


I watched as Rachel fell and lost consciousness I was worried sick about her. I called her but she did not wake up. One thing came into my mind and that was to seek treatment for my friend but I don't know where their herbalist or so if found here my only chance was to consult Peter.

"We need to help her, Peter where can we get the treatment she has been like this for a while now running a fever at night ".

"You should have told me this morning when I came to you that maybe we could have seen treatment for your sister. Let's get her into the car and we need to see a doctor immediately. "

We went to the so-called hospital and we saw people wearing white coming to take my friend and put her on a moving bed. I saw her pale face and her lifeless hands as they took her in rushing to a room that had a light on. A male person entered the room and they started rushing inside the hospital taking different sharp objects to where my friend was. I hoped she would not transform into her wolf.

After about ten minutes the people wearing white came with Rachel who was sleeping peacefully towards us.

"How is she nurse, "Peter said

"Well the patient fainted because of a poor diet and high level of anxiety as well as stress please sir make sure your wife eats well and try to not make her angry the doctor will talk to you after he is done with some of his tests preferably the patient wake up".The nurse said and went with Rachel to a room.

"Now am mistaken for her husband, you owe me," he said looking at me.

I couldn't contain myself as I laughed at the top of my lungs if only he knew who she was he would be afraid because her once mate was very possessive and he would have been beheaded.

We went to the room where Rachel was admitted we stayed there and I looked at her right hand which had a bag of water connected to her by a sharp needle and a tube. I stayed with her and Peter excused himself saying he needed to get going g since it was already dark. Soon after Peter left I suddenly felt my eyelids fighting too close as I wanted to keep watch making sure Rachel was safe. After some time I finally gave in and slept on the bed beside Rachel it was so comfortable no wonder she was not waking up I said this to myself as I slept. That night I had a terrible nightmare it was as if we were back in our world and I was been held captive by alpha Richard.

"So Anita you thought you would be able to hide away from me now am here . You better tell me where she is hiding or I'll kill every human until I find her".

"Alpha if I reckon correctly you rejected her didn't you."

"I might have but my wolf wants her back and I know she still loves me so stop hiding her and present her to me. I don't try my patience".

In my dream, Rachel came forth and he and his subjects kidnapped her 

"RACHEL" I found myself screaming and then I felt a light tap on my shoulder that's when I realized it was just a dream. When I opened my eyes I saw Rachel staring at me with great confusion in her eyes and a lot of questions to ask that I was aware of.


When I saw the darkness I felt like I was dying and I found myself in a dark forest .in this forest I ran but I did not exit it. It stretched to a long distance touching the horizon at every point. I felt the presence of someone and I traced that smell and I saw a woman in labour. I tried to help her but my hand passed through her I tried and my wolf told me that it was of no use so I decided to watch. After about 5 minutes heavily guarded men came and one of them helped the lady who gave birth to twins a girl and a boy. But what piqued my interest was that both had two identical moon-shaped tattoos the girl had hers on her back, whilst the boy had his on his chest.

I looked at myself and found that maybe the moon goddess was trying to tell me about my family background as I was raised by an old lady in the blue diamond pack who on her deathbed told me that I was not related to her and that she saw me in a basket probably soon after I was born. I continued to look and I was able to hear what they were saying 

"My queen it is said to be a bad omen to give birth to twins, the priest will demand them to be killed, "one of them said.

"This is my child and no one gets to decide what happens to my daughter".The woman said.

"But what if word ever goes out that you gave birth to twins what would happen to you and your son Because frankly speaking the alpha needs an heir than a daughter ".

"Since that is the case I will put her in a basket and let her flow to nearby packs hoping that someone kind will take care of my baby".

Soon after that I felt a huge force pulling me and I heard someone screaming my name. I opened my eyes to later hear that it was Annie but my dream made me puzzled I didn't know how to interpret it or rather I didn't want to acknowledge it.

