
The Relationship Contract

Kimberly thinks she has her life figured out,with her about to graduate from college. A small job on the side to take care of her expenses but what happens when she spills coffee on the wrong person Jace the handsome arrogant businessman that collides with Kim and sets out to "use her" Will love abide in their hearts Will Jace make or break Kim Does opposite really attract each other How would their lives intertwine

Ibukunn · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

I got settled in my new room,it looked like a room fit for a princess I smiled as i put my things in place.

   "Kimberly" i couldn't misplace that voice, I turned back to see him leaning by the door. dressed in a white shirt with his suit laying casually on his shoulder a few buttons on his shirt was loose, he looked so handsome.

Hello Mr Norman, no please call me Jace     he said and this is the contract as he hands it over to me, go through it and sign, let me know if there is any thing you'd like to add and give it back to me tomorrow. I'll be in my room, call Andrew if you need anything.

I looked at the document in my hands, i laid on my bed as i went through it before signing.

I changed into my PJ'S as I took the document and went downstairs.

   Andrew please where is jace's room ?

Its the third room to your right miss.

I went back upstairs and knocked in the door. I heard a faint "come in"

I went in and saw him, is it possible for someone to get more handsome minute by minute, because looking at jace he looked more handsome, until i noticed he had a towel sitting loosely on his waist, he was half naked. I couldn't help but stare at his abs, i wanted to kiss him fiercely.

Who am i, I don't even recognize my own thoughts anymore

    Kim! My face is up here he gestured towards his face, my face burned with embarrassment.

Urhh...sorry i wanted to give this back to you i said as i handed back the contract to him.

   I hurriedly left the room and went into mine

Oh Kim what were you thinking

I laid on my on bed. I heard a knock on my door.

Kim I forgot to tell you, we will be going out for dinner with a few friends of mine so as to make our relationship public, i hope you understand, I'll pick you up by 7pm.

Yes jace, I totally understand goodnight.

    The next morning, i woke up feeling giddy as I stretched my body, this new bed really did my body good.

I walked into my bathroom to brush and have my bath. I tied a towel and walked into my closet, picked out a blue top and shorts, i let my hair loose and brushed it, put lip gloss as i smacked my lips together

I made my way downstairs ,good morning miss Blake andrew greeted me as i walked

Good morning andrew please call me Kim

I smiled as i sat on the stool by the kitchen, good morning mrs Daveen i smiled as I greeted her.

  Oh dear good morning to you, please call me noona, i giggled as i got up and gave her a bear hug, good morning noona i said again.

Take a seat while i serve you she said,i digged in and started eating,I haven't seen jace around.

Oh jace, he leaves very early although he said he will be back home early today.

I finished eating and went back to my room, i tried reading as i had a week to my final exams, time went quickly. I heard a knock on my door.

Hello Kim, this parcel came for you Andrew said as he gave me the large parcel.

I locked my door and unwrapped the parcel in it, i saw the most beautiful, elegant yet simple dress, in it was a note

Please wear this tonight


I lay the dress on my bed took a good look at it again, i had 2-hours left before jace comes. I went into my bathroom and took a long steamy bath,I wrapped a towel on my body as i sat down to do my makeup, I applied foundation,eyeliner ,powder and a rose red lipstick ,

I tied my hair into a messy loose bun, I grinned into the mirror as I perfected my look.

I wore the dress i was given, I liked how it hugged my curves and settled inti my skin, i still didn't understand how jace knew my perfect size, but I brushed the thought off, i put on my black velvet Louboutin red bottom heel (well it's the only expensive thing i have, and it was given to me)

I looked back at the mirror and nodded, it was exactly 7pm,

I made my way downstairs to see jace sitting silently checking his Rolex wristwatch, he was putting on a tuxedo, he had really clean up and was looking "yummylicious"

I gently walked down the stairs and caught him staring at me.

Hi jace, I smiled as i greeted him

Hi Kim, you look really beautiful he said, I blushed and said you don't look bad yourself.

He gently held my back as we walked towards the door as we stepped out, a black Porsche was waiting for us, he opened the door and arrived at an Italian restaurant.

We got in and there were not much people there, he held my waist and lead me towards a table, there were four people Sitted

Hi guys, this is Kimberly my girlfriend

Kimberly meet Ricky,Rafe ,Linda and Jessica.

Hello i said as i took a seat beside Jessica, I immediately bonded well with the ladies. I learnt Linda is a fashion designer,she had auburn hair and green eyes, she looked like a Victoria secret model.

Jessica is a lawyer, she's engaged to ricky, she's calm and quiet , she's blonde and really gorgeous, we bonded so well

Kim, how about we meet up for lunch tomorrow Linda asked.

I glanced briefly at jace but he was engrossed in a conversation with the guys

Sure no problem i told Linda and asked Jessica, will you be there too?

No I can't, i have a case I'm handling but we can meet by weekend she replied.

The waiter came to ask for our order, After going through the service menu I ordered for caprese salad with pesto sauce .

The waiter took our order but kept staring at me before he left.

Linda leaned towards me and said that waiter is totally into you.

You're imagining things i replied her.

The waiter came back with our foods and kept smiling at me, we finished eating

Jace beckoned on the waiter and settled the bill, we stood up to leave, i hugged Linda and Jessica, i smiled and hugged Ricky and rafe

The ride home was quiet, as we got home i stepped out to leave but jace held my hand.

Why were you flirting with the waiter he asked?

I laughed and said I wasn't, i was just being nice. I tried walking again but he grabbed my arm and said

So you're nice to every man you meet, first it was Ricky then rafe and the waiter?

Wait what? Are you jealous of your friends?

I wasn't flirting and besides i think you've forgotten we are only fake dating, I pushed his hand from my arm as i made my way to my room.