

Everyone was seated quietly listening to the high priest as he was discussing or rather informing people the reason why they had been summoned to the sacred shrine.

"We are all here to witness the rejection ceremony of Luna Rachel and our ALPHA king Richard, "he said. Everyone gasped, yes indeed the Luna queen was married to their alpha for over 10uears yet she was unable to conceive an heir to their ALPHA this did not come as a surprise rather it came later than some expected. Some were shocked because their pack had become successful after their alpha mated with the Luna way back. On the stage, one could see Luna Rachel looking youthful and noble as she always did if one looked for sorrow in her face they were rather contradicted because her eyes shone like she was happy.

The council of Blue Moon Pack the most sacred pack in Wolfland was seated highly around the stage witnessing the event. After some time the people's ALPHA king came to the stage and some wolves started beating drums showing That the ceremony had just started.

The council leader then spoke, " We are here today under the watchful eye of our moon goddess to witness the rejection ceremony which was hereby passed by the council because the luna queen proved that she was unable to bring forth an heir to the throne of our blue moon pack ".Everyone was quiet as he went on with his story.


I loved Rachel with all the fiber that I had because she was my fated mate but she was unable to give me a child. We both tried on various occasions even seeking help from human doctors but it's either they will say she was fine or it was the moon goddess's curse on me for trying to rape that young girl from the Redmoon pack. I later on started to behave like a total stranger to my wife even sleeping with some random women just to have a child but all to no avail. Then one day I was visited by our park's council of elders one of whom worked with my late father alpha Bernard. I welcomed them into my courtroom and what they discussed with me got me angry to the point that my wolf almost took control and killed them which is against our pack's rules.

"My king it has been 11 years since you mated with the Luna but she has not given this kingdom an heir to your throne which we know can not be obtained by anyone other than your blood ."This was Simon one of my father's trusted advisors who eased the situation. Yes, indeed it was true that it was believed that the blue moon pack heir was always from the Silas family because we were a very magical pack in which the blue moon crystal would bloom from an underground flower known as the blue diamond in my pack. It will be found whenever the so-to-be alpha turns 8 and will be taken by the priest to be given to the heir when he turns 22which will engulf him leaving a blue moon tattoo on the left wrist which will give the new alpha the power to sit on the throne as well as different magical powers. This event also took place when I was inaugurated as the sole heir to the throne after my father.

"So wise ones what do you suggest we do then because If what I heard one of you saying through your minds it cannot be done," I said calmly though I wanted to break their bones. Yes, I had accidentally listened to Simon's thoughts through the mind link when he mentioned that it wouldn't be easy to convince me to reject my mate.

"Your Highness we know it is not an easy thing to do but all we ask for is for you to reject her and seek another mate whom you will produce an heir for the pack because you die and we are left without an heir you know that it weakens our wolves hence giving other packs a chance to raid us and steal our possessions," Luke said although I don't trust him much at least what he said was TRUE. 

"I know but isn't there another way to make sure that I can mate another woman and have children with her who will be considered as an heir" I said.

"Of course not my king the reason you cannot have children with all those women from before is that you did not mark them if you do they will be able to provide you with children but in your case, one wolf cannot mark another mate until the current mate is either dead or rejected", Andrew said.

"So you mean to say there is no other way than to reject Rachel ", I said feeling powerless.

"Yes alpha, we're sorry but some things are meant to be done as you are the alpha the pack comes first "Simon added.

We went on with the discussion until I agreed on their proposal and left for Rachel's chambers feeling dejected. I don't know why but I felt the urge to have sex with her countless times before our rejection ceremony which was then scheduled for the following day since it was a full moon. I entered her room to see her looking breathtaking with a hint of lavender I guess she had just taken a bath.

"How are you my queen," I said from behind her.

"Hello my handsome alpha what made you remember your mate all of a sudden", she said melodiously 

"I just missed you so much babe I mean Taking care of the whole pack is troublesome you know plus it's you who ran away from our chambers," I said winking at her which she replied with a pink blush.

