

After the rejection ceremony was held the alpha was not seen outside his chambers for 5days and it was now known to everyone in the kingdom that he refused to eat or drink. Some said he was having nightmares calling his Luna in his sleep others said the rejection and breaking of the bond were now making him weak but all of these were a conspiracy what was the main reason was that his blue diamond tattoo was slowly fading its color and he was stressed out because neither the priest nor anyone knew what it meant.

"So you're telling me that this may be normal, what if I will not be able to sit on the throne or wear the crown? Talk to me ooh wise one and please don't go on my nerves "he bellowed 

"Your honor I too don't know what it means but give me some more time to consult the goddess or rather why don't you summon your crystal guardian's has been too long since you talked to her ."the high priest said in between clenched teeth.

"Okay here goes nothing I will consult her, you may take your leave priest and please don't let this go outside these walls or my wolf will have breakfast with your limbs," he said trying to warn the priest 

The priest took his leave and ran to his house using his wolf speed and if anything was scary this meeting with the alpha was scary and whatever he said one should not take it for granted.

Richard pov

After the lazy priest took his leave I tried as hard as I could to forget about Rachel but our memories always flooded back into my mind. I then resumed summoning my crystal guardian to ask her about my fading diamond tattoo since she is believed to have been born the same day as I was and my other self. I close my eyes and mutter 

"The guardian of the royal blue diamond you are summoned by your alpha Richard show yourself"

After saying these words I see a blue light coming from the tattoo and transform into a beautiful woman in front of my eyes.

"Richard how many times do I have to tell you that just say my name what is that speech all about, "she said rolling her eyes.

"My you have grown so beautiful how his crystal world".

"Our world is fine but I don't understand why you called me after what looks like 10 years didn't you miss me a single bit."

"I am sorry "

"Well now tell me what's bothering you".

"My tattoo seems to be fading remember it was dark blue now it's sky blue I don't understand "

"Mm interesting it seems like now you fertile "


"Why ask such a question didn't your father tell you about the crystal"

"Nothing except that it chooses the one who will become king"

"Ooh I see now listen it does not only choose the heir to the throne but it also gives one the power to control the four elements water, fire, earth, air ".

"So how does my fertility come between".

"Stop cutting me off am not done, it also arranges the time in which you will be able to have a child as it wants the other crystal to choose the firstborn, this happens 11 months after the new crystal is formed giving it time to connect with the unborn baby and see if he/she deserves to be king/queen this means you can now get Rachel pregnant. Speaking of Rachel where is she it's been a long time since I saw her I bet she is still as before as 10 years ago ."

"Rachel and I are no longer mates ".

"What's the meaning of this Richard don't tell me. you. rejected her saying she was barren when it was you who was not ready to have children because the crystal had not given you that privilege yet. Poor Rachel I wish her happiness in the future ."

"It was the elders who said it I had no choice and she was cool. with it rather I thought".

"I can't believe it and you just followed all that they said you should have consulted me. first. Okay, you have three days to mate with someone else or you shall never be able to. to have children."

"You can't do. that to me".

"Yes I can and how do you want to stop me, you have 3 days bye now".

Marry then disappeared into the tattoo again. Richard was now left confused and unknown. To him, someone was eavesdropping on his conversation with the crystal guardian and he went and told some of his colleagues. 

"Is what you said true Simon"

"Andrew why don't you listen to me, and by the way Langton's daughter is unmated why don't we present her to the king and let her be his mate"

"I will discuss this with my daughter but let no one tell the king about our secret meeting or he will have our heads as breakfast as he did to Pardon's."

After the elders had their meeting Langton went and told his daughter the good news and decided how they would carry out this idea.

"Father you know I want Don badly to be the Luna of this pack what if he decides to follow Rachel what can we do "

"Don't worry about that we will have someone seek her and kill her before tomorrow so that whoever he will send to look for her will never see her ."

"I like it and I have the best option I might use some of your yearly funds for it".

"Okay and be careful one more thing she is staying with that half-breed friend of hers Anita please don't fail me".

After their discussion, Lora put on a hood and went into the forest Making sure that no one was following her. She then transformed into her grey wolf and ran to the top. speed to the west border of the pack where the rogues lived.

"What brings a young beautiful lady to this part of the woods "she heard when she stepped into an abandoned house.

"I want to talk to Alfred please".

"And you are".

"Tell him that Lora is here to see him".

"Wait here"

The rogue told. her and she waited patiently and soon after he came back.

"Follow me".

"Lora I knew you would never forget me your old friend."

