
The Regent's Tender Darling

[Double Purity][1v1] When Prince Duan was crowned king! Her most beloved maternal family was annihilated! Her elder sister, who became the empress, wanted to kill her! But the Regent King, the "enemy" she feared and despised the most, came to save her! "You are my queen, and will be for the rest of your life!" After being reborn, on her wedding night, Lin Jiaojiao was held captive in Regent King's arms, but, she was not afraid the slightest. "Yan Sihan~ Hug~" She moved closer and hugged the man's waist. The man suppressed his voice: "Jiaojiao, you have no chance anymore." [Sweet and scheming little queen x extremely indulgent Regent King] Lin Jiaojiao: Building scaffolds, herding ducks, raising ducks, dragging down the harmful dog emperor from his throne! Yan Sihan: Just sit at home, and the throne will come from the sky?

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734 Chs

Chapter 1: He's Arrived

Translator: 549690339

Mount Emei's moon is half-shaped in autumn, its reflection enters the flowing waters of the Pingqiang River, you and I, the days are long.

―――Yan Sihan.

Imperial Palace Firewood Room.

A ladle of cold water is poured on the fallen girl, making the bloodstained white clothes even more noticeable and eye-catching.

The girl trembles and moves, slowly opening her eyes, unable to see the person in front of her clearly, already trembling all over from the pain of her severed hand tendons and foot tendons.

Enduring the heart-piercing pain, the girl gradually raises her face and sees a woman in gorgeous clothes standing with her back to the light, as beautiful as a character in a painting.

This is her half-sister, Lin Qinghua.

By now, she should already be the empress.

"Lin Jiaojiao, my palace has come to tell you that the Emperor has decreed that the Chen family and the rebel Yan Sihan are closely connected and intend to rebel!"

The voice is soft, like a never-ending thread, but the words are cold and harsh.

But Lin Jiaojiao's heart was in turmoil.


How could it be rebellious... It can't be... It can't...

Regent King Yan Sihan is not a rebel; it is her... who fabricated evidence as the Regent King's Main Consort.

Yan Nanchen knows about this! And so does her father! How could her maternal grandfather's Chen family possibly plot rebellion?

Lin Jiaojiao raises her head, her apricot eyes staring directly at the empress with her head full of golden hairpins, as if to swallow her alive.

Unfortunately, she can no longer speak, her tongue has been pulled out, and her foot and hand tendons have been severed; all of which were done to her by Lin Qinghua!

Seeing Lin Jiaojiao's disheveled state, Lin Qinghua laughs even more brilliantly.

"My dear sister, do you really believe Yan Sihan killed your mother?"

Out of pity for her impending death, she is willing to let Lin Jiaojiao know some truth.

To kill, one must slay the heart!

"Your father had been acquainted with my mother long before, your mother was just the daughter of a merchant. As the richest man in the south of the river, the Chen family naturally had to marry your father; your mother's body declined after giving birth to you and had been taking the medicine your father sent her, so naturally, she died quickly."

"Oh, yes! Your elder brother died in the same way, sick and away from home."

Upon hearing this, Lin Jiaojiao's eyes turn bloodshot, her mouth emitting angry howls.

It was her father that killed her mother! No, it was Lin Zhengyang... who killed her mother and... her elder brother!

"Hmph!" After speaking, Lin Qinghua's face regains its serious expression, and she tells the palace maid beside her, "Go back and report to the Emperor that the firewood room is on fire, and the Regent King's Consort has died in the fire!"

As the voice falls, Lin Qinghua leaves the front of the firewood room. Soon after, a blazing fire starts outside the firewood room.

Thick smoke billows, making it impossible for her to open her eyes, and the flames consume the surrounding cold air, making it difficult for her to breathe.

In a daze, she sees a tall figure rushing towards her at the entrance of the firewood room.

A red robe and armor, wielding a silver dragon spear.

The man enters and picks her up, treating her as delicately and cautiously as a treasure, wrapping her in his red robe.

"Jiaojiao... I'm here, don't be afraid, I'll take you away."

His voice trembles with tension.

Yan... Yan Sihan?


Lin Jiaojiao stares at the man in disbelief, seeing his face filled with murderous intent but softening when he looks at her.

She was the one who fabricated evidence, making him a rebel; why is he... still coming for her?

You should hate me!

Without saying another word, the man holds her and stands at the entrance of the firewood room, surrounded by guards wielding bows and arrows.

She sees it in the man's eyes.

And knows that this is a trap set by Yan Nanchen. Yan Sihan had already left the capital with his soldiers...

He came back for her.

She shouldn't have escaped halfway... she shouldn't have...

Perhaps sensing her trembling, Yan Sihan lowers his eyes to look at her.

The little girl in his arms should have had the brightest smile, but now she is breathing feebly.

Using an unprecedented gentle tone, Yan Sihan tells her, "You are my consort, and you will be for the rest of your life."

He knows she wants to run away, but he won't let her.

She tries to open her mouth, but can't speak. Her heart begins to collapse: Yan Sihan... no... don't treat me like this... don't...

She doesn't want to owe him anymore; she just wants him to live a good life.

Yan Sihan holds her in one hand and the Silver Dragon Spear in the other, still looking cold and proud enough to instill fear in others as he confronts the newly enthroned Emperor Yan Nanchen.

It is this condescending gaze that makes Yan Nanchen tremble all over, the veins in his forehead bursting: "Shoot!"

With a single command, all falls into a deathly silence.

If there is an afterlife, she will never let him down, never.