
The Prologue

A giant humanoid figure walked down the lengthy hall of the complex, he reached the room labeled On going Experiments. He walked through the door and towards an unsuspecting other. He passed microscopes gazing into petri dishes full of bacterial growths, cages full of hybrid and synthetic animals. He even passed an airtight glass sphere, of roughly 20ft in diameter, full of over a million different species of microscopic organisms that made up a self-sustaining ecosystem.

He glanced at the sphere barely giving it much thought. What he was after was the big screen that had a view of a blue and green planet, that the inhabitants like to call Earth. When the figure walked up to the screen the other one in the room finally looked up from his work.

"O-oh Head Scientist sir I didn't know that you were coming in." said the work obviously flustered. The Head Scientist was inwardly amused at his discomfort but didn't show it.

"How has Experiment SO-2 being going so far? It's been awhile since I've checked in. Have they finally reached space exploration yet?" The worker looked at his notes nervously and made the report.

" Y-yes they have sir but it appears to be that they have only just begun, they've only sent their first craft out of the atmosphere not even a hundred Sun-rotations ago." The worker glanced back at the Head Scientist, glad that he hadn't noticed his worry. The Head Scientist smiled at this.

"That's great news to hear. Hopefully these organisms can really prove to us that they can be smarter than the average monkey and not doom that planet to extinction." The worker stared at the floor ringing his hands. The Head Scientist saw this and furrowed his brow.

"What? What is it that's bothering my pupil?" The worker continued to stare at the ground but did speak up.

"You see sir, they are destroying the planet," he pulled up many images and videos of animals bathing in oil spills, plastic and trash thrown beaches, power plants spewing toxic chemicals into the atmosphere. The Head Scientist leaned against the console, his face full of fury.

"No...no...NO! This is just like what happened to SO-1 back on the other planet!" The worker cringed at his anger feeling it like a physical blow. "We can't lose another environment like this." He said mostly to himself. "I've been monitoring this project ever since they breached the stone age. I do not want it to go to waste." he looked at the worker. "Did the previous H.S have the ERP (Emergency Reset Protocol) installed in to the planet?" the worker nodded.

The ERP was a protocol that had been put in place after the last Experiment went wrong (i.e SO-1).

Way before humans were even introduced to the world many of these alien beings went down and "installed" a fail safe that they could use to make sure to preserve the habitability of the planet so that they wouldn't need to spend more time and resources to find another that could sustain life.

The system would have to be put into effect by the observes manually causing cone shaped vents made of pure carbon to sprout out of the earth's crust from the outer mantel and would release sentient-like gas that would envelope the entire world, seeping into it causing mature humans to die or turn in to brainless animals, and leaving anyone 16 and under alive basically resetting the experiment to its primal stage. A side affect that the beings found out was that the gas caused the native plants and animals to mutate in unimaginable ways.

The H.S looked around the console until he found the big red button simply marked 'reset'. Around it was many locks that needed to be scanned in order to unlock the button. After doing finger prints, retina scan, voice conformation and finally a blood sample the latch popped open and displayed the button for all to see.

The Head Scientist put his hand over the button, hovering above like a death sentence. He slammed it down gritting his teeth.

"Now don't fuck it up this time."