
The Replacement Bride

She got stiff as she felt his hot breath by her right ear. " You do know that there are punishments when lying, right? " Her breathing became uneven as her brain started to get clouded with his words. Eugene Roussos, known as one of the most handsome billionaires in Athens Greece. One heavy rainy night he found his fiance in bed with another guy, not only that but he also found out that she sold one of his family hotels to the Magnusson's family. To get his family business back, he has to marry one of the Magnusson's daughter. Liliana Magnusson, one of the best jewelry designers in Asia. She is well mannered and a skillful young lady, but her life changes the moment her rebellious step-sister ran away from home and she has to step in and be engaged with her sister's fiance. Can he ever love another woman after being heartbroken?

Do_Va · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter One

|| Eugene Roussos ||

It was a busy Friday evening in the city of Athens, Greece. It was lightly raining and slightly cold with cloudy grey clouds. Everyone was rushing to go home and ending their Friday on a date out with family or friends, or just at home cuddling up in a ball in bed watching a movie. Everyone usually rushes to get home early since it's the last business day and the weekend is near. The only person who wouldn't care if it's a business day or the weekend is Eugene. He's very well known, as one of the most handsome billionaires in Athens Greece. Owning more than 450 properties across six continents. Roussos Hotels and Resorts stands as the most luxurious modern styled, and stands at a five-star rating. Everywhere he goes, all the ladies would drool just looking at him and would love to be known as Mrs. Roussos, but he didn't even care nor did he paid any attention to them. When he announced his engagement to his girlfriend, Melissa Papaspyrou, every woman would envy her but soon enough they moved on with their lives since they knew that Eugene would never look at them the same way as he looks at his fiance. He has been engaged for almost five months. He bought a condo in the city close by his workplace for him and his fiance to live in. Since she was a model she was always busy and needed to be in the city, and he had a business to run, so they both agreed to live in a condo together. It wasn't just any ordinary condo it was huge with three massive rooms, with a huge bathroom that had two bathtubs and two showers and two sinks, one living room with a wide screen television, it was a two level condo, with a glass staircase to go up and down to each level. Since there were three rooms Eugene turned one of the rooms into a home office and Melissa turned one of the rooms into her modeling and beauty home office which had lots of mirrors and makeup and lights. As for the other room, it was their bedroom, one wide king size bed with super soft silky deep red bed set, with a balcony, and two Victorian nightstands next to each side of the bed. Above the bed was a Victorian style chandelier light. The whole bedroom was styled in a romantic Victorian theme.On the first level, there was a huge massive glass pool, and they even had a working out room and a spa room. The kitchen was huge but neither of them cooked, it was always going out to eat or ordering in. The only thing they probably would touch in the kitchen was the sink, trash, and refrigerator. Every month they would have a cleaning crew that comes twice a month to clean up their condo. But the best part was the view outside of their condo, you can see all the colorful buildings and how breathtaking the view looked. Everywhere in the condo had red roses in vases. The condo was mostly designed and put together by Melissa since she always wants everything her way. Eugene didn't care much since he loves her he lets everything go the way she wants. The light rain turned the beautiful blue sky into a dark shade of grey mixed with black and the weather hot and humid. Eugene just got out of his last meeting of the day. He was exhausted, from presenting new ideas and listening to presentations that didn't catch his interest at all, and then sitting and then talking and answering so many questions that sounded exactly the same but different wording. His body felt like they were about to break into pieces. As he walks to his car in the parking ramp, the weather felt thick with warmth all over making him start to sweat. He took off his navy blue suit coat and threw it on the passenger seat beside him. Once he reached the parking lot of their condo, he decided to park the car in front, since he was tired and it was late and the rain now dropping down huge droplets of rain and pouring more than before. As he stepped out of his jet-black Lamborghini, his white dress shirt was getting wet making his muscle shirt visible, he regretted not listening to his secretary when she warned him about the rain, he should've picked up an umbrella when heading out but didn't because he parked his car in the parking ramp where it was well sheltered from the rain, and thought it was okay if he got a bit wet but right now his shirt was wet enough to see his muscle shirt. Screw it, his body was already in pain due to all the standing and sitting today. He headed straight towards the big glass doors with fine gold polished handles, as he enter in walking straight through the lobby, trying to make his way to the elevator and ignoring all the gaze he was getting as he walked passed a group of girls who were