
The Red Demon and the Devil

I sighed, “Why does it feel like I’m being watched all the time?” “Maybe it's because you are." A cool voice came from the other side of my room. I froze. How did someone get in here without me noticing? Who is this man? I don't recognize that voice. I felt too terrified to turn around, but I forced myself to. Across the room, near my bed, stood a talk man. He seemed well built, quite muscular, and had black hair. He had fair skin and handsome features, but the most noticeable feature was his eyes. They were a golden-red colour. He wore all black clothes. There was something ominous yet intriguing about this man. "W-who...? Why..?" I was at a loss for words. Wait, was he from another assassin core and sent to kill me? I quickly grab hold of my sword from where it sat beside my desk and this time, with more confidence, I asked, "Who are you and why are you here?" The man slowly walked toward me and I tightened my grip on my sword. Then he disappeared. I quickly looked around but couldn't see him. "I don't think you'd like to know who I am, but I'm here because you have brought much interest to my kind and now to me." The man had appeared behind me and whispered into my ear. I whip around and quickly move away, but this seemed to amuse the man. "Why wouldn't I want to know? And what do you mean your 'kind'?" Why am I asking questions instead of getting rid of him? "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you who I was." He replied simply. I just stared back and him and he seemed to be thinking. "Fine," He said, "my kind are demons. I myself am a high-ranking demon, but there is talk amongst all since you had encountered one. As for who I am..." He trailed off as we began walking closer to me. There was something about him that made me freeze. Then he was gone again and before I realized it, he had knocked my sword from my hand and had grabbed my chin to tilt it toward his face which was very close to mine. My heart was racing and my face felt hot. He looked even more attractive up close. The man smirked. "I am the Devil." ——————————————————————————— Nyx is your average 20-year-old, full-time university student, but she also has a trivial side job. She’s a hit-woman. An assassin. And she’s good at it. But something, or someone, has taken notice of her. Something that it not human. Something with an evil side, and he knows something that she doesn’t. However, with him having taken notice of Nyx, so have other non-human creatures. Her life is about to get a hell of a lot more dangerous and filled with an unexpected, long winded series of adventures. ——————————————————————————— Warning: Violence, suggestive content, sex, murder, suicidal ideations Thank you for everyone that reads!! Feedback is always appreciated! It means the words to me!

redpheonyx · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


After a few more hours of practice, I was finally able to hold the transformation a lot better, and hopefully for a lot longer. Livius was satisfied with my progress, maybe even a little bit proud, and it made me happy.

We started to gather our things in preparation to leave. I sighed in frustration as I grabbed my two knives.

"What?" Asmodeus asked, walking over to me. My heart rate sped up a little as he got closer.

"Oh...I-I just miss my sword." I stammered.

Asmodeus hummed in thought for a moment, "Well, why don't we find you a new one? You might as well have a sword that can compliment your abilities."

"Compliment my abilities?" I reiterated.

"Yeah. If you have a weapon of any sort from a spirit realm, you can adapt it to your abilities. Remember our little skirmish at the river? I think you saw the flames around my sword, right?" Asmodeus asked, to which I nodded, "And you remember how those angels sent the light down their whips?" I nodded again, "We were using our abilities, our powers, along with our weapons."

"So I can find a sword I like and just combine it with my abilities?" I questioned, hoping for more clarification.

"No exactly. Your weapon chooses you, but I think it's going to be difficult for you. Certain weapons generally choose angels while others choose demons. You're both." Asmodeus explained.

"What happens if a weapon doesn't choose me?" I was a bit concerned now. If weapon options are divided between angels and devils, what would happen if none choose to work with me and my abilities?

"I don't know, to be completely honest." Asmodeus sighed.

"Then you may not be able to have a weapon." Livius spoke as he entered the room, "You will have to work with what abilities you have and hope that will be enough."

I looked down at my hands. How would I be able to fight confidently without a weapon? I know I've kind of done it, but I don't know how to control these abilities. I know how to control a sword better.

I looked up at Livius. "How are we supposed to get me a weapon without being caught?"

