
Heated Games-Maximus

For once my endless nights of darkness don't come. Sleep seems to have alluded me. The scent, her alluring scent of warm honey is choking me.

Trying to rid my nostrils of her smell I take the chance of breathing through my mouth. I groan allowed at the taste of her on my tongue. If I weren't peering up at the ceiling of my own cabin

I would have sworn that she and all her curves were right here in front of me.

Just go to her. Your tossing and turning is making me batshit.

I turn over once more trying to ignore the voice in my head. After ignoring it for years the constant prescience of it grates on my nerves. For a moment I contemplate putting up a shield once more in my mind.

Suddenly my body flares with heat and my skin pricks as if a thousand needles have hit it at once. I gasp trying to get a grasp on to some kind of control. The pain is like nothing I have ever felt. It borders on a line that I'm not quite sure I want to cross. A long groan leaves my mouth as the sensation of heat gathers in my groin and I feel my arousal harden for the first time in my life. Just as fast as the wave of pleasure hits me it quickly disappears.

Fuck with me and I fuck with you. I've had enough of you locking me up like a five year old on a time out. Grow up.

"I didn't even do anything to you. What the hell was that?" I shout at the stupid lizard as I pant for breath.

I'm in your head dufus. I can hear every thought you have. Always could. Each time you think of locking me up I will make the feelings of having our mate near appear. Call it my secret weapon.

"You're an asshole, you know" I say pissed at him.

And you are a child. Keep it up and I just might force a shift. I didn't have to choose pleasure as a form of torture

"Just leave me alone" I plead with him.

Impossible. You have never been alone. I am always here and will always be here. Get used to it.

Stupid over brown reptile...and then the heat returns. Pain causes my jaw to crack as my teeth strengthen and elongate. My body becomes a live wire, and no other thought invades my mind but to go and make her mine. I quickly flip to my stomach on the couch to stop myself from going to her.

Stop calling me names!!!

"Fuck you, you charred monstrosity" I scream at him as my nails lengthen into claws that dig into the cushions of my couch. My hips undulate against the sensitive fabric of my pants on my bare flesh.

Say I'm beautiful.

Before I can respond back more heat flares through my body, and I find myself groaning into the cushion. I clench my teeth against this new sensation wanting it to end. My body feels out of control and foreign. It feels like I'm seconds away from combusting.

Say it.

"Fine, fine" I shout as I jack knife of the couch to have me sitting.

I'm waiting...

"Your beautiful... damn it. Just fucking stop" I groan as I pant for air. When the unbearable heat finally leaves my body, my back drops back to the couch and I try to catch my breath.

My beast is rolling around laughing in my head as I scowl at the ceiling. Trying to find the energy to move I groan at the tingles that still linger in my skin from the pleasure he tortured me with.

"Was that really necessary?" I shout at him as another round of laughter has him rolling again.

Yup. This beautiful dragon just made you piss in your pants. Bet you won't call me anymore names.

When he is done taunting me I finally look down to take a look at the damage of his torture. As I pinch the fabric of my pants to bring them away from my skin, I curse aloud. Knowing that now I won't get any sleep because I can't stand to be dirty, I rise from the couch and head to the bathroom. I swipe a pair of clean pants off the table in my living room while I make my way.

Since you are up. You can now clean this place you call a home. Our mate does not deserve such filth. You should take pride in your home just as you do in your appearance.

I roll my eyes at the his gest as I quickly remove my clothes in the bathroom. I would love to take a shower right now, but I don't want to wake her. I have no idea what we would even talk about if she were awake. Looking at my groin I wrinkle my nose. As I grab a towel and soap it up to clean myself I can't help but to feel confused.

"I don't know what you did but this isn't piss. It doesn't smell like urine and it's all sticky" I tell him as I hurry up and clean myself. As I say it allowed it just sends the beast into another fit of laughter. Rolling my eyes I quickly dry myself and put on the clean pair of pants.

Now this is even better. You have no idea what happened. Didn't you pay any attention to the classes you took when we got here on the reactions of the body for humans.

"I didn't need to pay attention. I'm not human" I remind him. He shakes his head at me, and I watch as he sighs during his weird way of breathing.

It looks like this beautiful master will have to teach you something else then. Do you want to know what happened?

He says as I leave the bathroom. I choose to ignore him as I survey the front of my house. Since I don't have anything better to do, I might as well clean this place. I could do it quietly without waking her up. With a sigh I get to work and pick up all the clothes that are strewn about the various surfaces.

