
Chapter 1.

Day 1

It is a normal day for me just like any other day. Woke up brushed my teeth put on some deodorant then started walking to school. Sense I have no friends it doesn't really matter to me if I am alone a lot of the time.

Auhhh… made it to school. I hate every second that im here but I might as well do good just so I can pass it and be out of high school already


The bell finally! For how I longed for you to bless me with your sound!. Final…

"Hey Guys! Did you hear the news it's going crazy right now. They say that some type of creature or creatures are making the ocean red. If you don't believe me look at this"

*"We are here to say that there has been an accident out at sea and for some unknown reason the water has turned red. We still don't have much info on the incident at hand but be sure to stay safe out at sea."*

That makes no sense. How the hell is a creature gonna make the ocean red. Either way it's probably nothing to worry about.

(Oh and sense I forgot to say I am the MC of this story and my name is Spark)

I'm so tired of this school and everyone in it. Everyone here is just so dumb and arrogant. It pisses me off and I can't help it. At least now I can just go back home and enjoy my solitude, since it is the end of the school day.

Actually let me go check the news. When I heard the story from somebody talking to their friend, I actually got interested, for the fact that it doesn't make sense.