
Chapter 164: Maria’s Last Resistance

Everyone, including Maria, was appalled by the brutal truth confronted by the beast in the opening of his speech.

What was he trying to do? Most of their stares and shocked expressions seemed to ask, “Is he crazy? Has he had too much to drink?”

Maria’s emerald eyes had never been rounder. The man standing on stage had never shone this bright. For a moment, Maria felt a strong urge to be on his side. Her feet took a step forward when the voice spoke again with the poise and eloquence of a king.

"We all know that for a false report to be accepted as true, it must carry some truths."

"This means that the truth, once revealed under the fake context, would have already lost its genuinity and the weight it carries."

Sarkon paused for a second and continued. "The truth is that I had planned to propose to Miss Maria Davis even before the news came out."