
The Red Slime

Niore · Fantasy
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Chapter 1-An Unexpected Journey to Another World

"Wha-what? Where am I? I cant feel my arms and legs" says a guy foating in total Darkness. Looking around whit his eyes he can just see a blurry white things "Is that a rock?",he looks around and all he can see are rocks even though he can't see clearly he knows a rock when he sees one.

He tries to walk but he can't but he feels something,something under him it's rough.

"Am I crawling?" he crawls around the rocky surrounding and then hears a voice "Yes a voice,is it another person?" he says, he followed the voice and it's getting close and closer. As he gets closer he can hear the voice clearly and feels an overwhelming pressure. Then he heard the voice say "Oho? A slime? What are you doing here? " says the voice "Huh? A slime? Who me?" says the slime "Yes,who else would it be?" says the voice 'I'm a slime? How did this Happened?' says the slime then a voic appeared 'Notice! You have been reincarnated to another world' the voice said "Huh?Where did that come from?" the slime said 'Notice! Do you want to transfer your memories to this body?' The voice said "My memories? Yes. " then a painful headache is going in through the slime's head.

February 14,2021 a busy day for people but for a single person it wasn't a teenager in his house watching and playing video games was a shut-in,with this everyday routine the teenager was satisfied having only to eat,watch,play and sleep this was his paradise but this routine was ended when the teenager collapsed and slowly his body was dying,whitout eatibg properly his body was weakening he regretted this lifestyle in his dying moments and said "I was getting another chance at life I won't be a shut-in anymore".

Those memories sinked in the slime's head,his past life, his promise when he will have another life he remembered it all. The other voice spoke "Who are you Slime" the other vouce was curious of the slime because of its unusual color,rhe slime was red,different from the slimes that voice had seen.

The slime felt that something was missing and now he was sure what was missing, he may had his past life memories but he didn't remember his name, "I-i don't have a name" he said to the voice "oh" the voice said it thought that the slime had a name because its color was so strange,the slime was interesting so the voice plan to give it a name "I'll give you a name" it said "Really?!?" the slime said "Yes, but first let me introduce myself I am the Scorch King Velgrynd and I The Scorch King will name you Homura" The Slime shined bright and thus he will be known as Homura.

'Notice as you have been given a name by the Scorch King you have gained the Title 'Friend a the True Dragon' the system evolved into the Great Sage'


This is My First time Writing so If the plot or writing is Bad I'm sorry.