
The Rejected Fate

Mates are everything to a werewolf, they define social status and a bunch of other things. It is a special creation of the moon, to bind two souls together. Mates are meant to be a pillar for each other, both as strengths and as weaknesses. They are to love and to cherish, to hold and to care, to never leave and never forsake. However, this is not always so. A bond much anticipated and celebrated is not always perfect. What if, just what if I become the rejected?

zaiva · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 18

I tried my bed not to be worried but as I earlier stated, my anxiety levels had flown to the roof.

I paced around the damp, smelly cell that was to be my abode until the trial.

I couldn't help constantly asking myself if I had made the right choice in asking for a trial but at the same time, I knew I would have been tied to a stake and burnt. That was the punishment for witchcraft. I was well aware that that could still be my fate after the trial, it was a huge gamble afterall.

I really hope I would be lucky and escape unscathed but if I couldn't, I needed to at least prepare my mind.

My only wish was that they'd let my child live if they were to burn me.

It was the day before my trial and u had done my best to avoid trouble at all cost and banish thoughts of escape from my mind.

The guards had been behaving quite weirdly.

I wasn't allowed to bathe or wash my face and when I asked for drinking water, they had given me a bottle to drink from only to take it away the moment I was done. it was quite strange and I couldn't figure out why they did that.

To be honest, Nolan was my only hope. I had not seen him at all since the first time we met. it seemed quite comical on the surface, I had put all my hopes in the hands of a total stranger with no backup plans.

My anxiety threatened to drive me crazy.

I looked at the plate of breakfast I had been served hours ago. it was quite disgusting as was expected from prison food. it was quite sad that one of my last meals might be stale bread and soup that was made of god knows what.

My appetite had been quite bad since my imprisonment. it had literally gone from a hundred to zero.

It was as though my baby felt the sense of foreboding that had cloaked me since I was locked in a cell.

The foreboding surprisingly came from the prison itself and not from what awaited me at my trial.

There was just something really weird about it.

I tried to force the "breakfast I'd been served down my throat but failed miserably.

I felt like throwing up but I refused to add vomit to the list of things to endure in the cell.

I was quite grateful that my cell lacked rats but what it lacked in rats, it made up for it in bugs.

the bug bites I had all over me came in different colors and sizes. My scalp was extremely itchy and I suspected that I had contacted lice.

The bed also creaked and shook whenever I laid on it so I preferred the floor.

I couldn't help sighing as my thoughts consumed me.

Curiosity had in a way been the cause of my problems. If I hadn't gone to the western part of the forest, I'd have never met those creatures that tried to kill me.

if I had not met them, I'd never have discovered my odd and weird powers and if I hadn't discovered those powers, I'd be fine at home living without a care in the world.

it wasn't all on curiosity though, if I had never met Trey, my life would honestly have been perfect but alas, it is what it is.

I had never wondered why those men had been after Trey, he deserved it. He probably did something really heinous that they needed to get rid of him and his descendants. He was really irresponsible...

I tried to make myself accept that things had happened the way they had for a reason but it was much harder than I expected.

I couldn't change the past though I was haunted by it but I could change my future.

I laid on the floor and tried to sleep. Overthinking had never helped me so it was best I stopped.

I forced my mind to shut down as I drifted into what seemed like a dreamless sleep.

However, the moment I fell asleep, The same nightmare that had haunted me since the incident resurfaced.

It was like I relived the experience. it was something I had almost become used to. Today's dream was quite different. When I should have died and the dream come to an end, I found myself tied to a stake and set on fire. I could feel the skin on my body burn, I was totally and completely on fire.

it felt real, too real to be ignored.

The members of the council, Nolan and the members of my pack all watched in laughter.

I screamed and begged for help but they all continued to laugh.

All of a sudden, power flowed from my hands and poured into the atmosphere.

They all disappeared leaving me free and alone in a completely empty plain.

I woke up with tears streaming down my eyes. my body shook uncontrollably. I couldn't understand why. It was a very unusual reaction for me. I didn't even feel scared after waking up, I just felt really confused. The last part of the dream really bothered me but I couldn't figure out why.

The dream was quite strange and scary but I didn't feel fear.

I had also never cried after waking up from a nightmare. my mind felt really calm but my body was really shaken.

it felt like there was a disconnect from my body and mind.

After a while of letting the tears flow freely, I couldn't breathe properly.

I tried to control my breath and breathe deep...

While trying to control my breath, I was reminded of Mary. She had clearly sold me out to the council, and I had foolishly trusted her. Just like I foolishly trusted Nolan. I hoped he'll be different but I had no guarantee.

No matter how I looked at my life, something bigger than me, than my pack was going on. I had powers whenever I was in danger but otherwise I was pretty weak. I couldn't summon my powers and it seemed to make it's appearance whenever it wished. Also, it was strange how it chose the perfect time to appear. Everyone was already scared of hunters and had their guard up. Many had no faith in the pack's protection and would've left had they anywhere to go.

I hadn't been able to free myself from the pack guards that brought me before the council.

My breath gradually returned to normal and the tears stopped.

The last part of the nightmare was disturbingly familiar.

Before I could attempt connecting the dots, I was interrupted by a prison guard

"someone's here to see you" he said

I immediately felt relieved, Nolan was finally coming to see me. I had been worried he'd abandon me and I'll be left on my own during the trial but his coming had comforted me.

There was a spring in my step as I followed the pack guards to the visiting room.

Disappointment engulfed me as soon as I entered the room.

it wasn't Nolan.