
Chapter 3: Sarkon's Affection

Even if it was only a dream, she never wanted it to end.

She swallowed hard to stop the tears from coming. She had cried her fill the entire night. Any more and her swollen eyes would betray her.

Her fingers reached out to kiss that strong cheek and trace that firm jawline. They came to his mouth and stopped. She paused at that full lower lip and beautiful Cupid’s bow.

Since she had known what kissing was all about, she began to dream of those attractive lips against hers…


Maria blinked a few times.


She jolted to a stand.

“What was that?” She creased her brows at her bedroom door. The noise seemed to come from next door.

Since she had earlier requested to be left alone, Sophie wasn’t around to help her check on the rude sounds, so Maria had to do it herself.

She opened her bedroom door and was ambushed by a messy sight of a string of maids hovering around with suitcases and racks of clothes.

Immediately, Sophie appeared beside her.

“Sorry, Miss!” she whispered frantically, “What color do you need? Miss Lovette told me to give way, so I stepped away for a while.”

“What’s happening here?” Maria scrunched her nose back instead.


They both jumped with a startled expression.

A new familiar voice burst into the air. Maria watched as a voluptuous silhouette emerged from the room next door, clicking her heels toward her.

“Maria! There you are! I thought I’d go find you when I’m done here.”

Maria was trying to keep up with the surprises. “Are you moving in next to me?” She swung around to Sophie with bulging eyes, seeking an explanation.

The maid shook her head apologetically which seemed to say she didn’t know about it until now, then nodded sheepishly to confirm her young miss’s apprehension.

Still frustrated but trying hard not to show it, Maria turned back to Lovette, who towered over her. She looked down at her with brightening eyes. “The room’s magnificent, Maria. It’s so spacious, and the view is gorgeous!”

“Yes, it is,” Maria muttered in disappointment.

Sarkon had been giving the best of everything to Maria since he adopted her.

Growing up, Maria never missed anything, except, of course, the love from her parents. Even so, Sarkon tried his best to make up for it in that area. He was always around when Maria needed him.

Now, it was Lovette’s turn. Sarkon was as determined to give the best of the best to his mistress.

And he took it a little further this time.

The finest pearls, the grandest diamond bracelets, the priciest necklaces, the highest brand of clothes, heels, and make-up—Maria had seen them all on Lovette the past few days.

The mistress has been dropping by Maria’s room every chance she had just to show Maria the gifts that Sarkon has been lavishing on her.

“He’s so good to me, Maria. I’ve never met a man like him, you know what I mean? He’s so wonderful.” Lovette squinted lovingly at the younger woman by the window holding her violin.

Maria stepped toward her bed and smiled at the sexy woman sitting on it with her legs crossed.

“I’m sure you've been taking good care of Uncle Sarkon too,” Maria stated quietly.

“Of course, I have.” Lovette leaned forward with a meaningful look and whispered, “Every night.” Her shiny, red lips curved up into a mischievous smile.

Maria broadened her gaze in realization. Swiftly, before the mistress caught her bright crimsoned cheeks, she turned from the woman and squeezed her eyes tight.

“Too much detail?” Lovette's teasing voice sounded behind her.

Oh God, Maria groaned silently. How she wished that her first day of school was tomorrow.

No way was she going to let Lovette catch her blushing over some intimate talk. The last thing Maria wanted was to let it slip that she was still a virgin.

It was old school, but she was saving herself for Sarkon. Just the thought of it made her cheeks flush harder.

This household benefited from a loose tongue. Maria wasn't going to let her virginity be the hot topic of gossip for the next few months. Sarkon would get a whiff of it, and it would truly be the end.

“Thank you for staying by his side, Lovette. Uncle Sarkon has always been… alone. I guess he may have felt lonely at times,” Maria reflected quietly.

“Does he really?” There was a hint of amusement in Lovette’s voice.

It went undetected. Maria turned back to the new family member and smiled again. “He’s much happier now. I can tell.”

Lovette raised her left brow, but said nothing and quickly broke into a huge grin.

Maria’s gaze fell on the palm-sized diamond pendant of Lovette’s new necklace. If she didn’t see Sarkon’s gifts from Lovette, she would definitely hear it from Sophie.

