
The reincarnator in "About My Rebirth into Slime" as Gaster

Once upon a time there was a man. This guy's name was Dmitry and he... Died. And all because he decided to do at least something good for his already battered life. Save someone from suicide and die at the same time? It's about him. Wake up in another world as a mysterious character from a video game? It's definitely about him. ... !Attention! English is not the native language of the author and therefore mistakes will come across often, as well as misunderstandings will arise. Please take this into account before reading.

Rittanaevene · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

[Filler]- The Past

Oblivion Cave

Anfan Gate


Cave "Oblivion". According to legends, the body of one of the strongest old gods, whose name was Taoist, is sealed in this place.

This god was famous for destroying more than one civilization during the great war.

He was cruel and bloodthirsty. For him, there was no such thing as pity or prudence. He lived off the blood of those he destroyed. He was what was called the God of chaos and destruction. He was the one who only grew stronger by feeding only on fear and the souls of those who begged for their lives.

But you have to pay for everything. Even the gods.

While he was reveling in the blood of his victims, a blade was maturing in the darkness of war that would bring him destruction.

The name of this blade was Eirik Forsberg.

Eirik was born into the family of the leader of one of the giants tribe. Everyone rejoiced at the appearance of the firstborn, but there was one thing, but... He was weak. He is so weak that only thanks to a miracle he did not die at his first breath.

It was a disaster. Why? Because in the tribe of giants, only fighters with a strong body and health in general were valued, but not weak and infirm. They tried to get rid of weak tribesmen from infancy. These were the rules of this cruel game.

But the leader and his wife hoped for the best. They hoped that in the future he would get stronger and become a worthy heir.

But fate can be cruel. Time has shown that their child is hurt not only by the body, but also by the mind.

The leader and his wife did not want to believe it, because in such a short time they managed to fall in love with their child.

Soon, rumors began to circulate in the tribe that the heir of the leader was weak, and his mind was struck by some terrible curse.

The leader denied the rumors, but it was too late. Everyone was already convinced of the truth of the rumors.

The leader and his wife, under pressure from their tribesmen, were forced to reveal their terrible secret.

After that, everyone demanded to get rid of such a brat as him immediately. The leader did not want such a fate for his son and decided to cheat.

In secret from everyone, in the darkness of one of the deep nights, he took Eirik to the dark forest, hoping that he could survive. He left him there, in one of the many caves, and left with a great weight on his heart.

The next day, he announced that his son had died of an illness, and then the unrest subsided.

After that, he again intended to go to the forest in order to check the well-being of his son, but... He didn't find it.

He was scared. He started running all over the forest in the hope of finding his beloved son. He even refused to return to his tribe, but it was all useless. On the 4th day, he finally despaired and still decided to return.

It's a pity that he won't find out who his son has become.

In fact, no one from the giant race will know Eirik's name, because they will all be destroyed by the Taoist.

In the following years, no news from Eirik wakes up, but for the 100th year...

It was one of the greatest events of the Great War. An event that shook not only the whole earth, but the divine pantheon itself.

"The Birth of the killer of the God of Chaos"


It was one of those days when the Taoist decided to bathe in blood again. This time, his victim was one of the small provinces of the Beastmen kingdom.

While he was reveling in their suffering and fear, a figure emerged from the horizon. No one paid attention to her, but that was until she got too close.

A giant. There was no doubt about it.

He was completely clad in ringed armor, and a huge cloak hung over him.

In his hands he held a colossal-sized sword. It seemed that one stroke of it could split even the largest ocean or split the earth itself in two.

In a hurry, the giant broke into a run and began to approach even faster. Neither the forest nor the hills were an obstacle for him. They were nothing more to him than dust under his feet.

Already at a short distance, the Taoist noticed the approaching enemy, but it was too late.

The giant swung his sword right on the run and struck his first blow.

Its consequences were terrifying. The shock wave alone caused the clouds in the sky to disperse and form a crater at least 500 meters in diameter.

Soon it was possible to feel the consequences of the 2nd blow. A huge vertical slash swept across the ground and formed a gorge several kilometers long. A truly terrifying sight.

But then came the 3rd attack of the giant. The same huge, but already horizontal slash swept through the air with incredible speed and eventually demolished the peaks of the mountains, thousands of kilometers away.

But as for the giant's opponent... He was still intact. He survived even after such devastating attacks.

In less than a moment, the Taoist struck back.

He stretched out his right hand and soon a magic circle appeared. There was an aura of death coming from him.

And there was a volley. A huge and destructive beam shot straight at the giant. But the giant seemed to be ready for this and dodged, jumping aside.

The effects from the beam were no worse than from the giant's blow. The incinerated earth is all that remains of the grass-covered soil.


The results of the battle were amazing.

Everything within a radius of a little more than 5 kilometers was destroyed. Multi-meter craters, kilometer-long gorges, lava rivers... There was nothing else hinting at life here.

But the most important event in this battle is victory... The giant's victory.

He stood covered in blood, covered with fatal wounds. Leaning on his sword, he gazed down at the corpse of his opponent.

He managed to defeat God.

He didn't feel anything. He was devastated. He no longer had a purpose in life.

But this phenomenal event drew the attention of the remaining gods and the world itself.

At this point, the legend ends, but it does not end completely.

From the fragments of various chronicles found, it can be said that the Taoist's body was sealed by the old gods, and the giant, which turned out to be Eirik, was put on guard of the seal. Beyond the Anfan gate.

To preserve and protect the body so that no one can revive the Taoist or gain his power. That was his new task.


Centuries have passed since then.

The Great War has long been over, and Eirik is still standing guard.

Forgotten by everyone. Cursed by everyone.

But one day Eirik felt something.

A long-forgotten aura oozed from the depths of the cave.

But there was something strange about this aura.

The aura was similar, but not completely identical. There was no bloodlust and there was no malice, but there was the same feeling of death.

Eirik also felt an incredible surge of compliments, but there was nothing he could do.

He could only wait.