The sun was slowly rising and found myself in a weird room with a needle in my arm I wanted to take it off but I later gave up that idea as I was afraid someone would see that I healed too fast and raise suspicion from them. I went to where my witch friend was lying and slowly tapped her on the shoulder and she looked at me as if she had lost me.

"Am here, Annie what's wrong with you".

"Rachel is that you, did he hurt you pinch me if am not dreaming he took you".

"Noona took me", I said as I pinched her ."Now tell me who took me ".


"The nightmares one, I Hope maybe by now he has a new Luna maybe she is pregnant and we speak".

Before we could continue further with our discussion a woman wearing white came into the room and started looking at my eyes, head, and lastly my lower abdomen. It was weird but something told me something was wrong.

"What's wrong with me ".I said.

"The doctor will be with you shortly and be prepared for what he shall say."the lady said and left with her tray of sharp needles.

It did not take a long time before a man wearing a white jacket entered the room and he smiled at me.

", Good morning, I see you're up how are you feeling today,".

"Confused", I said who are you and what have you? done to me.

"Well am a doctor and I treat sick patients and you fainted yesterday because of stress, poor diet and anxiety, and lastly.." before he could finish I saw Peter enter the room and I could only smile at him. I don't know why but I felt as if I knew him or were connected it was my thoughts. The doctor. looked at the both of us and said.

"Well as I was saying for the next three months make sure you don't stress yourself or have sexual intercourse with your energetic husband here because you are one week pregnant".


"Doctor you can't be serious that my friend is pregnant are you sure "I heard Anita say and my spirit was now lower than ever.

"Yes miss am 100%confident that she is pregnant we did a lot of tests and the baby seems extraordinarily developing quite well. Congratulations I will see you soon. Don't forget antenatal booking."

"Thank you doctor", I heard Peter saying this before the man walked out.

After the doctor went out Peter followed him. I felt a purpose to live for and I was certain whatever that would come with my baby beside me I'll conquer it.


When I heard that Rachel was pregnant I felt happy for her but after recalling her story and struggle I was depressed. I followed the doctor to consult more about pregnant women because I didn't want her to experience what my mother felt when she gave birth to my second sister. I vowed to myself that I'd try by my power to help her sail through this. When I entered the doctor's office I was nervous about what I was about to tell him but I had to to protect my friend. I bit the bullet and went on to tell him about her story and he nodded continuously maybe looking for the possible way to tell me what he was about to say.

"Well, Mr Peter what you have told me must be the cause of her depression so I suggest that you must make sure that her emotions are always in check. Also, the first three months of the pregnancy are very crucial as she is likely to miscarry the baby if her emotions are unstable, if she bumps on her belly, high blood pressure so I hope you will treat her well and make sure to go to the reception and get her ANC booking booklet from the nurse. If that's all you can take your leave," he said politely.

"Thank you, doctor," I said.

I went down to the reception trying as much to recall and put it into stone what the doctor had just told me. I then called the butler and ordered them to prepare clothes for their two mistress. I gave him some of their pictures which I had taken when they were not looking this morning whilst they wore their curtain clothes (these women will kill me )so that they would be able to get help about their sizes.

I passed by the reception and saw a phone shop across the street. Now I was using some of my life savings to help these ladies. I entered the store and the shop assistant showed me various brands from Samsung to Apple. I then chose some iPhones for them and went on to get them SIM cards. I looked outside the window and I saw a vendor selling fruits I felt hungry as I had not had my breakfast. I bought some bananas, apples, oranges as I didn't know what they preferred. When I came back I went to the reception and was given Rachel's booklet and I went on to sign the discharge forms. Before I could commence to the room my peers where I perceived a wolf smell. As a werewolf I knew that it was a werewolf's scent and that person quickly hid it as if it was there for a nanosecond.

That left me wondering why is there a wolf far away from Wolfland and why are they in hospitals these all were unanswered questions as I turned the door Knob and entered the lady's ward which was busy with their conversation. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

VANKERK_ELIAScreators' thoughts