
The Rejected Moon Godness Daughter Selena

Kenkat · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 4


This is my first book hope you guys like it.

Leave comments please nothing bad.

This is a book contains strong launages sorry for the inconvenience that it may cause.



Selena's P. O. V

I sit in the garden remembering those days when my life was happy.

You see my family was the best I could ever had.

My dad is the Bata and my mom is a warrior the best in the pack so having parents like them can make anyone happy.

Brushing off the through I hurried to the kitchen to get dinner started.

Even though I was beating badly my wolf angel healed me I don't know what I would do without her.

Getting to the kitchen I hurried getting my ingredients for dinner.

Was cooking fried chicken with pasta and rice and peas and a lot more.

Half way through my cooking I felt a shiver run down my spine knowing someone was watching me. I tried shaking it off but the feeling won't leave.

"Just don't look selena" my wolf said to me

"it will be over soon" she reply.

Listening to her I continued cooking.

When I was done I have everything ready and the table set for dinner and by 6:30 everything was set out on the table.

I had fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, rice and peas, bake chicken potato salad and more.

When I was putting the last item down I started hearing chattering letting me know that it was my time to leave.

I held my head down heading to the kitchen.

I sighed knowing it's another day without dinner.

Heading to my room out the back I went inside to take a shower. After doing my stuff I put on a old rip jeans and a tank top with a worn out sneakers and headed for the lake.

It's my spot where I go to think the only person knows about this place was my brother Alex and the Alpha to be, Alpha Andrew.

I went on the dock and look out to the calm water. Feeling the wind pick up some of the leaves and my hair at the same time, I use my hand to it back behind my ear.

Thinging about the time we found this spot me my brother and my once best friend Andrew.


I was 11 at the time we found this place. Me, Alex and Andrew. We were playing hide and seek in the woods. I was seeking while they were hiding.

"7,8,9,10 I counted. Ready or not here I come" I shouted at them.

Looking behind tree after tree I couldn't find them.

"Alex, Andrew" I called but noone answered. Smiling while I was looking I still didnt see them.

After a couple minutes later when I couldn't find them, I started panicking wondering where they are.

I started shouting.

"Alex, Andrew" still no answer from them I didn't know where they went but they were good at hiding.

I started getting worried wondering where they could have gone. I getting deeper in the woods I started feeling scared because I couldn't fine my brother and my friend.

"Alex, Andrew please come out I give up" I said but still I didn't get any answer.

My mind stared playing tricks on me or so I thought and my fear for loosing the only two people I have was gone. (I still had my parents guys)

Getting deeper in the would I hear a cracking sound like someone step on a stick. I started panicing looking around.

"Guys is that you" I said but still no answer.

"Guys it not funny please I am not playing anymore" I said but still I was met with silence.

Hearing the leaves rustle I started running but I didn't know where I was running to, but I was trying to get away from whosoever or whatsoever was coming. Before I knew it two hands came around my waste and I screamed "aaaahhhhhh!! "

"Holy moon goddess selena it's us" my brother shouted, while covering his ears. When I hear my brother's voice I stop screaming and hit them with my fist.

"Don't do that again! " I scream at them with tears in my eyes. "You guys almost give me an heart attack. I was so worried I through something bad happened to you too and I was next! " I yelled at them.

Both cover their ears while laughing at me.

"You should have seen your face when I held you just now" Andrew said while laughing.

"Yeah it was hilarious" my brother said laughing while making a funny face and waving his hands in the air.

"It's not funny guys I was scared half to death" I said.

After a series of laughter they finally calm down.

I started looking around

"Huh, guys where are we? " I asked for still looking.

They stopped and look to see as well.

I looked behind me and see the most beautiful scenery ever.

"Wow guys look" I said pointing to the lake.

They both look at the same time with the same expression on their faces.

"Wow" I hear both boys said at the same time.

It was beautiful the sun was about to set so it was orange giving the water a beautiful redish orange color.

There was flower of every color around the lake too. The grass was like lawn grass like it was just cut and laying beautifully on the ground.

Some where u can have a picnic out on the grass.

It was a sight to behold.

"it's beautiful" I said and the boys agree with a "sure is"

"I think we are the first to see this" Andrew said.

"Yeah your right" Alex agree.

"Hey, let's make a promise!" I said smiling.

"Let's make this place our hide away place. Just the three of us knows about it, and when we are feeling down or sad or happy we can come here and just enjoy the view. Promise?" I said holding out my pinky finger.

"Promise" they both said at the same time holding out theirs.