"How can I be so heartless ".

"Okay so what brings you here,theLora I know will always be here for something ".

"Alfred I want you and your crew to eliminate someone from my path".

"That's easy and what do you give me in return ".

"After you're done with the job I will give you riches more than you can imagine and power that will help you conquer any pack outside Blue Diamond and you will never be belittled as rogues anymore. "

'That's tempting am in, so who is this person you want dead ".

"Rachel the rejected Luna of this pack and her half-breed friend Anita they are living on the east of the pack's border eliminate them and make sure you leave no clue about their existence."

"Deal. my lady".

After finding someone to do the dirty job for her now it was time for plan B to be put in place and she returned to her house making sure that no one spotted her. Meaning Anita's house she was feeling strange.

"Rachel am not feeling quite well, I feel like danger is coming our way".

"Anita please stop with that nothing can harm us unless Richard wants me back but you know it's impossible right ".

"I don't know but he can remate you and you will be his Luna but in this case, he won't because the elders are all against your union thus why he rejected you remember ".

"Ooh I remember, but stop with that danger warning what can go wrong..." Before she could finish her sentence she heard noises downstairs and both of them stared at each other.

"What was that, Annie".

"Shish be quiet I don't know but smell wolves specifically rogues what do they want".

"Damn we're doomed and look outside it seems like they cma e for a war not money or our food how can we escape this".

"Excuse me how can we help you".Anita called out loud and used the witch's magic to make them speak out.

"We are here to kill the rejected Luna and her friend ", they all said at the same time.

"Looks like someone wants you dead my friend ".

"What can we do then Annie am scared even if we fight them we won't be able to defeat them both of us let's look for another way before they break inside the house ".

"Rachel I have an idea but we might need to draw so. e blood out of our bodies ".

"Be fast I can hear them downstairs in the lounge coming this way".

"Am done, now I want you to say the word clone ".

"Okay, clone".

After she said it her blood and that of her friend changed into them and it seemed hard to believe it but the two were very identical

"Nice, now we need to live in these places because whoever is after us will continue to do so until we die since you seem to still have some of your crystal magic why don't you create a portal to the human world and we will go there for a while until the right time comes and we will return".

"But humans are scary they will do those mean things to us."

"Why are you crying Rachel I know never cries and is a strong woman quick before we are killed she creates the portal and both of them enter it quickly with the dome of their belongings which they magically took with them to the new world.

Soon after the portal closes the rogues enter the room and see two ladies shaking with fear they kill them instantly and they leave the room with satisfaction as they can eliminate them with not much force or difficulty. Unknown to them is that when they left the whole building collapsed and the woman whom they thought had killed had arrived safely on earth.

Later the same day Lora went with a huge chest of gold to the rogues as payment for a job well done.

"Alfred I don't know how to thank you for doing this for you for now accept my gift for you and your brothers. "

"You're too kind it was easy as A, B, C".

"Really how did you guys kill them", she asked Rath curiously as the luna whom they knew was always tough and good at fighting.

"We entered their magical home and both ladies tried to fight but they proved weak after we killed them the whole building collapsed and no clue or trace of them would ever be found. It will seem Luke an earthquake shook the house down. But that's not it the house fell on its own as if it was told to do so I think Luna was already thinking of committing suicide ".

"Well good cooperating with you I will come back to see you for now I hear my father looking for me chao".

With that, Lora left the place in rather high spirits now was the time to find the magical potion to spike his majesty drink.

Meanwhile in the palace when Richard was walking he felt a strong force ducking all of his energy out of his body and he fell on the stairs. Marry then pops out of her tattoo carries him into his chambers and examines him for any casualties.

"Marey tell me you felt it too."

"I did your Grace it seems as if someone used your powers to do the last kind of Magic trick and it drained your energy or rather it's the deadline which is fast approaching please be quick or you will regret it today is the first day remember".

"Yes, I do I sent one of my guards to trace Rachel at Anita's place must be on his way back now once he is back I will go and remote with her again and tell her all you have told me ".

" Be fast my king or you will never have an heir".

"I will rest assured".

After seeing that Richard was now strong the guardian disappeared. Soon after it disappeared the guard who was sent to Anita's house came with shocking news.

"My king is sorry, when I arrived at Luna's friend's house it had collapsed and I smelled their blood inside the collapsed house I tried to retrieve their bodies but they were crushed to an unidentifiable state, am sorry my king".

"You said what ......?". He said whilst his chest heaved up and down. He then felt a sudden pain inside his head and darkness covered him and he lost consciousness.