
Chapter 2: the raid

Knight in red "as the saying goes no rest for the wicked and I guess i'm the wickedest of them all". The knight chuckles quietly to herself. "Well time for the dance of blood and fire little angels". Quick as lightning the knight ran from the hill to the small village where she came upon her first dance partner. Drawing her haft sword from it's scabbard she set forth upon her first quarry partner A basic Grunt to the angel's army. With its sharp claws it's only weapon focus on the little girl it made easy pray to my blade. The knight bolted behind the angel and with a jump and a flick of the wrist it's throat slide open easily. "I would say to get to safety but there's not many of those kinds of places these days". "Who are you?" "Me just someone who deals with difficult angels everyday just your average hunter". The young woman that stood in the flames light wearing a big red wolf pelt and leather armour know that she had the advantage of speed and caution for she know if she was over confident it would lead to her death. "Just your friendly angel hunting friend the name's scarlet".