
The reincarnated tree wants to slack

A Office work died at the age of 25. He lived a "average" life just waiting to retire.isn't it fitting he became a tree.

Nina_Damon_2294 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The tree

Dark Dark Dark nothing but darkness I was on my way to my job ,but was hit by a car. It was it painful so so painful. I in pain watch as no one came to help me. Well why would they I was just a every day guy no reason to worry. Well at lest were ever I go next should be better right?

As I got the energy to open my eye I notest something changed I was taller and Glowing ? I looked down and I had roots? wait am I a TREE? I look at my surrounding the were fairy's and monsters and Is That a Dame Dragons! God am i in a fantasy world ,but …. I AM A TREE! really a tree I could have been anything else ,but noooo I am a tree tree a TREE. Wait why do I look like this all glowing and stuff( I look at my self closer I Seem to be made out of a glowing material colored and sliver light).There were gold makings all over me. My leaves are changeing changing color and my roots and all around even beyond were I can see.I am one hella ginormous tree..... wait if a am a fanticy land let me try some thing I get a internal smirk and yell " status" (god i feel silly) a blue manage window popes up

Name : the world tree/ ?????

level: Beyond bondless

idems: what ever is needed

skills: what ever is needed you can do

note; just have fun

shit I so over powered