
the deals

Alaric made his way out of the arena, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as Felvin approached him. "Boss, what art thou thinking, accepting his challenge?" Felvin inquired with furrowed brows.

"Thou knowest, Felvin, I've known Mortuus nearly his entire life. He was once a promising young man, seduced by the temptations of greed and power. I endeavored to steer him onto the path of righteousness, but he harbored resentment and chose death over counsel. Now, here he is, inflicting torment upon the denizens of hell for his own amusement. I cannot abide by such cruelty," Alaric explained, his voice tinged with regret.

A great tale, indeed," a feminine voice interjected from behind them. Alaric turned to find a woman who stood tall and imposing at seven feet, her six muscular arms flexing as she gestured with authority. Ample breasts adorned her powerful frame, a testament to her formidable strength. Her countenance exuded confidence, her eyes sharp and keen as she surveyed their surroundings.

Beside her stood A smaller man, a stark contrast to The womens imposing stature. At only 5'9", he appeared diminutive in comparison, yet his presence commanded attention. His lizard-like features, with a head reminiscent of a dragon's, gave him an otherworldly air. Despite his size, there was an undeniable aura of authority about him, his gaze piercing and unwavering.

"And who might ye be?" Alaric inquired warily, his hand instinctively resting on the hilt of his sword.

"No need for hostilities, my good sir. We have not come seeking conflict," the smaller man in the suit replied calmly.

"Then what, pray tell, bringeth thee to this place?" Alaric pressed, his gaze unwavering.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Varkson, and this is Seshka," the man introduced, gesturing towards the woman beside him.

"We heard of thy challenge against Mortuus and thought it might be amusing to lend a hand," Seshka added, crossing two of her arms nonchalantly.

"Aye, well, I suppose I could use all the assistance I can muster," Alaric conceded, his expression softening slightly.

"Fret not, for we shall teach thee the ways of empowerment in this infernal realm," Varkson declared confidently.

A week passed, during which Alaric diligently honed his skills under the guidance of Varkson and Seshka. They crafted a sheath for his newly transformed sword and delved into the intricacies of soul contracts.

"Now that thou hast completed thy sheath, let us delve into the art of soul contracts," Varkson instructed.

"But I have no desire to ensnare souls," Alaric protested, a frown creasing his brow.

"Fear not, we do not seek to imprison souls. Instead, they shall willingly trade a portion of their essence for protection," Seshka clarified.

"Now, try again with this contract in mind: 'I, Alaric the First, offer thee protection in exchange for a portion of thy soul. Should harm befall thee, myself and my legions shall come to thy aid,'" Seshka recited.

"But I possess neither legions nor the means to ascertain the fate of those souls," Alaric objected.

"Thou shalt, for such is the nature of these contracts. By owning their souls, thou shalt gain insight into their well-being, and they shall become part of thy collective," Varkson elucidated.

"Boss, perhaps thou shouldst start with me," Felvin suggested.

"Very well, my friend. Thou shalt be the first," Alaric agreed, extending his hand.

"Felvin, I demand a contract!" Alaric declared, summoning another fiery parchment bearing the terms of the agreement.

Felvin quickly perused the contract before signing his name at the bottom. As he did, his eyes turned obsidian black, save for his purple irises, which remained unchanged.

A surge of energy coursed through Alaric as he observed the transformation. His companions watched in silent awe as he processed the newfound power that now flowed within him.

"This power... it is formidable," Alaric remarked, his voice tinged with wonder.

"Not every soul shall grant thee such strength, but 'tis a potent gift nonetheless," Varkson affirmed, his gaze steady.

"Now, it is time to wield this power to forge weapons and recruit allies. We shall turn this city into a battleground," Seshka declared with a wicked grin.

short chapter because I’m busy

Kaguya_otsutsukiicreators' thoughts