1 Am I Dead???

"It's not painful." I said as I was suddenly enveloped in a blinding white light and darkness. The question, "Who is there?" I shout to no one in particular.

Whoever it was said, "I'm someone beyond your reach human boy."

"Am I Dead?" I ask. The individual who is apparently "beyond my reach" heard what I said.

What do you think, genius?" the unidentified man asked. "I find it hard to comprehend that you were chosen as a genius among all the others".

What makes him aware of that? I thought.

The unidentified man continued, "Since you're here, I might as well introduce myself." "I am Kronos, the God of Time."

I responded, unconcerned by what he said, "Okay, so what do you want from me?" "Just accomplish what you want."

Kronos mumbled, "O-Okay," while clearing his throat. Kronos paused before responding, "Mmhm, so the only reason why I brought you here i-is."

Even though I'm dead, I yelled, "Stop wasting my time."

Kronos murmured, "I want you to become my apostle in another realm.

I responded, irritation-prone, "So you want me to preach about you to everyone in that world." "No".

That's not it, Kronos soon responded. "I want you to make people afraid again."

I sternly remarked, "Ohh okay, but it's still a no."


A/E: sorry it was a short chapter. I didn't realize just felt drowsy and I had to update it or delete so I did the first.

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