
The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+ // Watch Me Burn Them For You] "And if someday you see me, remember to forget my name, or karma will bow." **** For Awuor’s power, her people had done the unthinkable, in the history of werewolves. Her beta and brother, Dom, murdered their mother, the Sicario luna and blamed it on Awuor. In his grief, her father didn't bother to try and find out the truth, instead, for murdering her mother, he gave his daughter the worst punishment any alpha could ever get. He banished her from home, but Awuor’s wasn’t the usual banishment. Her father neither stripped her of the alpha title, nor did he make her a rogue. Instead, Alpha Sicario forced Awuor to be an exiled alpha, a woman so powerful, but with no one to rule over. Her mate, Jer, a power-hungry bastard, stepped up to rule the Sicario pack, since Awuor, the reigning alpha, was away, and Jer never once sought her out. Just like everyone else, he had betrayed her when he claimed a different woman, without rejecting Awuor. As the gates of Sicario closed on her, as her people watched her in disgust and disappointment, the daughter of Sicario had just one thought. A PROMISE of destruction & vengeance; she would ruin them all. *** [EXCERPT] "Either you're from the Dawson pack, the Bluemoon pack, or the Sicario pack, because you're definitely not from our Greyson pack. You must have done something really stupid for your alphas to banish you, even though you have no scent of the ferals. "So that could mean you're not a feral, but you're certainly not that important to your people. You seem to have an attitude and reek of power, that's why you don't appreciate anyone talking to you like a regular wolf. "But all of that doesn't matter right now, because you are the unwanted little wolf. The girl without a home, the rejected wolf who can't be claimed by anyone else. You're dressed in banana leaves because you have no clue how to make proper clothing on your own. "— or even check the feral cloth reservoir on the west of this forest. The fact that you have stayed so close to the other three packs is because you don't want to be away from home and are somehow hoping that they'd want you back. "Allow me to spell it out for you and make it easier for your probably useless brain to understand, little wolf, no one wants you. I'm only taking you to my alpha because your presence here is a nuisance to us, and for some reason, the alpha is interested in you. "And before you get any ideas about mates and whatnot, our alpha is already mated. So will you get up on your own, or do we have to take you stripped? Because I for one have no problem doing that. We could just treat you like the rogue that you're not," Adolf said to Awuor who still had her angry smirk on.

she_osprey · LGBT+
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464 Chs

The Haunted Memories [2]


[Still Eight Months Ago]

On the first try, Awuor failed, and that was once again a disturbing realization. She was an alpha wolf, it didn't make sense for her not to have her werewolf sight restored. How hard had the damn weights hit her anyway?

Defeatedly, she touched the back of her head, and once again felt the thick liquid. The werewolf alpha was pissed but she wasn't going to take it out on her warriors. Instead, she would be their very nice leader and make them run just three hundred laps in the field.

That was enough lesson for them to stay clean. This wasn't a bar or something, this was their space to train and be better. It was like their heaven and they didn't need to make it feel like some lost case when it wasn't that.

"Damn, goddess, what the hell is wrong with me?" Awuor asked no one in particular when she tried getting up and felt like her feet were not moving. She was too smart to blame the weights again. Something was amiss, and she would find out.

"Anyone there?" She called out but no one came to her aid, despite the fact that they had werewolf hearing, which was weird considering she was an alpha wolf and always had her guards waiting for her all the time.

Maybe it was their lunch break and they had thought she was sleeping, but why did it feel like there was more to her current state? So she opted for the mind links.

It was the easiest way to communicate with her people and family. Though right now, she needs her family first. who knew how many times her warriors would taunt her when they realized the weights were on her again?

"Father, Dom, Jer, mother, anyone please," Awuor called out and they instantly responded.

"What is it this time?" Dom asked like he already knew her sister had either done something stupid. The fact that she called out to their mother last, was also proof that she was in the mind of trouble that Luna Eniola wouldn't appreciate.

"You're in trouble with our mother again, aren't you?" Dom taunted.

"Oh come now, Dom. You can't let her know I fell in the gym again. she will definitely lock me up and force me into those damn classes again. Help a sister, please?" Awuor pleaded and her brother sighed exaggeratedly before saying, "for a price."

