
The Reincarnated Villainess Wanted To Run Away From The Plot

One day – an avid reader faced death by an unknown car hitting her. She felt like she had died. However, she woke up to be the Villainess she despises in her favorite novel, “The Obsessive Male leads.” “This can’t be true?!” Victoria Chutlier is a wealthy duke’s daughter – she always got what she wanted, and even the crown prince became her fiancé. Yet, in the novel, she was destined to die - the moment she attempted to hurt Hersha Groisle, a nanny's daughter and the crown prince’s true love. Victoria died at the hands of the crown prince However, that was not what Anne wanted – especially since she became Victoria. The only thing she’ll do to avoid such death is to annul the engagement with the crown prince and run away from the plot “Finally, I’ll be free if I do those plans.” Yet, she never expected what would come later on “I thought you were my fiancée, then why are you avoiding me?” “Milady, Didn’t you know I could trace you wherever you are?” “Don’t think you could get away from my grasp.” “……you’re mine, remember that.” What she thought was all wrong “I’m running away from my fate of being killed by the crown prince. However, why did all the male leads act out of the plot?” “Wait, did I miscalculate something?” Little did she know what she truly meant to them. ---- AN ORIGINAL STORY ------ Cover Pic from Pinterest ctto^^ "I hope you enjoy reading the story." -nerdybukme23 ^^ *** CHECK OUT MY NEW STORY: THE PRINCESS OF HEARTS NOTE: June - 2022 - 2 chapters daily updates onwards! ^^ *** (A/N: Hi guys, since the main story has been completed, I'll revert to updating 1 chapter daily until I can come to conclusion and make it as complete as a whole or continue serializing it, who knows, right? ~~~^^~~~ Reasons: Mainly for Side stories ~^^~ Although the main story is completed, there are still questions left unanswered - If you wanted for book 2 ~^^~ 1. Who is count Florence? 2. Who are the emerging groups? 3. Xyle, Giovanni, Fahar, Haine, and Primo's journey 4. Xyle, Giovanni and Charles' POV and side stories 5. Hazier empire's secrets 6. Lambourge empire's treaty with the Heiston empire (Who was Elion once?) ^^ Well, it might have a different book, who knows, so if you wanted to read the story and feel like it, please leave a comment for me to think if the story deserves a book 2 However, the 2nd book will not focus on the villainess now. It might focus on each interesting part ^^ Oh and by it, I'll be currently editing some of the chapters by then ~^^~ Once again, thank you for giving this book a try to read. I hope you all enjoy the reincarnated villainess' story. Please be safe and sound! ^^ -nerdybukme23 ^^) *** Currently editing

nerdybukme23 · History
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307 Chs

~23~ The One That Survived

"I hope he's alright"

"I felt sorry for what had happened to them, Xyle"

"I don't know what to react anymore"

"It's such a brutal thing"

"Xyle please, just tell me tha---"

Victoria wasn't able to continue what she was saying when Xyle cut him off

"For Pete's sake Victoria, just stay calm, will you!"

Xyle exclaimed in front of her, however, as expected her expressions seems to cry again

"How can I calm down, Xyle? How can I calm down when all we have seen earlier was full of blood inside that narrow alley? Some people had died there but we're lucky to find that he's still alive!"

'No she's truly talking to me using my original name. she's serious however what is he to her? I don't even get it! What is his relation to you Victoria?'

Xyle wanted to ask however, he only controlled his actions and thoughts. It's because it's inappropriate to ask her something like that at the moment. He only heaved a sigh and pulled the llady closer for a hug

"Consider this as a bonus. So just relax"

'Besides, I never did this to anyone even lady or my father so you're a very lucky lady to be hugged by me, Victoria'

Xyle thought as he hugged Victoria gently. He doesn't know why but warmth started to be felt by his heart. He felt like a missing piece in his heart had been found. That's what he felt however it was only short-lived.

"I just hope for the better Xyle. I do hope for it"

That's the only words Victoria said then she immediately breaks his hug and went to sit inside the clinic. They were outside of a room waiting for the results of the young man they've saved --- more likely it was no other than Ger.

'I never expected that something like this would eventually happen. I never read that this kind of situation happened in the original plot. That day when the young boy wasn't saved he was supposed to die there however, he died in another way. Moreover, Ger and the other people living inside had been wounded however; Ger was the only one who survived. What kind of brutality did they faced? Did I changed the plot by wanting to run away? No! you need to calm down, please you need to calm down. No matter what had happened you still need to run away from the original plot. However, this time you need to be careful now, you need not only to be careful but also mind the others that you've changed their lives. You need to protect them now Anne, because you're already the new Victoria'

After thinking of those thoughts, Victoria heaved a long sigh that made Xyle looked to her. he focused looking at her worried face that he wasn't even able to realized that the things that they bought and even the muffins were left behind on the narrow alley. Yet, the moment that they knew something was off and found Ger lying with his own pool of blood, Xyle immediately call one of the knights patrolling there and inspections began

"Clean up your ugly crying face, will you?"

Then just by saying those words, Xyle immediately offered his handkerchief that Victoria immediately took from his hand and nodded. Even though she was being teased she still managed to accept it. It's because the moment that they went towards the market was the moment that she had finally captured Xyle's real feelings. However, she doesn't know that she's the only one he could feel comfortable showing them – what he feels inside by teasing her.