"I know someone we can go to. We can trust him." Livius assured.

With that, we finished packing and prepared to leave. We all transformed to disguise ourselves. Livius and Asmodeus decided to go as twins. They had white-blonde hair and deep blue eyes and wore matching black long sleeve shirts and black jeans. I was to be their younger sister so I also made my hair blonde, but my eyes were brown. The three of us had also distorted our facial features somewhat. Livius had thought I should wear different clothes since I was known for wearing my robes, so he picked up a horribly bright pink summer dress. I had given him a very unimpressed look when he handed it to me, but I didn't have much of a choice. We then left.

I felt nervous as we walked down the streets and passed by spirits and a few angels. I walked between the two men in an attempt to better conceal myself.

"How much longer until we get to where we're going?" I mumbled to Livius, who had said we was going to take me to get a weapon first before going to our new home. "I don't know how much longer I can hold this for."

"We're almost there. You can keep it up." Livius replied shortly.

We eventually reached a small clothing store squished between several other, much bigger ones. As Livius opened the door to enter, a little bell rang to signal our arrival. Looking around, I assumed this was where Livius had found all the robes he had bought for me.

"Well, hello!" An older man greeted from the back of the store. As he walked towards us, he looked to be in his sixties. The smile disappeared from his face and his gaze became a little more serious when he saw us. "I was wondering when you would come by, Livius."

He recognized Livius, even in disguise?

"No, he can't recognize me with his. I had just let him know what we would look like when we arrived." Livius said.

Of course that's how simple it was.

"Come with me." The man said as he turned around and entered a doorway at the back of the store. We followed him and, as we entered, I gasped at how many different weapons there were. It was beautiful.

"You can take your disguise off now." Livius said. I glanced over and he looked like his normal self. I felt relieved that I didn't have to keep up the transformation anymore.

"The rumours are true, I see. You do look very beautiful." The old man spoke. I nervously thanked him. He then turned and began examining all of the weapons. "I've been informed that you would prefer a sword."

I nodded, "Yes, I would."

The man continued to sift through various beautiful swords of varying sizes and shapes. "Hmm. Try this one." He said as he picked up a long, slender sword from off the wall. It was nearly as long as my body. The hilt had a beautiful red, woven design. I took it in my hand and stared at its beauty.

"Nope, that's not it." The man said, ripping the sword from my hands.

"Wha-!" I was about to protest, but Asmodeus bopped me on the head.

"Remember what I told you? This man knows if the sword is right for you or not." Asmodeus said.

I watched as the man looked through the swords again. He didn't seem satisfied, then began to look through other weapons. He picked up a bow from off the wall, "Try this."

I've always been horrible with a bow and, thankfully, the man knew this was not the weapon for me. It felt as if none of the weapons were right. Other swords? Nope. Other bows? Nope. Twin blades? Nope. Bow staffs? Nope. Hammer? Nope. Knives? Nope. Whips? Nope. Spears? Nope.

"I don't know what else there is. I've tried every weapon in here." The older man sighed.

Great. So I wasn't going to get a weapon. Just fucking great. I felt so defeated. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

"No, you have one more." Livius spoke.

The man shook his head, "I don't know about that one. It's severely injured those whom I've handed it to since they weren't the right one."

"Just let her hold it." Asmodeus commanded. The man sighed and motioned for me to follow him.

We walked towards the far end of the room. There, an interesting sword hung on the wall. The blade was thick and long and a dark black and red marble. The hilt, on the other hand, was a bright, clean white. It had an interesting aura about it. Something drew me to it. I instinctively kept walking toward it and stopped inches away from the breathtaking weapon.

"Be careful, young lady." The man warned, yet I was not worried.

I reached to take the sword from the wall. As my hand wrapped around the hilt, I felt a massive surge of power jolt through me but I continued to grasp the sword and bring it from the wall. I felt good. I felt as if I was ready to take on anything in my way.

I turned around with the blade in my hand. Livius and Asmodeus gave an impressed, knowing look, as if they had expected this to be the outcome. The older man, however, stood dumbfounded with his mouth open.

"It has finally chosen someone."