
The regretful fiance

The female protogonist Esther was the daughter of a noble general in historical era . She loved her fiance . They were engaged from a young age , he never respected or loved her this is a story of her overcoming the shackles of love and being independent .(its just a short story)

helenar · Fantasy
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The regretful fiance

I opened my eyes to a new bright day of my life where i yearn for the love of my fiance , Mr George .

(*Plot background*)

Esther and George were childhood sweethearts . They shared everything among themselves .

Their parents saw this friendship  as a relation which could turn into love and promised their hands to each other and binded them with an engagement.

It indeed did change into love ,but the person who loved was only Esther .

George who was perfect for eyerything -swordsmanship , authority , nobility , social skills , beauty , gentle and handsome looks saw Esther as someone who was not qualified to be his wife as years passed .

George  slowly started distancing himself from Esther . But it was already too late for Esther to turn back from the person she held most precious to her heart .

She only had George the son of Duke Markal in her eyes .

(*back to the day*)

Esther rushed downstairs to see her dad General Ashur and his wife and  greeted them .

Dad ,Mom  greetings .

Let god bless you to have a happy day .

Ohh my sweet daughter how was your sleep , did you sleep well .

Why do your eyes look swollen did George  make you cry again .

No no dad ,George is always good to me .

The girl madly in love spoke for her cheating fiance . Esther's love for George never changed ,but George didnt see Esther as a good heiress gor his house anymore . Esther was a lady who was beautiful with her blond hair and blue sparkling crystal eyes that mesmerized everyone who looked into her eyes .

Her eyes were deep as the large ocean and bright as morning sky .

The beauty of her eyes faded each passing day as she cried herslef to sleep because of her fiance who cheated on her .

George was interested in the flower of the town whose name was Mariya .

Mariya was the daughter of a count .

Their family was rich .

Mariya was someone who held a strong hold among the ladies . Mariya was an extrovert who knew how to use her incredible social skills unlike Esther who only talked to George .

Once while Esther and George went for an opera together as Esther requested a lot . Mariya came there .

George left Esther alone to accompany Mariya .

That day which should have been a happy day for Esther became a painful birthday . Yes it was Esther's birthday which George had forgotten .

Esther retuned home alone and cried herself to sleep .

This was not the only time George ignored Esther  for Mariya.

Once while the noble ladies and men were boating the boat suddenly started to sink due to sudden maintenance  issues .

All were trying to save themselves .

Esther's wore a long dress which had laces . Those laces got stuck between few broken blockes on the boat .

George who had to save Esther  ignored esther and took mariya in his arms , jumped into the water .

Esther who was left behind held her tears seeing the person she loves , her childhood friend , he fiance holding another woman in his arms instead of saving Esther .

During balls the only dance patner pf esther george left her to dance with Mariya  .

Esther was tired of crying and sleepless nights but she still believed one day George will love her back .

"Dad , i am going to look for George, he had promised to meet me "

Esther dolled up in pink dress and wore jewels too look the most prettiest  lady .

When she reached in  George's office she saw Mariya  who was feeding George  fruits with her hands .

Esther was shocked ,her eyes teared up ,but Esther was not ready to face the truth yet .

Esther slowly entered the room .

Seeing Esther mariya went bavk to the sitting couch and greeted Esther .

George who didnt have an ounce of gilt for cheating his fiancée  smiled broadly and ordered the servants to bring tea and snaks for three of them .

Esther glanced and mariya .

" she is my guest today , lets all enjoy tea together . " george spoke .

" but ..but ..i wanted to spend some tine with you . Alone " Esther spoke softly

"  i am comfortable when mariya is with me .: George told esther

This broke her heart

The george who she loved and cared for no more valued her .

When george was sick esther cared and nursed him .

When george did mistakes esther also shared his punishments .

When george was lonely esther lend her shoulders to him to cry .

Esther always supported gworge.

Esther was also a good baker.

She baked him cakes , cookies , snaks and brewed tea for him.

George forgot all these memories as they were nothing and went to seek love from mariya who only spent his money on her luxury.

The maids brought the tea and snaks.

They started drinking the tea .

After few minutes mariya started to cough blood .

George and evryone panicked.

They summoned the physician .

Miss mariya is poisoned the physician concluded his diagnosis  and prescribed her medicines .

