


Day 0, 8:10am

The feel of Isaiah's longboard was slightly off to me and it made a soft creaking sound every time you turned on it, an obvious sign of water damage to the trucks. "He needs to take care of his shit better." I muttered to myself. I made my way through the street of the neighborhood on the thankfully smooth sidewalks that whinnied through the parks. The occasional jogger and mom pushing their strollers looked at me as I passed, probably because of the smell of the devil's lettuce that was infused into my clothes. But did I care? Nada, not a single fuck given by this kid over here. I smiled at the thought of pushing over their strollers and tripping the nosey joggers. I don't really know why i had thoughts like this but despite how bad and gruesome they could get they always gave me a happy feeling inside. It was weird the effect weed put on you. Despite you having to smoke it and making your lungs hurt it made you breathe better and go longer. I've been constantly pushing up this hill for a couple minutes now and I don't even feel tired. I feel like I could go on for miles. I came to the light near 7/11 and finally stopped. I took out the water bottle from my side pocket and satisfied my worsening cottonmouth. I put it away and pulled out my phone to text Josef.




Sewers behind target been here since 8:00


Ight ill be there soon how much dough you got


I got 4 fatty joints rolled and about a 20 left of fat ass nugs



I slid the phone back in my pocket and waited for the walk sign to turn on.


I skated along the sidewalk next to the big super target building. Some of the drivers of the cars were looking at me funny but I didn't care. I never care about what people think about me. I got to the road behind the building and crossed. I got off the board and started to walk across the grass to the tunnel. I peered over the edge and I saw a tall, lanky light skin sitting on the ledge of one of the three, stair-like, concrete slabs that were supposed to block the entrance of the tunnel but don't really do a good job. I smile evilly as a dark thought fills my head. I jump down onto the slab he's sitting on and push him off sending him sprawling on to the next one. I laugh as he flails about trying to see what happened when he finally looks up and sees me.

"Asshole." he says as he composes himself. I just laugh in response. I jump down to dap him and he returns it half heartedly.

" So how you been I heard from Isaiah that you so called 'broke' your parents."

"Ya," he rubbed his neck anxiously, "Its gotten to the point where they just don't care anymore and so I just only go to school when I feel like it and they don't question me about it." he started to pull of the joints from his smell proof container. They were easily the width of a highlighter but half the length. He handed me one and took one for himself.

"Wow bro that's crazy." I say slightly muffled as I try to spark it in my mouth.

"Ya." Is all he says in a very monotone voice. We sit there in silence as we puff on these cigar like joints. After the initial high sets in I break the silence.

"Bro you did hella good on these I don't even know if I could roll this good." I take mine and admire how well he packed it, kept the paper intact, and how perfect the filter is.

"Thanks it took me like 20 minutes to only make one. I went through a lot of papers making them." I grunt in response as my mind started to wonder as it usually does whenever I get high and I just started to think about life's still unanswered questions. Why are we here? What is the point of life? Why am I living this life, at this point in time, and not in some other body at a different time? Why is life so hard? The last one had me thinking a bit. Why did we as a society have to come up with all these pointless laws and rules and things to make life "better"? In my opinion it made everything just a lot more complicated than it really needed to be. Before all we really had to worry about is when we were going to get our next meal and that's all. Why can't we just go back to a simpler time like that. I don't want to have to go through all the work of finishing high school, finding a job, paying rent, and all that kind of bull shit. Joesf looked at me seeing my depressed expression on my face.

"Yo, you good Cortez? Looks like your 'bout to break down or somethin'." The sound of his voice broke me out of my depressed state and forced me to go back to my zero-fucks-given one instead.

"Ya, just thinking about when I'm gonna get more weed." I lied as i finish the rest of the joint and tossed the filter to the side.

"Oh…" was all he said even though his expression said he knew something else was up.

"We should start heading back. I have twenty minutes until my next period starts." He started at his roach that he had left, sighed and flicked it away. "Alright let's go but i ain't runnin' so you gotta walk."