"Name it," Awuor said and her father just chuckled while Jer said nothing. He had learned the hard way not to get in between the brother and sister. These two were too chaotic and anyone who helped them, would face the wrath of the luna.

"Y'know what, I'll do whatever you want. Pretty please come get me from the gym? It's too dark here and I can't see anything. My werewolf sight is pretty awful, maybe because I'm too banged up to even think straight, damn" Awuor said and her brother agreed.

In silence, she sat up and waited for her brother. Her werewolf sight wasn't yet back, and she could only assume it was because of how dizzy she still felt. She would definitely need a checkup and her mother was going to lock her out of the gym for months if she survived this.

Quietly, the alpha waited for her beta and brother, while she thought of the pieces of training she would expose their warriors to. The Sicario pack never had any attacks from rogues, thanks to Alpha Awuor, but they always needed to be ready.

Awuor had been working on some strategies that she would present to her father later today. It was the best way to prepare in case there was an invasion. They couldn't really be sure of their safety, considering the rumors that were circling around, about the Viking werewolf hunters.

Those hunters were annoying creatures, but Alpha Awuor had learned to not be bothered by them. She preferred to strengthen her team each day and avoid the troubles that would possibly come with all of that.

A prepared alpha was better than an unexpected alpha.

For ten minutes, Awuor waited for her brother and mate, but they hadn't shown up. It was weird considering the gym was barely three minutes' walk from their home. And that was if she considered their werewolf speeds.

Were they crawling or what?

"Are you guys cooking peanuts or what? I'm in the damn gym. Use your goddamn werewolf speed!" Awuor said and her brother sighed. His sister was a messed up wolf, because she wasn't in the gym as she claimed.

Before she could even finish scolding her brother and mate, Awuor saw the lights come on and she let out a sigh of relief. She was happy, but it all went away when she came to terms with where she was and what had happened to her.

'I'm screwed,' was all the alpha wolf could think of as she looked around her.

"Awuor?" Her father called out quietly, his voice so defeated that Awuor could have sworn she heard her father whimper. She couldn't blame him though. The sight in front of Sicario was making him uncertai too.

Maybe he was hallucinating, because his mate couldn't be on the dan floor with his daughter's claws retracting gently from her neck, right? It had to be a mistake that his Eniola was having her throat ripped out of her neck, yeah?

"Father? Oh, goddess what happened here?" Awuor asked, the chock clear in her voice, as she looked around her. She had been on the floor alright, but there was no dumbbell or anything. her mother was dead and it was too obvious that she was the culprit.

Her brother had been listening to her, and when he heard their father's voice and Awuor's changed tone. That was all it took for him to rush to where they were, in the alpha's suite.

And Awuor hadn't said a word of where they were. So how did Dom and Jer know that the sister and father were in the alpha suite?

"No," Dom said when he walked in. He had never expected to lose his mother, or that too in the hands of his sister,, but damn, this was twisted in so many ways.

While her brother, her father and mate looked at their dead mother, Awuor was lost. She couldn't remember anything and she didn't even know how she was supposed to start defending herself. Her life was over and she didn't need anyone to spell it out for her.

"Mother, wake up! Mother, please," Awuor said as she looked at her mother, shaking her body so the wolf would wake up, but there was nothing. She was long dead and the blood on the floor of the alpha's suite was too much.

Even if Luna Eniola could have been saved by the mate bond earlier, right now, it was a little too late. Awuor had 'murdered' her mother and she had no recollection of it. She knew her constant attempts at remembering were all in vain, but she kept trying to wake her up.

The woman lying here was the love of her life.

She loved her mother so much and people had always appreciated how she took care of her mother. She had adored her too much. Losing her mother like this, it was breaking her. She knew she was the obvious suspect and didn't even want to defend herself.

For now, what mattered to her was that her mother woke up.

She had to. She couldn't lose her mother just like that. It wasn't fair to her. Granted she had no recollection of what had happened, but if it was her fault, then she would apologize to her mother, but the woman needed to wake up for that to happen.

"Mother please, I promise I'll be better."