dressed in tight bodycon dresses with dark makeup and high Stelios. He assumed they were probably going to a club. His wet white dress shirt was now very visible as is muscle shirt was now glued onto his body making him catching others attention. It was almost midnight, Melissa would be in bed by now, she never stays up for him, at times he didn't mind but sometimes he wish she would just wait up for him with a warm hug to make him feel relax, as the elevator door opened he pushed the thought away since his body started to itch due to his wet clothes that are now making him cold and making him want to take a hot shower. As he entered, he almost tripped over something that looks like a pair of pants. Maybe he was just too tired and thinking too much. As he was about to take his first step up the stairs, his shoe caught onto something small and silky. He picked it up and headed back to the main door where all the light switches were at. As soon as he pressed the light control for the first level. Everything lit up perfectly clear in front of his eyes. There were pieces of colorful clothing scattered from the stairs all the way to the second level. What the actual hell happened here? Eugene rushed up the stairs to the bedroom and found the door wide opened with Melissa completely naked in bed making love to a complete stranger that wasn't him. She was laughing and giggling and enjoying whatever she was doing. Couldn't she even see or rather realized that he was standing right at the door. "What the hell is going on here!" Eugene was no longer tired, he felt like he was struck by lightning that gave him extra powers to walk up to the complete stranger that was in his bed and in his spot where he should have been with Melissa. He punched him real hard in his left cheek and pushed him straight towards the vase full of red roses on the nightstand."Eugene Stop! Eugene let him go!" Melissa begged making Eugene confused at what he did to deserve this pain that he was feeling right at this moment. He couldn't believe it she was begging for him to stop. When she should be begging for forgiveness. He punched him again in the same spot hard enough that is knuckles started to bleed. He didn't care about his bleeding hand, the pain that he was feeling in his heart was ten thousand times worse than some bleeding knuckles. Melissa covered herself in a silky red robe and walked towards the stranger and blocked him from Eugene. "Move the hell away Melissa!" He would never physically hurt a woman, although right this moment he wanted to hurt her as much as she was hurting him. She didn't move at all. She went to look at the punches that Eugene threw towards the stranger. Eugene couldn't take it anymore she should be worried about him and his bleeding hand."This is the reason why you've been avoiding me for the past few months now huh," Melissa stood up and looked at him with disgust filled in her eyes, "You've never had time for me! Ever since we got engaged, you're always busy with work or seeing your parents to make some dumb business deals, when I asked you to take vacation, you would always say next time, when will you have time for me? Never! Right!? Melissa was now turning red due to the anger that was controlling her, "this...this engagement this whole thing, everything was a mistake, I should of never agreed on marrying you and..and I lost feelings for you, I no longer love you anymore, your full attention should of been on me but you care more about your business and all of these other things that I never cared since the very beginning of our relationship," Eugene was broken, he thought seeing her making love with someone else would break him, but he was wrong, what Melissa just confessed now made him feel like a fool for falling for her, a fool who cared too much and loved too much, a fool who was blind for the past six years of their relationship, he was hurt and broken," I'm calling off our engagement, as for this condo its under my name so get the hell out!" Eugene yelled as loud as he could as he began to feel his hand stinging in pain and the pain in his heart bursting slowly. "Fine! Call off the engagement! I never wanted to be engage with you from the start anyways! I hate you!" She got up and pushed Eugene, trying to get him out of the room, he pushed her towards the bed and grabbed a vase full of red roses and smashed it towards the stranger that was trying to get to Melissa, she screamed loudly and covered her ears with her hand while trying to sit up on the bed. Eugene walked out and never looked back. He was dumbstruck and anger started to boil inside of him. As he was heading down the hall to the stairs and out of the condo he picked up anything his hands can get ahold of and he smashed it to the ground making it scatter into a million of pieces. He smashed many picture frames of him and Melissa together. By the time he exited out of the condo the whole entire place was trashed up by pieces of glass and ruined red roses, and broken picture frames. He drove straight to his penthouse. Before he met Melissa he had his own place, he never took anyone there, it was only him and his trusted family and friends that have been inside his penthouse. When he met Melissa he started to stop going there because he bought a condo for him and Melissa. He was planning to not keep the penthouse but decided to keep it because his mother styled it like home and he loved it. Once he reach his penthouse and was taking out the card to open it, he can see that the lights