
The Rejected Fate

Mates are everything to a werewolf, they define social status and a bunch of other things. It is a special creation of the moon, to bind two souls together. Mates are meant to be a pillar for each other, both as strengths and as weaknesses. They are to love and to cherish, to hold and to care, to never leave and never forsake. However, this is not always so. A bond much anticipated and celebrated is not always perfect. What if, just what if I become the rejected?

zaiva · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 26

I stopped in my tracks

My water broke.

My luck had always been shitty...

I took a deep breath as I felt immense pain in my lower back. It was as though my pelvis had been crushed.

It stopped...

I breathed out.

Another wave of pain hit my abdomen. I couldn't stand on my feet.

I slowly sat down on the grassy field.

The pain increased, so I gently laid on my back and tried to control my breathing.

I had no idea what to do. Giving birth on my own was not just risky but nearly impossible. I could die!

If I didn't, It could create lifelong complications.

I didn't even know how to take care of a baby.

It was better and my baby died a painless death than this. It would have been better if those two men who ruined my life killed me, or if my suicide attempt was successful, anything but this.

If I died and my baby survived, he'd suffer a lot and if it was the other way around, I wouldn't have the will to live. It was a lose-lose situation.

I was in pain for what seemed like forever, continuously cursing my luck and fate.

I couldn't bring myself out of this situation and my strength was failing.

I also couldn't bring myself to give up on myself and my baby, I just couldn't.

I started feeling drowsy

I struggled to remain awake, I once read that if the mother loses consciousness during labour, the baby would die.

I had been through a lot with my baby.

He had to live, no matter what. We both had to...

I mustered my strength and tried to do the only thing I knew to do.

I pushed hard, I pushed hard and I pushed hard.

I felt my weight shift downwards, my hair plastered to my face and neck by my sweat.

"well done"

That was the last thing I heard before I saw darkness.


"My baby" the thought seized me the moment I regained consciousness.

I needed to know what had happened to my baby.

I felt drained and weak, my throat was as dry as the desert and my body was soaked in sweat.

I was on a bed with fluffy and soft brown bedsheets.

Warmth was coming from a cosy, medieval-looking fireplace. There were two windows, letting in light at an angle that reminded me of human fairy tales. It wasn't beautiful or decorated but it felt every inch like home.

It was cosy, it was warm, it was simple, it was home.

Not my home though, but that was the vibe it gave.

Opposite the bed I was seated on, were a singular table and chair set with books that resembled aged wisdom. That was the only furniture piece in the room. The walls were cream and plain, a single green plant adorned a window.

There was something to my left that looked very much like wood, it intrigued me. Not for anything but the fact that I hadn't noticed it in my previous study of the room.

I got up slowly, testing the feel of my legs on the wooden floor. My legs were shaking but they felt light. Light in a way I couldn't remember it being.

I took slow and steady steps towards the object that caught my eye. Apart from the intrigue I felt, I felt something else, an inexplicable pull towards that object.

I held on to the edge of the object and peered into it.

It was a crib, and inside that crib was the most beautiful baby I ever laid my eyes on.

He was sleeping with the easy peace of a newborn.

"ours," my wolf said

He was mine, my baby, alive and in the flesh.

Someone saved us both and I would always be grateful to them.

The door opened and walked the most alluring woman I had ever seen in my life. She was beautiful in an unearthly manner that made you want to proclaim her beauty to the skies and sing. Her light brown hair appeared golden under the sunlight, she had a slight smile on her face and was the picture of understated elegance and grace. Her silver eyes however spoke of wisdom, cunning and seemed to know all.

As she approached me, I unconsciously straightened my back and stood straight.

Her ears were elongated with sharp tips.

She wasn't a human or a wolf...

Could she be a witch?

Was she dangerous?

Could I trust her?

Or had I evaded the frying pan only to fall into the fire?

"I have no intentions of hurting you young lady," she said, dropping the tray she held on the bed. It was like she read me.

"Who are you?"

I was bewildered, what in the world was she

"I'm your saviour" she replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

she had indeed saved me yet here u were distrusting her and ignoring her act of kindness.

"I apologize for my rudeness, I'm very grateful for your help. you saved both mine and my baby's life and I am eternally grateful"

"I would advise you to never use 'eternal' when thanking someone ever again. It could potentially ruin your life "

her tone was motherly, soothing and remarkable with a hint of warning.

"what are you?" I asked unable to stop myself.

she wore a cunning and all-knowing smile.

"I'm an elf, a mythological creature just like you only I have magic whilst you don't. elves are proficient in using spells, alchemy and growing things, the darker elves bring destruction and ruin everywhere they go and so are ostracized "

she sounded irritated when speaking about dark elves.

"you're a dark elf?" I asked

"Yes," she replied, a blank look on her face.

I smiled for no reason other than it felt right.

It's nice to meet you, I'm Dian"

"I'm Cara," she said, confusion in her brows.

Why did you save us?" I asked

It wasn't every day you met an elf who saved your life. I didn't know anything about elves but it seemed they were quite powerful.

No Matter how kind she seemed, I couldn't trust her. I had lost the belief in a free, fair and just world. Everyone had motives, they just hid them well.

a look of understanding crossed her features as she invited me to sit...

a plate of bread and soup was on the tray, the bread steaming and freshly baked and the soup smelled amazing.

I grabbed a piece of bread and dipped it in the soup, completely forgetting my question.

it tasted just as good as it smelled.

I forced myself to eat calmly though everything in me wanted to gobble up the food. it had been a long while since I had warm, good food and a warm place to sleep...

I was so happy tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

I continued eating focused on the flavours in my mouth and how the food tasted

"I saved you because I couldn't leave you alone"

the piece of bread that had been on my way to my mouth stopped halfway as all of my attention was now on her.

"you remind me of how I once was, homeless, alone and in pain, I just couldn't walk away"

it struck a chord in me and something in me that had been broken for a long time fell apart...