
Chapter 7

Bill Ferris landed at Harry Reid International Airport, also known as LAS. The plane had been quite full. Bill had treated himself this trip and flown business class. He did not stand out among his fellow business class fliers, though dressed casually, not wearing a suit. Bill's intention for this trip was to be mainly an observer, as it would be an opportunity to observe not only many different classifications of assholes at the same time, but the interactions between them, of course if any opportunities for small acts of assholeness came his way, in the interest of the asshole theory he would be obliged to take them.

As the passengers from the flight Bill had arrived on, and moved through the Airport to head off to the city. They were a mixed bunch, a few dressed for business, all serious and focused looking, some wide-eyed, with the look of anticipation clearly in their faces. One group off in the distance, caught his attention, all twenty something women. they were here to party. One was was wearing what, from the distance, looked like a bridal veil. They were loud and obviously here to party. The party must have started on the plane, or possibly earlier, as some of them looked well on the way to inebriation already. This little group, he thought, could possibly provide good asshole data. There were some, that would fall into the drunken asshole classification already. As their day progressed, some would probably develop into stupid assholes, some could turn into nasty assholes and the interaction with this particular group of assholes with any other assholes they may run across could lead to some interesting developments. There is nothing that will attract assholes quicker than a group of attractive young ladies that have drunk way more than is sensible, in a party town. As they poured themselves into a couple of minivan taxis for the trip into the city, though they were too far away to see in detail, one of the seemed vaguely familiar.

Bill grabbed his bags and headed off to the front entrance to the Airport to get a cab to take him into the city and off to a hotel. On the way he phoned Hiram and Ruth back at AS Hol Consulting Ltd head office, which was in reality Hiram and Ruth's home and place of work, to report in that he had safely arrived. Bill's leap into the world of assholes, seem to interest and excite them. Though, with Hiram and Ruth presented to the outside world, the feeling of drab gray, making it hard to fathom what is actually going around in their heads, Bill was getting the impression they were both quite excited at being part of the asshole experiment. Bill was starting to see these two, as more than excellent providers of services he requires, but as real friends as well. When he considered the concept of a friend, he had probably never had any. Even going back to the old love of his life, Samantha, even she had not been a friend, she had been more like a fairy-tale he had dreamed up in his head, in a perfect life that he invented. Bill, when in the presence of these two, felt he could almost see flashes of color, only fleeting, but brilliant. They were a difficult pair to read as so much passed between them that was not words. Bill had now arrived at the hotel he was to stay at. By chance his arrival coincidentally aligned with another group he instantly recognized as assholes. These are at the very least pretentious assholes. they arrived in a convoy of black SUV's, obviously wanting to be noticed and to give the impression of power, wealth and importance to all those around. There had to be a good selection of assholes contained within this group. Lazy rich, useless rich, arrogant rich, stupid, possibly even bad or evil, or if he got real lucky a politician or two. This group possibly would contain their asshole activity in private, but hopefully they would move out into the public Vegas habitat to perform their asshole acts. So he was hoping there was a fair bit of stupid in their assholeness. But in a place like Vegas, swarming with large numbers and varieties of assholes, a small group such as this may be hardly noticed.

Bill checked into his room and then started his preparations for his evening's work, a study of assholes in the wild. Alcohol being a strong encouragement to bring out the inner asshole, sometimes kept hidden, so one of the bars in this very hotel would be a good place to start. A place where both gambling and alcohol were abundant would probably even be better. It would take a bit of time for these factors to do their work so Bill planed to head down to the bar area sometime after 10:00 pm. The first bar he entered was rocking, in full on party mode. Bill glanced around looking for possible subjects for his study. Over to one side he noticed the group of women who had arrived on the same plane as he did. He had to admire their stamina, as now several hours later, they were still full on partying, unless this was the second shift, because they had rested up for several hours after arriving. As Bill moves closer to this group, he realizes he had been correct with his assumption that one of these partying ladies was familiar. There standing right in the middle of the group was my old flame Samantha Waldorf. She must be the maid of honor for this future bride, obviously well into the Vegas hen's party experience these ladies were all partaking in. To give her credit, she seemed to be taking her position of responsibly, very seriously as she was by far the least intoxicated of all of them, most probably completely sober. Keeping this lot out of trouble was going to be a difficult task. Already there were a few opportunistic male assholes beginning to gather around looking for the opportunity to be bigger assholes by taking advantage of these well on the way to intoxicated, potential victims.

At this point the interesting scenario before me, became even more interesting. The group of pretentious assholes who arrived at the hotel the same time as me entered the room. The leader of this new group quickly scanned the room, noticed the wild hen's party going on, the they headed towards it.