
The Rejected Fate

Mates are everything to a werewolf, they define social status and a bunch of other things. It is a special creation of the moon, to bind two souls together. Mates are meant to be a pillar for each other, both as strengths and as weaknesses. They are to love and to cherish, to hold and to care, to never leave and never forsake. However, this is not always so. A bond much anticipated and celebrated is not always perfect. What if, just what if I become the rejected?

zaiva · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 21

Nolan was extremely, freakishly calm and didn't look surprised at all.

Most of the audience members (i.e the council) had begun to look at me with fear. They probably would've been unable to stay in the courtroom if I hadn't been handcuffed.

I had lost all hope of survival, I agreed with them all. I wasn't a witch but I had used otherworldly powers that I couldn't explain. By pack law, I was rightfully dead.

I didn't pay attention to any of the things the prosecutor said, I was slowly receding into myself.

Nolan must've known, he wasn't surprised at all. He knew, yet he offered to help me. it made no sense. It had just been a waste of time and effort...

After the prosecution finished presenting its evidence and the punishment it thought would be elaborate (which was execution), I and probably everyone in the courtroom expected the trial to end.

"Defense, what do you plead?" The judge asked

"Guilty your honor " Nolan replied

I wasn't surprised or shocked. I had prepared my mind to plead guilty if things went wrong and they somehow managed to go terribly wrong.

No sane person would plead 'not guilty' with that kind of evidence against them.

"Defendant, do you plead guilty?" the judge asked staring at me thoughtfully.

I genuinely didn't want to plead guilty. it would hurt my ego immensely, but there was nothing I could do. I was the villain and I needed to take responsibility for my crimes.

"Yes, your honor" I replied

The silence of the courtroom was replaced by numerous whispers.

They probably felt that I had wasted their time but in my defense, I really had no idea. I didn't have any memory of destroying the forest.

Eventually, the noises quieted down as they waited for the sentence to be passed.

"However, we do not agree with the sentence given by the persecution " Nolan said interrupting the silence.

I didn't know whether to rejoice or to cry. it seemed like there was hope, but I knew that there would be no effect.

The prosecution was shocked by his statement.

It was well known that the punishment for witchcraft was death.

"The defendant indeed destroyed pack property but it was not a deliberate act. she had been trying to avert a greater disaster from happening"

Everyone, not excluding the council and I, was shocked.

It was impossible for him to have come up with his reasoning on the spot so I was convinced that he must've known about the clip.

"As you all saw from the video clip, she lured those creatures as far from the living areas as possible before fighting against them and unleashing her power".

You know those moments when reality suddenly feels like you're watching a movie and your consciousness detaches from your situation, so you watch events happen without feeling them...

This was one of those moments for me.

Nolan was undeniably good, really good.

He had analyzed the video clips and created believable lies out of a death sentence.

"She didn't hurt or injure anyone and has been a model pack member her entire life " He continued.

To be honest, people who really knew me would never, ever, call me a model pack member. To everyone else, I was that perfect pack teenager.

I didn't drink (often), smoke, get into trouble, disrespect elders, was a die hard fan of the moon goddess (not that it's important but I am no longer her fan), and was a very helpful, calm and kind wolf. I was that girl that parents wished their kids could be like.

"I ask for a reduction in her sentence" He finished and stared straight at the judge.

I hadn't been expecting anything, but he had managed to make a case out of nothing and I appreciated it.

I was well aware that they would most likely still execute me but I really couldn't be bothered anymore.

It was nice to see someone fighting for the life I had given up on.

"Do you have evidence to support your claims?" the judge asked trying to mask the disbelief and surprise etched on his face.

He had obviously never been in such a situation before.

"Yes your honor"

Nolan submitted a huge file that had been in his briefcase the entire time.

It was much larger than the evidence submitted by the prosecution.

The judge's expression morphed into constant surprise as he flipped through the pages.

Curiosity bubbled inside me, I couldn't stop wondering what the file contained.

"How did you get so much petitions?"

"Your honor, it was all due to the defendant's character"

One of the council members objected to the private presentation the judge was given, so Nolan had to present the information to everyone.

The first few pages were written reports of my character by people I didn't know.

They all had really good things to say about me which really touched me.

After that there was a petition for a reduction in my sentence signed by a lot of people, some I knew, some I didn't.

I felt loved and seen in a way I never had before and it felt wonderful, so wonderful that even the knowledge of it having no real effect could not change how I felt.

After going through the evidence submitted by Nolan, the judge announced recess.

I presumed he needed space to think, and time to consult with the council.

While majority of the people in the courtroom stepped out, Nolan and I remained seated.

I had no reason to go out, I was also in handcuffs which were really uncomfortable, Nolan was just being Nolan.

I was anxious for nothing.

I knew what the verdict was going to be yet I couldn't help worrying.

It was one thing to know you'd die and it's another thing for it to be confirmed.

Regardless of how hard I tried to come to terms with my impending doom, there was still a part of me that had hope. There was nothing to have hope in, but I still had hope.

"Why are you so restless?" Nolan asked breaking the age long silence that had ensued since the judge announced recess.

I tried to smile but my facial muscles were too tense to put a decent smile together.

"I don't know, I just feel really anxious"

His eyes had now directed their storm towards me. I had honestly never seen eyes like his in my entire life.

"Don't you trust me?" he asked

I felt like rolling my eyes, it wasn't always about him!

"I do, but I don't trust the council, the judge or the law"

"it'll all work out"

"how can you be so sure?" I asked confused

He spoke as though he knew the minds of those that determined my fate.

"Let me explain it to you. They don't want information to get out and have done everything possible to cover it up.


It's because this case proves that they are unable to truly protect the pack. It'll also lead to unrest and fear amongst the citizens which they don't need. I involved quite a lot of people and gave them a vague idea of what is going on.

People would, without a doubt, ask questions if you were to suddenly disappear after that. They need to protect their authority so they have to find a cover for your crime so they can explain their ruling. Because they need to find a cover, you will not be executed. All crimes that are punishable by execution involve the security of the pack so they can't admit that their security has been compromised. "

What he said made a lot of sense and brought me instant relief. I was no longer worried, the worst that could've happened was death and I had escaped that so every other thing looked like paradise to me.

I started to get curious about what my sentence would be and my mind aimlessly wandered from one possible sentence to another.

As you all could probably see, I have no idea how hearings work. I just used my limited knowledge because I didn't want to give myself an excuse not to write. Also, I'll be updating two chapters today because I somehow slept off instead of posting the chapter. I apologize to everyone that waited for yesterday's chapter.

I love you all, keep reading and don't forget to pour out your mind in the comments

Much love,


zaivacreators' thoughts