'I guess I can't pretend to her anymore. The more I pretend the more that I do what I wanted to do and say to her. besides, she's truly unpredictable. She doesn't even care for our things all she care is for a guy that was hurt to be healed immediately'

Those thoughts made Xyle shook his head and heaved a sigh like what Victoria had did earlier

'She seems brave on the outside but I know that she's a weak person on the inside'


"Your highness, I think that it's better not to go outside these following days"

"What do you mean by that Fahar?"

"Well, there's only been a commotion inside the market. Some were even having rumors that there were unknown people living in a narrow alley"

"What? Fahar are you talking seriously right now? I can't seem to process what you've said"

"Your highness it might shock you but there were some people living in a narrow alley on the corner exit place of the market"

Then it hits Charles. He stopped his movements and looked at Fahar seriously

"You know Fahar that the knights patrolling there wouldn't allow that. It's in our empire's law"

Charles only responded Fahar back with a calm voice and aura however inside his mind he was confused and chaos started being thought about

'I think his highness doesn't want to be aware of such things. Alright, I understand him because who wouldn't? the knights continued patrolling inside the market however, those people still gets to live there unknowingly. I even guess that they don't have such identities'

Fahar could only heave a sigh with Charles' serious look on the matter

"Your highness I don't know if it's proven however, there were investigations happening right now"

"Did you go towards the market this day, Fahar?"

"I ----"

"No right Fahar, because you weren't allowed unless someone was sick in the family that you're forced to go out. So tell me, where you got such information"

'His highness is truly clever as usual'

"Your highness, I have only heard it on the suppliers that went towards the kitchen they were talking something regarding the matters inside the market"

Charles heaved a sigh. He knew that it's never good to eavesdrop and that was what Fahar did in his though. He could only look at his seriously

"Alright, I know and you know that it's not good to eavesdrop, right Fahar?"

"I apologize your highness however I'm only worried about ---"

Then again Charles' cut him off

"My safety, right?"

"Yes your highness"

"I forgive you this time however, don't ever do that again, alright?"

"Y-Yes your highness"

Then Fahar bowed respectfully

'However, I apologize your highness sin advance because if it's for your own safety then I might as well hear those kinds of information'

"So tell me what happened this time. I'm sure I can process it well, Fahar"

"Alright, your highness"

Then Fahar began telling Charles what he had heard only to make the crown prince's eyes widened in shock

"Did father already know of these?"

"As far as I'm concerned, your highness the emperor might be informed tomorrow morning for the events"

"Since it's already night I guess it's only appropriate. However, by that kind of situation he may call for an emergency meeting"

"It's more likely to happen that way your highness"

"You know what, if father is angry --- I can only thought of his expressions and how scary he could get"

'It's true, his highness the emperor had a very long patience however what have happened in the market might challenge that'

"I could only hope for the better, your highness"

Same Fahar, same"


It's already night and Victoria as well as Xyle had immediately sneaked back inside the Chutlier only to know that no one seemed to notice that they've disappeared inside the household.

"So how was your day, Xyle?"

"Oh, it's so much fun. I had so much fun with Lady Victoria Duchess Olivia"

"Oh! We're very grateful then, Xyle. How about you Victoria?"

"It's the same, I also had fun with Xyle"

The two wore those kinds of smiles that can only be seen in some theaters. However both parents seemed to buy what they had said except for Duke Felium. After observing his son, he immediately know that something had changed towards him. When he looked at how Xyle looked at Victoria he didn't see some hostile looks that he always see whenever Xyle see ladies in the pastor even maids. All he sees in the moment is seriousness.

'I think this is the right choice I've made so far in my decisions and that is for him to be friends with Duke William's daughter --- Lady Victoria'

Then he heaved a sigh

"Duke Felium, you don't seemed good, are you alright?"

"Well, Duke William I've never been better than before. I'm just grateful for this"

"No worries Duke Felium, you're always welcome in here"

Then the whole people have already resumed the way they were eating before. However, for Victoria her stomach doesn't even want to eat but she needed to. After what the clinic physician had told them, she and Xyle immediately nodded and went back home straight.

'I'm glad that they could save Ger's life but the person said that he's still sleeping. That's why he wasn't yet able to recover fully. Ger needed time and that's why he doesn't want to wake up on the reality that bestowed upon him. it's never good, even I wanted to vomit the moment I knew of the reality what had happened to him and the people inside. I never knew of them --- however I also didn't know that something like that happened in the novel or it changed because I was the variable in the novel? No! as I thought earlier I must go forward and protect the people that I've changed their destinies from now on'

"You're already finished eating Victoria?"

"Oh! Yes mom! Besides, I wanted to show Xyle something before we go to bed!"

"Alright, however I think thatXyle wasn't yet finished eating, right Xyle?"

"Oh! I'm already finished eating Duchess"

"Alright then just be careful, you two"

"Yes, mother"

"Yes Duchess"

Then the two went outside and into the library. They talked there silently and secretly

"Elyx, have you had any thoughts what had happened earlier to the family?"

"Family? --- I could only think they were brutally murdered"

"But who would do such a thing?"

"I don't know but the young man seems lucky --- he survived"

"Xyle, I have some favor to ask of you, please"