were on. Who was inside his penthouse this late? His knuckles had blood smeared all over and looked pretty bad. He opened the door and saw the lights on everywhere. It's almost two in the morning, who would still be up at this time and in his home. He walked into the living room, and saw his parents seated with coffee cups all over the coffee table. His mother was the first one to realize that he was walking towards them. She rushed to him, to give him a hug but stopped when she realized he was wet and he looked pretty tired since his hair was in all different directions, her mouth opened as if she was about to scream when she saw his dried up bleeding hand. But he raised his right hand and explained before his mother even got a chance to say a word. " It's nothing mom, just got into an argument." Eugene looked away as he had a flashback of Melissa's confession and the scene of her making love with a stranger. His heart felt like it stopped pumping when he walked into the room and saw the disgusting scene. From this moment on he promised himself that he will never love a woman ever again. Melissa just wanted to play around with him, and get whatever she wanted, whatever she desire and he still wasn't good enough for her. She used him as a toy and played with his feelings. God he couldn't believe it that she actually made him thought that she was in love with him as much as he was in love with her. "You got into an argument with the guy that Melissa was sleeping with, didn't you?" His father got up from the leather seat and looked at Eugene for a response. Eugene was surprised and hurt. Did his parents know about this all along that she had been cheating on him?, and for some goddamn reason it just never cross their minds to tell him. "You knew didn't you that she was seeing someone else! That she was just using me for her own pleasure! You both knew all this time and you both decided to let me be completely blind and stupid to the point where I was about to stop my whole life just for her! You know what, just.., please just leave." Eugene turned away from his parents now angry at them for hiding such an important matter from him that now completely torn him apart emotionally. "Eugene! Come back down here right now!" His father looked and sounded tense. What was wrong with him? Eugene headed straight to the living room and sat across from his parents, which was now seated across from him with two binders in his father's hands. "I got a message today from Jon Dasion, our well trusted accounting and finance worker, Melissa found a way to get a hold of one of our top three best hotel and resort, and she sold it to Albin Huang Ying Magnusson, who used to be one of the top best Orthopedic Surgeon in Sweden he then later opened a hospital that is called Magnusson Huang Hospital Care which stands at a 4.7 star rating and is one of the best hospital that is located in Beijing China, not only that but he is also one of the best top three fashion jewelry designer in Shanghai China, his jewelry is different colors or shades of the stone called "Jade" and he is very well known for his jewelry art piece called " beloved wife" and the jade is designed with two gold dragons together on a emerald jade ring with the two words "beloved wife" letters connected on the bottom of the jewelry in gold, his jewelry business is in Shanghai China, what I'm saying is that Melissa sold one of our best hotel for a piece of jewelry that is not only hard to make but the materials that is needed to make it, is very hard to find." Eugene's dad threw the binder on the vacant seat next to Eugene, with worried eyes as his eyebrows narrowed together and he leaned back, his right hand in his wife's hands for comfort and support. Eugene was out of words. She sold one of his family business just for a piece of jewelry that is probably impossible to make. The total amount of money for that hotel was probably around 9.5 million, meaning they lost 9.5 million dollars because of Melissa. His father loved that hotel very much. " We leave tomorrow and find where he is, make a deal with him and we get our hotel back." Eugene ended with a shoulder shrug. It was a great and easy plan in his opinion it wasn't a bad idea. " We already met him in Sweden," his mother said, still rubbing her husband hand's as if he got it dirty or something. " Then problem solve, you got the hotel back, everything is back in place, now if you'll excuse me" Eugene was getting irritated, if they already got the hotel back then why tell him this, right now he would rather be taking a hot shower cleary is thoughts than hear about Melissa. He was about to get up when his father began to clear his throat. " The problem here is that the only way for us to get the hotel back is if you marry one of his daughters." Eugene was boiling with anger, deep down he knew that making a deal with someone came with a price but the price he had to pay is way too much. Marriage? That was the last thing he wanted to talk about right now. But then again if he didn't he would lose the hotel that his family loved and it would cause a major change in their business. As much as he wanted to disagree with this marriage proposal, he couldn't. "Alright, I'll cancel my plans for this week and fly to Sweden." Eugene didn't wait for a response or rather a reaction he walked straight to his huge massive room and locked himself in the bathroom soaking into a hot tub of water as he clear his thoughts and thought of what his next plan was going to be in Sweden.