
The reset

The destruction of the world through a gas emitted from the North Pole and killing everyone on Earth within a few days, two scientists at the Arctic Climate Control Center are the first to discover the matter, but to no avail. A secret organization that was prepared for similar events prepared secret shelters and selected elite humans to live inside these shelters as the last safe haven for humans from extinction Will they survive inside these shelters?

MrRAE · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 9

The two looked out of the car window into the shopRandy: He sells sportswear, I don't think he sells uniforms or any kind of serious clothes.Driver: Sorry, sir, but this is the nearest clothing store, and the mall that has a shop for uniforms and suits is in the city center. We will go to it now.Professor Generski: Where did you set up the lab?Randy: It's near here, less than a quarter of an hour from here.Professor Generski: Well, no matter what kind of clothes, I will go down here and buy what suits me. We have no time for formalities and fashion shows.The two went down to the store and went to the shelves of clothes and the professor chose some of them and went to the changing room and got out of it and headed to the cashier.The cashier is about 25 years old when she saw the professor's clothes and laughed.The two looked at her in astonishment, inquiring why she was laughing.Saleswoman: I'm so sorry, sir, but I couldn't help myself that the clothes you're wearing are women's clothes.The professor was confused and Randy tried to suppress his laughter.Saleswoman: If you will allow me, I will prepare something that suits you. Tell me what you are looking for? Professor: Anything, as you saw. I am coming from the hospital in hospital clothes. I want anything.Saleswoman: Well, wait a minute here.The saleswoman went and was absent for a few minutes and came to him carrying clothes asking him to try it on.The professor moved to the changing room, carrying the clothes with him, and came out for a few minutes and headed to her

Professor Generski: Well, how do I look now? Saleswoman: You look great as a guy in his thirties

PROF: This is not good. I have grown old in these clothes (with a small laugh).Saleswoman: LaughingProfessor: Well, how much is the price, little lady?Saleswoman : It's a gift from me, you remind me of my late grandfather, he was like youThe

Professor: No, please, the money must be taken. It is a trade, and the owner of the store may not accept that, and I do not accept that the amount be deducted from you, and you are in the prime of life. You will need it more than me.The seller: The store is mine and I inherited it from my late grandfather, and the amount is not much. I insist on it.The Professor and Randy thanked the girl and went to the carThe car moved towards the lab and they got there and went to the lab.Randy went to one of the computers, opened an email and yelled to the professor.Randy: Sir, I got an email from the Aviation Safety and Security Administration regarding the black box.The professor came and the two read the email containing the results of the examination that the drone had a short circuit in the electrical circuits due to a short circuit that led to the engine burning and falling, and that the drone had entered a high electric field.Professor: This means that gas is a good conductor of electricity and that any electrical device in it will fail.The professor went to Randy and asked about the gas sample that he had brought with him, is it there? Randy: Yes, all the samples he brought did not leave him and all the discs, measuring devices and data he insisted on bringing with him and it is now here with them.The two went to the analysis lab and extracted the gas sample and did some experiments and documented them with video and audio notes, experiments on temperature, flammability, electrical conductivity, solubility and all that came to their mind from the experiments that continued until the next day.The two sent the results and examinations and shared them with the rest of the research centers.The results concluded that the gas is flammable, that it is a good conductor of electricity, that it is soluble and decomposes in water into harmless elements.All these examinations were carried out in a controlled. environment.While the two were concluding their research and sending it to the research centers, morning came and the assistant mayor knocked on the door of the lab.Assistant Mayor: Mr. Randy, the mayor asks you to meet with the professor to update him on the latest developments.