone shouted from the direction of the hangar. —" We're not going to die! Ahaha"

— "Someone is clearly having fun there." — John spoke without expressing his emotions on his face, examining hundreds of lying bodies— "More infected people are moving towards us from the airport." — he said, noticing in the distance the infected slowly moving in our direction.

— "Spread out. "— said the uncle. —" Felix, let's go to the hangar and take a gun with you." — he said in a serious tone. I took my weapons with me without question, and we went to the hangar, from where several people had already left.

— "We didn't expect that someone would help us. "— The tall man in the SAT uniform said. —" I am Izamu Marko, a member of the SAT and second only to the commander... and yes, the commander is dead." — he said, examining us.

— "We could not abandon people who could hold weapons, especially at such a time." — said Roman, and walked his eyes over the bodies lying nearby. —" Yes, and perhaps you know something."

— "What can we possibly know." — he waved his hand and leaned wearily against the hangar door. — "When it all started, we were helping the rich to get out of the country... if we knew what was going on, we would immediately go back to the site. But when we realized what was going on, it was already too late and we didn't have enough bullets left."

— "Izamu, did they hear us after all?" — asked the girl who came up, exhaling cigarette smoke, which is Marikawa's girlfriend. It's just that Shizuka often showed their photos together, so it was difficult not to recognize the girl.

— "Very quickly." — the girl nodded. — "I was thinking of leaving a couple of bullets for ourselves... to leave quickly and with taste."

— "It's good that it wasn't necessary." — I said.

—"You... you're Felix, aren't you?" — said the girl, throwing the cigarette on the asphalt and stepping on it. — "The blindfold, the hair color... how's Shizuka?" — she asked excitedly, coming closer to me.

— "Your friend is fine, I took care of her. After all, we are not strangers to her. "— I smiled. — "She's at our mansion, by the way, she was very worried about you and when she found out that your group was still alive, she was very happy."

—" I'm glad you know each other, but let's talk about business…"

In total, seven people remained from the whole squad, the one who drove the car with aviation fuel was the eighth and died quite recently. As it turned out, he got infected in another collision with infected people when he tried to get to the control tower, which stands not far from the hangar. He managed to get there and it was he who contacted us by amplifying the signal, but after he was bitten by some fast infected, so that daredevil told them.

—" Fast? How fast is it?" — John frowned.

—" I don't know, we somehow didn't ask..." — Izamu said a little confused.

—" Fast enough to catch up with a trained fighter and throw him several times like a toy. "— added Rika, who throughout the conversation looked at me with a strange look, I would call it curious-studying.

— "We have not met such yet.... maybe he imagined it? Or were they hallucinations... okay, though. "— uncle said wearily, clearly remembering my new opportunities.

— "Maybe the virus is mutating. But somehow too fast..." — I muttered. — "Did you go to the control room?" — I asked my uncle and he nodded.

And it was there that my abilities came in handy, because as soon as we climbed the stairs to the very top with our group of five people, that is, me, Uncle, John, Ricky and Isam, one of the infected attacked us quite quickly. Moreover, when I say briskly, I mean really fast, and hardly anyone managed to hit him in the head at such a close distance because of his speed.

—" Damn it!" John exclaimed, and only managed to point the gun at the infected person who was frozen two steps away from us, who was trying with all his might to escape from the invisible grip and pounce on us.

— "It feels like it was an ambush." — I said telekinesis lifting the infected and examining him from a distance. —" Looks like everyone else." — I said and wrung his neck. — "What? "— turned to the group. And if John and his uncle were ready for this, then Rika and Izamu were... not prepared.

— "What the hell just happened? Did this guy raise a zombie with his mind? And I thought, what kind of a psycho is walking with you with a blindfold on his eyes... is this some kind of voodoo? Black magic? All these zombies are a matter of black magic!" — he cried out. — "I knew that everything was not clean here."

—" ... "— Rika didn't say anything and just kept staring at me.

—"It's not magic at all... most likely, ahem." — Uncle coughed. —" Felix says it's telekinesis. Be ready, in case there are still such nimble creatures hiding there."

— "Got it. " — John nodded gravely, which showed that this situation had hurt his pride. That he was caught off guard by a nimble infected…

As it turned out, there were no such quick infected, but there were a couple of ordinary ones, but they were dealt with with good old—fashioned violence, that is, a shot in the head and there are no problems.

We stayed in the control room until the evening, as the technician, who was one of the fighters, tried to figure out what was going on and redirected some antennas. At this time, we were dealing with suitable infected people who came to the sound of gunshots. To save ammunition, I myself contributed to this matter, at the same time I checked the range of my strength and, as it turned out, telekinesis weakens with distance. If I lift multi—ton trucks next to me or within a radius of fifty meters from myself without any problems, then already from three hundred meters I begin to feel some tension.

During this time, Rika moved away and began asking me about my powers, which greatly stunned her ... although not only her. She even wanted to drink something strong when she saw how I just crushed a group of infected people hundreds of meters away from us, and she wasn't the only one. Hiding useful abilities simply won't work, and people aren't stupid enough not to notice how some infected people die with their necks turned out, or in general, something tears them to pieces. Therefore, Roman explained to people that this is my merit and it's better for them not to waste bullets if there is no need and leave the infected to me.

And of course there were believers among the fighters who looked at me with such a look... I don't even know if they saw God in the flesh. Of course, I exaggerate, but still the look of some was very similar to the look of fanatics who look at their messiah.

In the evening, I was still not tired of using my powers, which showed that I was quite hardy... well, or something else that I don't know about yet. But the technician was finally able to set up communication, and we were able to fully contact the mansion and informed them that the goal was completed and the control room was ours. You just need to leave people here for further work, maybe you can really get around the jammer…

That's just not so happy, because my father told me that after we left, Alicia suddenly felt unwell. She had a fever and a slight delirium began, she constantly called me…