Since Lovette moved in, her maid reported to Maria the latest activities and news about the power couple. It was quickly becoming a morning routine that Maria didn’t mind getting into. She was just as curious.

This morning, while working on Maria’s flowy locks into a brownish-red ponytail, Sophie casually mentioned that Miss Lovette and her uncle would be having breakfast in France the next day.

Maria remembered reminiscing on the times when Sarkon, on numerous occasions, had taken her along on his business trips.

Maria would wait at the hotel with Sophie and Albert while her uncle went through his meetings. When he was done, they visited museums and art galleries, went sightseeing and shopping, and had meals at exotic restaurants. He even brought her to Vienna just for the concerts.

“Uncle Sarkon, have you watched the Phantom of the Opera?”

“No,” her uncle lifted his eyes from the file he was reading. His blue eyes observed her quietly.

“I saw it on the internet, and it was magical.” Maria cast a dreamy expression at the sky outside the library window.

“Do you want to watch it?”

Maria’s gaze flew to her uncle. “Yes!” Her face relaxed into a hopeless disappointment as she murmured, “But the tickets are sold out. I wanted to get two, so we could watch it together.”

Sarkon whipped out his phone and made a call.

In five minutes, he returned to the young girl and said in a flat tone, “We’re going to Vienna for your birthday."

Maria’s eyes blew up in astonishment, "That's next month. Do you mean we're watching the finale show?”

Sarkon stared blankly at the bookshelves to ponder her question. He then replied nonchalantly, “Likely. Keep that weekend free.” He returned to his reading...

Maria sighed with a smile at the warm memory.

Still smiling, she walked to the tea table and said, “I heard you’re going to France tomorrow.” Carefully, she slotted her violin into the case.

“Oh my God, yes!” Lovette clasped her hands together in sheer excitement. “I only mentioned it to him once. I’ve never been to France. He immediately said he’d take me there. Tomorrow! Can you believe it? I’ve never taken a helicopter in my entire life.”

Maria stared at the violin. Bile was rising in her throat again. “That’s nice of him,” she muttered.

“Isn’t he?” Lovette hugged herself while squeezing her eyes tight, savoring all the love showered upon her. “How can I let go of such a sweet man?”

Maria blinked away the moisture in her eyes and lifted her chin with a smile, "Treasure him, Lo–."

Knock, knock, knock.

The two women turned to the door as Sophie entered.

After a bow, she looked at Lovette and said, “Your delivery is here, Madam.”

Lovette threw her hands up in the air and rolled her eyes. “Jeez, Sophie! How many times must I repeat myself? Miss Lovette. Miss. ‘Madam’ is for old ladies.”

Maria caught a secret wink from Sophie and looked the other way to hide her knowing grin.

The maid apologized calmly, "Sorry, Mad– I mean, Miss Lovette. Your delivery is here."

Lovette was as puzzled as Maria. "But I didn't order anything."

"It's from Mr. Sarkon, Miss."

The alluring mistress dropped both hands to her side and whispered, "Oh my God. Don't tell me it's a Perruccio."

Sophie nodded and raised two fingers.

Maria was as mind blown.

Behind her, those seductive eyes grew twice their size. Her pupils rounded with shock. Slowly, her glossy red lips spread into the widest grin. Lovette gave a loud piercing shriek of exuberance and shot out of the door like a laser.

Maria gave Sophie a weak smile before following her to the foyer.

Every step was hard to make. She couldn’t feel her knees and toes. Was her heart still beating? She seemed to have stopped breathing.

The sight of two cars from the luxury brand—one hot pink, one baby blue—made her inhale sharply.

Sarkon had the Perruccios custom-made for his girlfriend.

Lovette’s screams went three octaves higher.

It sounded like a dolphin’s cry, Maria thought, but louder. She winced and, instantly, Sophie’s hands went to her ears.

The mistress hopped like a kid toward the magnificent cars, each the embodiment of the highest quality and most advance of technology streamlined to the sleekness of a professional racing car.

Standing between her gifts, she turned around and spread her arms wide. “Do you see this, Maria? He loves me so much! Oh my God! Look at this!”

Maria swallowed hard. She mustered a smile and nodded. “Yes, he does love you a lot.”