
The Regalgo's Secret

Ember Brown is a girl who is 20 years old. Who has no idea about her family's past life. She lost her parents 3 years back. From that day she has lived by herself without anyone. Gabrio Regalgo is a Mafia leader who is 23. He lost his parents in a rival conflict. What will happen when they cross paths and Gabrio finds out that she is the girl he has been searching for past 3 years and kidnaps her?

Shraddha_T · Teen
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Ember's POV:

I was woken up to the noise of my alarm beside my bed. I groaned and sat up in my bed. I looked towards the window at the left in my studio apartment and saw it was bright outside. I smiled and got out of my bed and made my way towards the bathroom to get ready.

I got dressed in light yellow t-shirt, light blue skin tight jeans and white sneakers. I combed my hair in a high pony. And applied no make up because it's not my forte.

I walked towards the kitchen area and prepared a cup of coffee for myself. After getting the coffee, I sat on the couch and glanced at the clock. It read 7:30am. 'Well...I have another half an hour.' I thought to myself and calmly sipped on my coffee.

As I sat there sipping my coffee, I couldn't help myself and began to think about 'how hard my life has become after my parents death' or 'how lonely I am without any friends or family.' And the thoughts went on and on until I was done drinking the coffee.

I washed the cup and placed it in the cupboard. After that I started to get ready for the first day of my work.

I walked to my work place because it isn't that far from my apartment and also that I don't have any vehicle or can't spend much money on a taxi just to take me a few meters from my apartment.

When I reached the building I looked up and saw the name tag at the top of the building which read 'Anderson Moments Capture' which is one of the top photography company in the world. I should say it was my luck to get a job here.

When I entered the building, I saw a girl at the reception who was working on her computer. As it was my first day, I didn't know any employs except the owner of this company 'Mrs.Anderson'.

I walked towards the girl and as soon as I reached the table, she looked up and smiled at me and said "How may I help you ma'am?" "Uh.. I am Ember. I was employed as the new photographer. I received a mail yesterday which said that there is a wedding shoot and I was asked to be the photographer." I replied. She nodded and looked at the screen for a few moment and then back at me and asked "Oh, Are you Ms.Brown?" to which I nodded. "Mrs.Anderson is waiting for you, let me ask someone to guide you to the office. Till that you can have a seat." she said pointing the couch in front of her table.

I agreed reluctantly and took a seat on the couch. I got my phone out of my small backpack and went through the social media. Sadly I am not much fond of social media.

After a few minutes, a boy exited the elevator. He had brown hair, hazel orbs, tight jawline and was wearing a tux which fitted his body perfectly. He walked towards me and asked "Ms.Brown?" I just nodded, not finding right words after hearing his deep voice. "Follow me." Was all he said before he started walking towards the elevator. I quickly followed him.

After the awkward elevator ride I followed him to a door, it had the name board which read 'Mrs.Anderson'.

He opened the door open for me like a gentleman and I walked in and found Mrs.Anderson sitting on the chair focused on the computer in front of her on the desk.

"Mrs.Anderson, Ms.Brown is here." Said the boy, which caught her attention and she looked up at me. She smiled and said "Thank you Caleb. You can leave now." And the boy who escorted me to the office left.

"Please have a seat." Said Mrs.Anderson. I sat down on one of the chair at her desk. "Would you like to have coffee or tea?" She asked "No thanks" I replied to which she nodded.

She slid a thin black file towards me and said "It's nice to meet you Ember Brown. I have seen the pictures you have voiced and they are good than the other pictures I have seen by an interviewee." I smiled and muttered and said "It's an honour to meet you Mrs.Anderson. And I am glad that you liked the pictures I have clicked." She nodded and asked me to open the file which I did. "This a contract of the photoshoot you will be doing. It is not provided by the company but the client have prepared a contract themself. I thought that you would fit this contract and asked you to be the photographer. The clients have asked for a photographer who agrees to the terms listed in the contract. And as our company always likes to provide the best for the clients. As you are the new employee K would like to see if you can handle the wedding shoot." she said. "I promise you that I won't betray you ma'am." I said with confidence.

"Okay then. They are done with the pre-wedding shoots. All they want you to do is capture the moments of the main wedding event. And if you want an assistant we can provide you one. This being your first photishoot as an employee of the 'Andersons' I want to see your performance. If you agree with the terms listed on the contract then sign it." She said with a challenging tone at the end. I opened the file and read the terms. I was fine with all of them so I signed the contract.

"I am fine with the terms. I won't disappoint you Mrs.Anderson. And I would love to have an assistant. Just let me know about the other wedding informations." I said to which she smiled widely and said "I am looking forward on the on how you do your work at this shoot Ember. And about the other information, I will make sure that you get the information through mail by evening."

I stood up, gave my final greetings and left.

Well, I am looking forward on this wedding shoot too...