"I....you know what it was because of you who have a big sex appetite who was I to handle such a crazy beast at night. Every day I was sore not to count how much beauty sleep I missed because of you get out" she said jokingly. If one thing is clear yes she ran away after finding me having sex with one of my gammas and since then even after forgiving me she has never slept in that room though it was the biggest in the castle she refuses to enter it so thus why we slept separate rooms. Today was supposed to be an endless night as I went inside Jer's Ensuite to take a shower and get ready to devour her.


Am very much aware of how long I had married Richard and was unable to get pregnant. I tried all sorts of things just to be able to conceive but all to no avail. I was aware that later on the council would not be in favor of our marriage and would decide to separate us and I was ready my mate always stood by me but what I knew was that one day he would eventually give in. It was now 11 years since he marked me and I still was not even pregnant. Time was flying by and this magical pack was indeed of an heir or all would be lost. As a Luna, I knew that the pack came first in all decisions and I was ready to back down from my post so that the pack would continue to prosper. Then one day while I was watering my roses in the palace garden I saw the council elders and their facial expressions, it showed that they were not happy and that whatever they were to discuss was important and stressful. Later on, the meeting dragged on more than I expected and I could feel my mate's anger and I was able to know that the matter concerned me. I left the garden and went to my chambers and took a nice bubble bath and as I was waiting to go outside my room I saw Richard entering my room and I was aware that he had something important to discuss with me and I knew it already by instinct and was ready to be rejected but it caused and immeasurable pain in me and I could also see it in my mate's eyes. He then went to take a shower and I waited patiently for him to come back.

"So tell me what's bothering you today hunt".I said trying to make him open up to me.

"Can we discuss this later, for now, I need to be with you please" he said and I knew he wanted time to calm his nerves because I could feel how nervous he was through the mind link between mates.

"Okay, so what are we supposed to do this afternoon since the meeting with the council already ended"I said trying to change the subject. 

He just looked at me and started looking breathtaking. I couldn't resist having him moaning my name on my bed at this moment because his body now smelled of lavender and had a hint of masculinity in it, I could feel my juices cascading and the temperature changing just looking at his eyes.

"Babe please you will kill me, I can smell your arousal don't tell me you wanna play with Daddy", he said whilst dropping the towel which was around his waist displaying his fully erected member. he came close to where I was sitting and I was able to smell his hot breath. He captured my lips instantly and I was now moaning with pleasure his aftershave added to his masculinity smell always turned me on. I was now feeling butterflies in my stomach. He ripped off the thin layer of clothing that I Was wearing that first made me angry because it was made of fine silk but not the pleasure which he made me feel I was actually in heaven. Soon he was now between my legs sucking my clit and goosh I could feel my body trembling.

"Richard "I screamed his name giving off a huge orgasm whilst he continued sucking and tongue-funking me. I then used my wolf strength and pushed him onto the bed and here we were me on top of him. I gave him a blowjob on his big long cock and there he was moaning and growling my name, his wolf-like always went crazy whenever I gave him a blowjob. We went on like that until he was almost around Cumming and he pinned me on the bed whilst entering my wet member I moaned. It was breathtaking he fucked me roughly with a lot of aggression and I loved it I could see my wolf enjoying herself and fighting to take control so that she can have it with his mate. We both transformed into our wolves and we had sex they seemed to be enjoying themselves then his wolf and mine both reached their climax and cummed at the same time and we transformed back and lay on our backs looking at each other's eyes. a

"You know I love you, Rachel, you're my world my sunshine", he said this was his way of thanking me for the wonderful sex I just replied by rolling my eyes.

"You know what my wolf took over before I had enjoyed you so please let's have another one, "he said. I looked at his now erect cock and of cause felt another arousal coming my way and this time I was the one riding him. We went on like that the whole afternoon I don't know how many positions we tried that day but it was very steamy my mate was amazing that afternoon we even skipped lunch. 

After our hot passionate, intimate moment, we went and took our bath changed our clothes, and made the bed. Now I felt the nervous feeling engulfing my mate again and I knew now was the time for him to tell me the story behind the council's arrival today.


After our steamy sex, we took our bath taking time to wash my wife's body for the last time before tomorrow I was no longer in a happy mood and I knew that what I would say would break Rachel's heart and I was not ready for that but her pleading face made me bite the bullet and tell her.

