
The Reminiscence of Diablo

Demons and humans have been fighting one another for control over the world for centuries, countless blood-baths and wars have occurred on both sides. To put an end to this pointless bloodshed, the Gods divided the world into 3 sectors: The Elven Sector; The Human Sector; and the Demonic Sector. Thousands of years later Diablo is born and is believed to be one of the most powerful demons after seeing his tremendous magical power. Diablo doesn't want to become one of their hunting dogs so he decides to become as powerful as possible and when he reached the age of 16, he leaves the demon sector to venture through the rest of the world. Will be posting one chapter a day, then extra chapters at weekends.

Hiritoro · Fantasy
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6 Chs

03: The Human Town

Gazing diligently at the message board Diablo noticed an unfamiliar statistic function, 'Money'. At first he didn't understand what it meant but then he realized it amounted to the current human currency he had in his possession.


Name: Diablo Dzargen

Level: 3 - 135/250 Exp

Magic Level: 25 - 99,437/150,000

Money: 1 Silver + 3 Copper

Pages Unlocked: 10/100


Alongside this new function, he also realized he had gained a new page and so he focused his gaze on the pages unlocked and another window appeared. This window showed the pages he had, of which all he had read but one. Slowly, he set his gaze on the tenth page, which then opened a new window revealing the pages contents.

[Lucifer's Diary Part 10:

After making deals with countless humans, I've began to realize that even with their high intelligence, they can easily be tricked using simple wordplay. Time after time I've been able to trick them into agreeing to completely one-sided contract of which they believed to be 'profitable' just because I said it was. For whom ever is reading this, possibly thousands of years in the future, I bestow upon you the skill 'Devil's Contract'. To use this skill to it's full potential, you must use the art of deception to trick your victims into believing the contracted would only benefit them so they can be blinded by greed and fall into the pits of despair. With this simple skill, you can create an army of humans to respond at your beck and call, use it well and with your own skills to become the strongest demon, I leave my will to you]

'Lucifer's diary is always filled with how to trick humans. I don't want to trick humans...but' he thought to himself as a malicious and sinister idea popped into his head. 'I wonder if I can use this on demons, it would be helpful to have some demons that would do anything I tell them' he uttered mentally and thought about the many uses this skill could bring as a slight smile broke out on his cold face and his blue eyes lit up like flames from hell.

The next day, he set out from the inn to have a more in-depth look around the human town. He had already begun to like the place, even after only being there for but a day. The scenery was welcoming and the kind atmosphere instantly put a smile on his face, it was exactly like the human towns he dreamed of after reading so many books about them. He felt like just being able to take in the pleasant atmosphere and joy was worth all the blood, sweat and tears he put in to get here.

Slowly walking through the streets, he was bet again by the people inviting smiles and polite greetings as if he were their relative or an old friend. Even just the smiles on these people faces brought him more happiness than he had ever felt in the Demonic Sector. Sometimes he wondered what it would have been like if he had grown up in the Human Sector; if he was a human given all the happiness and warmth that he had desired his entire life.

Besides the fact of admiring humans, he also felt a lot of envy toward humans back in the Demonic Sector. They would be given all the things they wanted in a peaceful world and would take it all for granted, while he was met with nothing but despair as people used him for their greedy desires and he had to fight and fight every day against the demon society.

Even now, in this human village, possibly even more than before, he wondered what it would be like to be human; he may look human, but what he really wanted, was to be human.

Looking around the town he noticed two people were having some kind of dispute over what look like to be money.

"You still haven't paid back what you owe, old hag" said the tall, imposing man with an irritated expression as if he was completely infuriated by this.

"I don't have the money. Please, I'm begging you, give me more time" replied the elderly woman with a sad expression and a shaky voice as if she were about to burst into tears.

'Looks like she's being bullied, why doesn't she just kill him? He clearly deserves it. Maybe I'll have to step in' Diablo thought to himself, to someone raised in the Demonic Sector, it was normal to kill and murder other people, sometimes people would even do it out in the open and others would just laugh. Even though Diablo had read lots of books on the humans, his mind still worked a lot like a demons, so he thought humans would kill each other just like humans did, and there was nothing in the books he read that would suggest otherwise.

Slowly, Diablo approached the man with his fist clenched, preparing for battle.

"Can't you clearly see she can't pay? Just leave her alone" Diablo said with a cold expression as he advanced toward the bulky man.

"Are you asking for a fight, kid? You've got some guts picking a fight with me, maybe I should just kill you and you can learn your lesson in the next life" shouted the imposing man as he turned to Diablo and clenched his fist. This man had made a grave mistake threatening to kill Diablo, even though it was a simple bluff, in the Demonic Sector if you said you were going to kill you were going to kill, so Diablo was preparing to kill.

The imposing man swung at Diablo, he wanted to teach this ignorant kid who was boss and so he was going to break the kid's bones so he could learn who was superior. But against what he expected, he felt an excruciating pain welling inside the arm he had used to swing at the kid. Instinctively, he pulled back his arm to try see what had just happened. When he looked at the kid of whom he believed to be just a weak and ignorant brat, he saw he was completely unharmed and , in fact, the kid was preparing to hit the man with another punch.

As he was still feeling the torturing pain and burning sensation in his arm like he his arm had just been crushed by an immense force, even though he didn't know what the kid had done to inflict such an intense pain on his arm, he didn't want to let him do it again. So, without thinking twice and throwing away foolish things like pride, the once imposing and arrogant man turned into a scared wuss and ran away so to not have to take another agonizing blow from this mysterious young man.

"Thank you, boy" the old lady who was being bullied by the man said in a grateful tone. "But what exactly did you do?" she continued, this time she spoke in a serious tone, confused by why the man had ran away seeming to be in a lot of pain.

"I punched him" Diablo said in a surprised tone as if it was one of the most obvious things in the world. The other people around him were filled with shock, wondering how such a young child could make a grown man cower in fear from just one lousy punch. 'Who is this young man' was a common thought amongst the villagers as his story spread throughout the small town bringing a lot of attention to the mysterious new traveller.