George immediately called for the servants who served tea .

The servand kneeled and confessed that it was Esther who ordered to poison miss mariya.


Listening to the servant george was in rage and slapped esther without even thinking twice .

Esther fell to the ground .

Seeing this mariya smirked

Esther tried explaining but it was all useless as George already believed the servant .

Georgw spoke harshly to esther called esther a selfish woman and slaped esther again .

The little boy who grew with her ,the boy who she cared for , the man who she loved , now was not even willing to listen to what she has to say .

Esther was devastated.  Esther silently listened all those hatefull and harsh words george told in that fit of rage .

Esther stood up and told george .


hearing to esther , george was shocked .

He never thought the girl who loved him so much would propose the breaking of engagement herself.

Haa haa haa haa.

So you now want ro break the engagement and play mouse and cat. Go on ..but i will never love a   selfish women like you . George spoke

Esther rushed out of the room .

She cried ..cried and cried till her trars dried up .

She locked herself in her room for 5 weeks .

The love she nurtured for years was hard to overcome .she didnt open the door for her parents or servants .

On the fifth week  esther came out of the room .

She called her servants and gave her servants few intructions to make a dress . Then she ate her breakfast. The house was in complete silence. Not knowing how to comfor their daughter, their young miss .

Esther spoke " dad you told me that you would wish yoo entrust some buisness to me . I am ready to take it now . " Esther smiled confidently .

She took over her dad's buisness .

Now Esther wore pants and shirts instead of dresses that were tiring .

She didnt doll up to look good infront of anyone ,instead she started learning swordsmanship and grew her influence in higher society .

2 months passed .

George who chased out esther from his life slowly started to realise the emptiness he felt when there was noone who followed him calling gege .

Or no one who baked for him .

Georgw thought esther would return in 2 weeks , 3 weeks , 3 weeks .

But esther didnt even bother to write a letter .

George started to have sleepless nights .

The day mariya was poioned ,once he was calmed down he ordered for an investigation and found it was all mariyas plan all along .

Mariya purposely  selected the days to watch opera , she was the reason the boat sunk all these were mariyas plan to make esther leave george who was mariyas childhood crush as well as a person who she can use to climb up ranks .

As soon as George understood the true nature of mariya he chased her out and took over the countdome.

George was too egotistical too apologize to esther himself . So he waited esther to come back . But esther never returned .

Seeing the young lady of Ashur growing her buisness and her ability to negotiate with foreign  envoys and merchants the young emperor gort interedted in Esther .

During the next roya ball he sent a letter to esther for being his patner .

Esther accepted the young emperors wish .

And became his patner .

Seeing his ex fiance  ,his childhood friend dancing with another man . George was filled with rage and jelousy .

Aftef the ball george approached esther .

He fell on his knees and apologized for everything .

But the love esther had towards george was no more .

Seeing esther in uncomfort . Young emperor who had red hair and snake like gold eyes approached them and took esther away .

Seeing esther going with another man .george started to regrer .

He felt esther moving out of his world .

Esther amd emperor started to talk to each other and emperor  invited the young intelligent merchant  Esther to palace for tea times .

Seeing Esther  closer to the emperor , george felt devastated,  he cried everyday .

Begged estger to give him another chance.

Esther was cold towards his request .

After 2 years the young duke who was perfect now was just a body who was depressed but alive while esther who over came her unrequited love became the most richest merchant , a guild leader and a pen friend to the emperor .

Emperor asked Esther's  hand in marriage and offered her to be the emperess .


Esther had orher plans ,she wanted to visit the world and wnjoy her life .

She did mot wish to tie the shackles of love to herself anymore .

She politely declined the marriage offer .

Though the emperor was in love with the young lady who was confident , lovely , strong and intelligent.  He respected her wish .

Esther worked hard to acheive her goal she started her buisness in the neighboring  countries . Expanded her reach and her family flourished .

The young duke regreted .

Asking for forgiveness doesnt mean everything can be turned back .

Esther forgave george , but never returned to him .

Esther may meet a persom who would love her and not shackel her in the name of love ......

[If you want a long long long version then do comment , because this is just oneshot ]


Hee hee hee hee ..i am a new author .

I have another story too .

The death queen .

Do read fraandsss

Its also with a strong female lead.