"Rachel the elders came and talked about our marriage being not fruitfully and they fear for the pack", I said whilst studying my mamtes face which showed no emotion like she knew before I had told her. That is what I loved about her she always had a calm face even in the face of danger she would always be calm.

"Babe, I know and they suggested for a rejection I guess" she replied.

"Yes but how did you know", I was surprised by her response.

"Well, I felt your emotions and the way the elders entered the compound told me the whole story so when is the rejection ceremony, I know you love me and I do too but as a Luna my people come first since I was unable to give you an heir let someone do it for you so that this magnificent pack of ours does not perish because of our selfishness, "Zhe said.

If I was once amazed by how she got to know about our story now her response made it more astonishing. 

"Tomorrow" I replied trying as much as possible to look for a hint of sorrow but I saw none looks like she was ready for it

"Am sorry "I unconsciously found myself saying it and I guess it was a trigger as I saw an ocean of tears flowing down my mate's cheeks. (mate needs us to comfort her)I heard my wolf stating this in my brain.

"It's fate but I promise you I will always love you and I hope in the next life I'll be able to give you children's he said and this hurt me the most, we were huge and both of us cried for our love.

We then went to eat our supper but the air was suffocating for both of us. We just had a few bites of our food and my mate looked like she had lost her will to eat. I looked at her as she went back to her room maybe to pack I don't know. I then went to my minibar took a bottle of whisky and drank from the bottle trying to cheer up but my mood was off.

End of thoughts

In front of them, they looked into each other's eyes and one could see that they did not want to separate but date had given them a massive blow. The priest told them to step closer to the golden cup which was near the center of the stage to say their break-up vows.

"I Richard Silas reject you Rachel Bloom as my mate and Luna of the blue moon pack ", he said so but the tone showed that he was unwilling. He then continued to cut his left palm and let his blood flow into the golden cup this was watched by everyone present.

"I Rachel Bloom.... accept your rejection.... Alpha Richard Silas and seize to be your mate and ......luna of Bluemoon pack" She said this with sobs and continued to cut her wrist and let her blood flow into the golden cup which they had cut their wrists when they first held their mating ceremony.

Later on, the cup was poured into the moon-shaped carvings which glowed when the blood flowed into its mouth and instantly the two felt a sharp pain in their heads as if something had been cut. Rachel felt her connections with the people to have somehow been cut and she knew that her mighty status had now been cut and she surprisingly still had her Luna powers which she used and create a portal to her room which she stepped into. The elders were surprised as to why she still had the powers which were supposed to have been taken away from her but they chose not to tell the king.

Rachel went to pack her belongings and left a letter for her ex-mate and telephoned again to her witch friend Anita who lived outside the blue moon pack in the witch's land.

Richard returned to the palace to an empty chamber. It showed that Rachel was long gone as she disappeared into thin air but what caught his eyes was a neatly written letter put aside her dressing table.


After the ceremony, I did not see Rachel and I supposed that she had gone to her chambers but with whom I don't know because I know from the shrine to the palace it needed about an hour to walk but a few minutes in wolf form. I went near the council to know the way forward and what they said was not what I expected.

"Since the mate bond has now been destroyed you are now advised to seek another mate but only those that are not marked by their mates, "said Simon

I knew that the council was eager to have an heir but why so soon are they trying g to push away Rachel? Thinking of Rachel my blue moon tattoo started to glow and I didn't know what it meant I found myself in her room which now didn't have any sign of her.

When I was about to exit her room I saw a neatly written letter and while using my wolf sense I smelled Rachel from it. The letter was like this.

Dear Richard

When you will see this letter I will be long gone. I love you and care about you. I know you are hurting so do I but I hope you will keep and protect our pack for me. I have visited my friend Anita and will stay with her for a while until I look for a way forward I wish you all the happiness you deserve and please try to move on with whom you may choose as your Luna.

I know I should have waited for you to come back so that I could have said goodbye face to face but I know this would hurt the both of us. I wish and pray to the moon goddess that in my next life I will be able to make you a father and have a token of our love. I have taken the black card which you gave me as my birthday present and this will also remind me how a good husband you were to me.

For now goodbye my Alpha, my knight in shining armor, my sunshine.Till we meet in the next life 

Yours lovingly 

Rachel Bloom

Ps we'll always love you.