

The two Anita and Rachel are teleported from their worlds to that of humans. They were now in a dense green forest and a clear waterfall was seen beside them. The sweet aroma of wet soil and the butterflies as well as the melodies of the birds they both felt they were in the garden of the moon goddess. They were marvellous as such peace the area produced and they wished the world would stay the way it was at this particular moment.

"Annie this place is beautiful even the air is clean".

"Yes, Ilam already loves this place my friend it's breathtaking".

"And am hungry it seemed like forever traveling from our world to this ".

"Yes, my queen let's see if we can find a place to stay".

They started to walk inside the woods in search of a place where humans lived and a place they could stay before they looked for their way forward. After walking for a long distance they came across a path that strangely had black tiny rocks and white continuous lines. They walked on top of it and it was hard soon afterward the ground started shaking and a vehicle almost ran over them. The car driver came out angry as he shouted at them.

"Hey, you dim wits can't you see that a vehicle was coming? What if I had bumped my new car into you worthless peasants will you be able to repair it "He said this while he spat a mouthful of saliva beside him.

"We are sorry noble sir we were not careful, it's our fault I hope you will not mind my friend she has not been feeling well since her husband died in a gang attack on our poor village. "Anita lied.

"Well am sorry to hear of your loss, but can I ask what are you doing on this road this early in the morning? Are you perhaps lost, I might be able to help you find your way as the woods are not good for young women at this time of the day".

"Thank you, sir, yes we were looking for the nearest village so that we could settle down we had a long journey and we are hungry," Anita replied.

"Well, the village you say you are now near the country's capital my ladies but hope you don't mind I can take you there in my car ."

"That will be very noble of you kind sir".

"Can I get your names at least am Peter you can call me Pete".

"Nice meeting you Peter, am Anita and this is my friend Rachel".

The three went to Peter's car and he drove off to the city. Rachel was marveled she kept looking outside the window as she saw the trees and grass moving. Anita as well was enjoying herself in the comfort of this moving chariot which was comfortable, she sooner fell asleep. Peter kept looking at these strange ladies as they were dozing in his car, although disheveled they both looked pretty and he found himself constantly peeping in his rear mirror looking at their sleeping faces. He decided to rake these ladies first to the police station and rest assured that they were not harmful before helping them settle. in the city. He arrived at the station and told. the police how he met the two mysterious ladies and whilst they were talking unknown to them Rachel was listening to their conversation. 

"Annie wake up".

"What is it I was already dreaming. g you know ".

"There is a problem the man took us to some guards I think and they want to ask us where we come from and what do we say".

"Let us just say we grew up in a mountainous area and there were many girls of our size. Some men would sell some of the children and some were kept as their wives. We were amongst those that had been sold and whilst they were transporting us we ran away and fell into a river then we woke up in the forest ."

"I hope they will find our story with no fault I can't take another danger ".

"You just relax they will".

Soon Perer returned with the police chief and the two ladies were taken separately got interrogation. They both told the same story which they had discussed and the officers who were interrogating them cried at their painful upbringing. Soon the police department then made an analysis that these girls were captured by human traffickers and sold into prostitution and some were taken into slavery and their case was closed.

"Mr Peter, the ladies seem to be victims of human trafficking. Yes, you might be saying they lied to you but they didn't know who to trust so I have given the registrar's office an affidavit so that these two can get identity documents they can collect them on Friday I hope they will be ready".

"Thank you chief, I'll see that they come to collect them".

Peter then went to where the two ladies were and told them the good news. He also took them to a housing agent so that he could help them get a house.

"Thank you Mr Peter for helping us today I hope we will meet up soon ."

"Why sound as if you want me gone remember I want to help you get a house you want even if my wages are low I'll try to raise some more so that we can at least pay the down payment so that you can be given the house."

"Like we have said Mr Peter we will be fine and we don't want to be a burden to anyone we might have a little something we came with from the mountains."

"Okay, but I will help you sell it if I may see it ".

Anita then drew a small bag that contained sparkling pure diamond necklaces which belonged to Rachel. At first, Rachel was unwilling to part with them but she had to have money to live in this world. Peter was surprised but what he saw was a real diamond and the craftsmanship was quite elegant as if it was meant for a queen what surprised him was how they got them.

"And how did you get these such valuable items "he asked.

"You see we saw them in one of our buyer's cabins and stole them so that we can sell them and have money to live on," Anita replied.

"Well, I bet he was filthy rich because what you have there might be able to reach at least 4 to 5 billion if you sell it ."

"It seems a lot of money take us there please" pleaded Anita.

"First you will need a bank account so that you can store your money. The money will be too much if you were to carry it so I suggest you open a joint account at our bank which I'll help open then we will proceed to sell the necklaces. "Peter said.

After saying that they went to his workplace and opened a joint account though it was said to be active the following morning which was Thursday the two were very happy as they would have to live a comfortable life. After the bank procedures were done it was near lunch time and Peter took them to a restaurant and ordered lunch for them which they ate talking from time to time as Rachel didn't seem to be in the mood to talk. After lunch, Peter took them to a housing agency so that they could choose the house which they wanted to stay in.

"Welcome to Bryan's housing agency how may we help you," said the receptionist. 

"Afternoon miss can we at least have all the houses your agency has ".Peter replied.

"Very well Sir and if you intend to buy 1 you need to book an appointment. "

"Thank you then book one for me tomorrow".

