
The Reincarnated Emperor And His Scheming Concubine

THE ROAD TO REVENGE IS A MADMAN'S PARADISE. Betrayal, Love and Revenge are three qualities that sum up Yuan Liqiu and Xiang Ziwei's lives in a nutshell. The Luxurious Life of Yuan Liqiu, the only daughter of a silk merchant changes after her father and brothers are wrongfully accused of treason and executed. She is sold as a slave to Banxi Pavilion and is trained to become a Dancer. Filled with the unyielding thirst for revenge, Yuan Liqiu makes a deal with Nie Shaoqing the son of the men responsible for her father's death and the leader of the blood Lotus society. Xiang Ziwei the Emperor of Western Liang lost everything in one day. After he was betrayed and killed by his wife and younger brother. He develops a deep-rooted grudge that is imprinted in his soul which prevents him from getting reborn. He wanders the world for years as a vengeful spirit, stuck in the land of the living but with the bonds binding him to the other side holding firm. Nearly two decades after his death, he is summoned by the sickly Concubine-born son of the Nie Family, Nie Shaoqing. Who at his death's bed offers his body to Xiang Ziwei as the Price for his revenge. Xiang Ziwei takes over the body of Nie Shaoqing, the son of the Duke Shenxiu The thirst for revenge brings Yuan Liqiu and Nie Shaoqing together. After overcoming many adversities, Nie Shaoqing and Yuan Liqiu gradually fall in love. Will they succumb to their feelings or give in solely to the madness of revenge.

MITCHIEWilliams · History
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148 Chs

Poison 2

The Bamboo courtyard

Her eyes narrowed on Deming, "Is this how you take care of your young master? What happened to Xiao Qing while I was gone?"

Deming stops straighter, he side glanced at Nie Shaoqing before replying to Madam Bao, "Forgive me for not taking better care of young master Shaoqing.

"Young master caught a cold a few days after the Empress's birthday banquet, a month and a half ago. His cold seemed to worsen after a week after a few days he began to get too chilly.

"We requested for a physician but was dismissed by the Imperial College of Medicine when young master's symptoms were disclosed. The Head of the Imperial College of Medicine dismissed it as a common cold until two weeks later when the night shivers began.

"When a physician was finally dispatched young master was diagnosed with Pneumonia. The physician prescribed some medicine but none of them seemed to work because our young master's symptoms seemed to worsen every day".

Madam Bao's arms and lips shook, she looked down at her son and wiped the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

"Once again, I was not there when you need me. The Physician his grace called over reported that you had recovered, why would you pass out if you had recovered."

Nie Shaoqing chuckled and slowly rubbed the back of his neck, "mother, I have indeed recovered. it is just that my memory these past few days haven't been good".

Deming gave him a sharp look when he said that, It felt strange to hear Nie Shaoqing claim to have lost his memory. Deming opened his mouth to question him but stooped when Nie Shaoqing shook his head.

Madam Bao like Deming was taken aback by his response,

" How come your memory was affected? Physician Jiang never said anything about that, Call Physician Jiang in!" She said to Xiuyi who immediately rushed out.

Minutes later Physician Jiang was led in by Xiuyi and Ji Yan. The Physician bowed and Nie Shaoqing as soon as he stepped in then turned to madam Bao.

Everyone had heard of the breathtakingly beautiful Madam Bao. While she was favoured by the Duke, based on proper etiquette, she was nothing more than a slave.

Although she had given birth to the fourth son of the Duke and was registered as his concubine. There was no denying that she was nothing more than a woman that the duke had taken as a prisoner of war.

Her previous position as the princess of a fallen country was never forgotten. As such, she was not entitled to rec a bow from him.

To him, she was below him and was not worthy of conversing with him. He only chose to tolerate her because she had the backing of the Duke.

Madam Bao notice hus actions but said nothing, after over a decade in western Liang. She had gotten accustomed to such snobby behaviour and had grown to ignore them,

"Physician Jiang, didn't you report that my Xiao Qing was recovering? How come I am now hearing that he has issues with his memory?"

"His memory?" Physician Jiang glanced at Nie Shaoqing, he grimaced and touched the base of his neck, "I wasn't informed of that....." he moved his gaze to Deming who got flustered when everyone gazed fell on him.

"That was because I did not notice it until you left but since I did not wish to worry anyone. I ordered my attendant to keep it to himself. I thought it was only temporary but alas. It seems permanent", Nie Shaoqing immediately replied quickly drawing everyone's attention away from Deming.

Deming smiled at him in relief, he had no idea what angle his young master was coming from. He got scared that he would ruin, his master's plan by saying something that he shouldn't but luckily his meter came to his rescue.

The Physician although not fully convinced by his words under the intense pressure from the duke to take care of his youngest son. Decided to just go on with the young master's explanation, since he wanted to become the Duke's retainer.

"This... doesn't happen often but I have heard of patients losing their memories after having fevers for as long as young master Shaoqing have. Usually many suffer brain damage but Young master is lucky since it just affected only hus memory", the physician said.

Madam Bao's lips shook, she did not like to see her child suffer and although the doctor downplaying it to be something small.

She couldn't help but worry that things could get worse, "How.... will he ever get back those memories?"

"No but I could prescribe something to help but it may not work. I think it is best that young master takes it easy and not take up stressful jobs"

She nodded, "please leave a prescription, Xiao Qing is preparing for the Imperial examination next year. He needs to place well to get a good position."

"I understand, madam. I will hand the prescription to his attendant before I leave".

"Thank you ".


Thirty-five minutes later.

Madam Bao stayed until Nie Shaoqing slept before leaving, As soon as she left, Nie Shaoqing opened his eyes and sat up.

He moved to the edge of the bed and stood, picking up the pitcher of water on his bedside table and poured himself a cup of warm water.

He turned to the door eyes narrowed as he heard the door open. His gaze relaxed when he met Deming's shocked eyes.

Deming on the other hand never expected to see him up and about. Deming stepped back eyes wide as his gaze fell on Nie Shaoqing.

"Young Master_ You are awake".

"Mm", He glanced from the open door behind Deming to the incense burner in the attendant's hands, "shut the door before you let on the mosquitoes".

"Yes, sorry about that", Deming held the incense in one hand as he turned around and shut the door.

Nie Shaoqing was Seated by the reading table on one end of the room by the time he turned around. He raised the incense burner,

"I thought you were asleep so I came in to put on the incense burner. Physician Jiang added a few pouches of nutritious Herbs to be burned while you slept".

"An Incense? how inventive, I guess he has to resort to this since the traditional methods of poisoning me won't work".