
The Reborn Savior

A thousand years after his killing by a woman connected to the King of Darkness through a pact with a goddess, the hero, the savior, the one destined to defeat evil awakens. But awaiting him is a world now unfamiliar, controlled by darkness, monsters, and demons.

yorshka · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The beginning of the end

Dalk: We truly deserve this meal! Today we fought many demons and monsters in the village we passed through! But it's still thanks to our hero that we made it out alive...

Yuria: Yes, thank you again Hiro, as always we all have to rely on you... In the end, we're just dead weight, aren't we?

Hiro: But what are you guys saying?! Without you, I could never face this journey alone, and besides, each of you has traits that I could never match. Clara has the most powerful healing magic in all 8 kingdoms, Dalk is the strongest warrior I've ever known when it comes to physical strength, and Yuria is the most skilled mage I know, recommended by the great Empress of Magic herself.

Clara: You're always so humble, Hiro. You should be a bit prouder of yourself. After all, even if each of us were to challenge you, no, not just us, but every mage, knight, or saint in the world, if they were to challenge you, they would lose.

Dalk: Alright, guys, let's talk about something else! After all, look at the spectacular view we have in front of us. It won't happen again for a while since we're heading to the Demon Cathedral, so let's enjoy this last campsite outside of that place.

"The beauty of the landscape is indescribable: a snowy city, majestic mountains rising high, also veiled in snow, the sky seems to glow from the moon's radiance and the brilliance of the stars..."

Clara: When we enter the cathedral, we'll pass through a hidden passage in the catacombs. You mustn't feel compassion for the people locked in the cells. It could be a tactic of some demons to try to kill you, understand?

Hiro: But perhaps in the prisons, we can free the citizens who have been taken as slaves by the demons. Why shouldn't I worry about them? My task is to save as many people as possible from the demons and kill their king... I cannot ignore those who have been deprived of their freedom at the hands of these beings!

Yuria: I understand, Hiro, but you must comprehend that it could be nothing but a trap. Just because our entrance is hidden doesn't mean no one can see us, especially beings with powers as strong as the demons...

Dalk: You see, Hiro, you're a much stronger warrior than me, and you've proven it many times when we clash during training or our squabbles. But if I have to find a weakness in you, it's your excessive kindness. You trust people too blindly and always offer them help. Of course, this could also be a strength, but if an enemy were to set such a trap for you, you'd be too foolish and reckless to fall for it and end up hurt or even killed!

Hiro: ...

Clara: Don't worry, Hiro, don't make that face. When we kill the Lord of Darkness, also known as the Demon King, you'll have all the time you want to save everyone inside the catacombs. But as we've already said, the priority is to defeat the leader of those beings.

Hiro: Alright, guys, I'm going to bed. We need to leave early tomorrow...

Yuria: Do you think he listened to what we said?

Clara: I hope so.

"Hiro sleeps..."

Old Merchant: Boy... You who are young, could you help me fetch that vase up there?

Hiro: Yes, I'll take care of it!

Old Merchant: Oh, thank you, son. Here, take this as a reward for what you've done. It's a necklace with a magical symbol.

Hiro: Oh really? Thank you so much... but I'm afraid I can't accept it. This necklace seems to be quite valuable...

Old Merchant: Don't worry, son. Think nothing of it, it's a trifle! Besides, they say the symbol on the necklace belongs to the mightiest goddess of all! The goddess of the moon... Come on, now go. And thank you again...