Even though you don't want to know, I am still going to tell you. You my friend either ejaculated prematurely or freely.

He says it with a chuckle as if it's still funny. However, at his words I pause. Something is niggling in the back of my mind of where I heard this before. Thinking about it I do know that word. Where did I hear it.

Health class idiot. You heard it in the health class that Dr. Frost taught.

Oh right, I think to myself. Wait a minute.

"But we didn't have sex. That's what happens after sex." I remind him in a shocked tone.

No it can happen with stimulation or sex. Oh dear you really are a child. You might want to pick up one of those pamphlets again. I'm not explaining it all to you. Night.

And with that final statement the beast finally decides to leave me alone. With a whip of his tale he curls into a ball and promptly shuts his eyes. With a shake of my head and something else added to my to do list I finish cleaning the front of my house.

After I am finished cleaning the living room, my dining room, and the kitchen, I take a moment to survey my work. I really can't recall the last time I actually cleaned the place. The smell of dust no longer lingers in the air. Instead it smells of soap and pine. Finally with a lull in time I look toward the window and see that the sun is just beginning to rise. She should be up soon and I'm betting when she is she will be hungry.

What the hell was I thinking yesterday. When she asked for an explanation to bringing her here I thought of the first thing that came to my mind. The only thing I knew about her now was that she was a reporter. I used that knowing that there are many answers I wouldn't be able to give her. I need to figure something out. I can't just leave her here while I go run my duties for the entire day.

Most people don't come to my cabin but on the off occasion someone has. If they find her here then I will never get the chance to get to know her. Even if I do get to know her there is no reason why she would want to stay. If I give her the incorrect information and she runs with it, there is no telling what could happen to our species.

You are thinking far too much this early in the morning. Why don't you just ask her what she wants to know and go from there.

Nodding to myself I find that that idea isn't half bad. If I find out what she wants to know I can see if I can give her that information. If I can't then we can just move onto another subject. I can also ask her questions that I want to know. Like what she has been doing all these years? Admittedly, I'm not surprised that she became a reporter. When we were kids she was always asking questions.

However, I definitely need to find a way to get out of my duties. If I were here all day then I would get many questions answered. If I ask for time off from being head guard I am pretty sure that

Xander would need an explanation. With a sigh of frustration I run my hands through my hair and tug. What could I tell him?

Me. Use me as an excuse.

"Yeah that's going to work. He already knows I have a dragon" I answer him with a roll of my eyes.

No idiot. Tell him that you need to find control over me. As an alpha he will understand the struggle and allow you time until you are in control again. You will have to show him in order for his dragon to believe.

"I am not shifting if that's what you are after" I remind him.

To shift now would not be safe. It has been too long. We could simply show him my eyes and your voice...wait do you hear that? Oh shit hide.

For some reason I decide to listen to the beast. I crouch down in the kitchen where I stand leaning against the counter and open one of the cabinets. Sticking my head in a listen with my ears as I hear footsteps come closer. After a few seconds she speaks.

"Uh, good morning" she greets. I'm so startled by the sound of her voice I end up bumping my head on the top of the cabinet with a curse.

"Why in the hell did you tell me to hide" I whisper to my dragon while he laughs at me.

Sorry I panicked. I didn't know what to do when I heard her open the door.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you" she apologizes. I rise from the cabinets as I rub the spot that I bumped. "And uh sorry but I forgot your name"

At the ridiculousness of the situation I let a chuckle leave my lips. Way to go Max. You have officially been love struck I think to myself. When what she said truly registers my chuckle turns into a full laugh. Before I know it a full belly chuckle leaves my lips. Once it clears my gaze reaches hers and she has a small smile on her lips.

"I am so sorry" I say not knowing what else to say to break the awkward tension. There is no way in hell I am going to tell her what just happened.

Scratching the back of my head trying to figure out what to do next, I finally figure it out. "Lee, you can call me Lee" I tell her.

When she laughs my head whips in her direction. Her face lights up with the laugh and it's my turn to awkwardly smile. "Is that a bad name for a dragon" I ask.

You should have given her your real name Dufus. Of course Lee is a dumb name.

Before I can berate my dragon for what he just said, the scent of fear mixes with her alluring scent. I watch as she takes a cautious step away from me as the scent of fear grows stronger.

Great. Now she fears us. You just fuck up everything idiot.

"If I can't call you names, then you can't call me names either. Now why don't you shut up for a moment, so I can find out while she is afraid" I yell at him. Like a sullen child he sighs as he drops heavily onto his hind quarters.