"You're lucky you will be seen tomorrow by 2 o'clock, Good day sir".

They left the agency whilst he drove the ladies to a nearby motel so that they could rest also he needed to go back to work as lunchtime was almost over. The ladies bade him farewell and went inside the motel took a bath each and started choosing the perfect home which they wanted. Whilst they were looking they saw a big mansion which looked majestic and a forest in the rear background and they looked at each other as they knew that was the one they chose. Later that night Rachel had a fever and Anita was worried sick she tried all she knew how to calm it down but it all proved to be unnecessary. 

The following morning Peter went to work and told his boss about his encounter with the ladies and asked for a leave of absence which he was granted. He went and made the otel payments and proceeded to the ladies' room.

(knock knock)

"It's the human man ", said Rachel.

"Try to control yourself this is not the place to let Magret out ".

"I know now open the door I can't wait to go to that house it was so beautiful ".

Anita opened the door and he was surprised by what he saw. The ladies had worn identical clothes and when he looked behind them he saw that they had cut the motel's curtains and made them into beautiful dresses he had ever seen.

"Good morning, you look stunning and beautiful in those lovely dresses".

"Well thank Rachel she did all the work with her hands you know ".

"I might say she is a very talented young lady".

"Thank you Peter for your compliments can we get going", Rachel said.

This was the first time he heard her speak and her voice was so melodious he felt like he was in the presence of an angel. If it were not for Anita waking him up from his imagination he would have stayed the whole day imagining Rachel's voice mourning beneath him.

They went to the bank and collected their separate bank card. They then went directly to a jewelry company and Peter had said that they would fetch a lot of money if they sold their jewellery there. Everyone hoped that whoever was supposed to buy the jewelry would pay them a huge sum of money. They entered the building all feeling nervous you could hear their hearts pound vigorously.

"Hello how can we help you" asked the receptionist. 

"We're here to see Mr Meyers" replied Peter.

"Is he expecting you ".

"Not really but tell him Peter Franklin is here to see him".

" Can I get a moment" She then picks up her receiver and communicates with her boss who tells her to let them in."He is in his office waiting for you".

"Thank you", they all said at the same time as they entered the elevator which had just opened.

They went to the CEO's office and met this young man of about Peter's age with blonde hair and hazel eyes. He was good-looking and was emitting a very cold aura.

"Peter what brings you to my company today and aren't you supposed to be at work" he said.

"Nicholas nice to see you too, is that how to greet your old friend ".Peter replied.

"Well if I remember correctly that friend forgot my birthday and later on went to date my sister where are those friendship values heh".

"Am truly sorryNick Anyway I brought something you might like".

"Women seriously ".

"Let me finish, show him, ladies".

Anita then showed him the pieces of jewelry that they had. He took one of them and carefully examined them and he showed an amused face.

"Where did you get this nicely crafted piece of jewelry to think that all are made of diamond worthy of a fortune ".

Peter told him the lady's story and he nodded and showed sympathy for the two ladies.

"Well, this is too expensive and am afraid I can't take all of this jewellery but maybe half of it because all this jewellery is unique as if was only made for a royal queen or princess and talk about the diamond carats I feel like you will empty my bank account t today."

"Are you saying even you the richest man in this country chat afford to allow these pieces ".Peter asked shocked.

"Yes Peter, as I said one of these pieces of jewellery for example this set of earrings can cost about 3 to 5 million so you know what it means ".

"It's expensive wow".

"So here is what I'll do I will take a few and pay about 15 billion how is that".

"We will take it ".

Nick then ordered his assistant to transfer some of his money to the lady's account which he did and he was given some of the jewelry that he planned to sell at an auction his company held every year. The ladies were very happy and they went on to thank the generous CEO and made their way out of the company heading for the housing agency.

When they arrived there they still had ti. e because it was almost noon so they decided to go to a nearby coffee shop and waited there.

"Ladies I might say you have just become the richest people I have known now and please I mean it".

"Thank you Peter that's why we need to thank you, we wouldn't be this rich if it weren't for you. You are our Saviour and we hope you will not say no when we try to thank you later you are indeed a good noble man."Rachel said, Peter kept feeling somehow closer to this mysterious lady like he had known her for a long time but he couldn't pinpoint where they were strangers to each other.

"It's nice to see you guys smiling I will accept whatever it is that you will command me my ladies at your service". He said dramatically offering a bow to the ladies and they laughed. Also, Rachel felt this familiarity with Peter like he had met him somewhere but where he was human whilst she was a werewolf this was confusing.

They talked about all sorts of questions like their likes and what they planned to do with their wealth whilst they drank their coffee. It was now 2 o'clock when they entered the agency again and went straight to the agent's office whom they had been assigned to.

"Good day how can we help you" the agent asked.

"We would like to buy the house which is near the forest, the one which looks like a castle".

"Well, that will cost $ 10 million and 25 million with the furniture plus house help as well as your very own butler. And you will need to pay 1 million every year to the agency do that these people would be paid," he stated.

"We will have it all".

They paid all the sums and were given the title deeds and the agency car took them to their house to which Peter came along. When they entered the house it was more beautiful than the picture and the maids were in line welcoming their boss ladies. When Rachel stepped out of the car she felt a painful headache and dizzy. She was unable to walk as she saw a huge darkness and she fell down. All she last heard was Anita calling her name and she lost consciousness.