
the reborn of God of death

"The Reborn of God of Death" follows the story of a young man who is the descendant of the God of Death. Despite his immense power, he hides his true capabilities, choosing to act weak rather than reveal his true strength. He faces challenges and hardships, yet is able to overcome them with his wit and intellect, slowly learning the responsibility and burden that come with being a deity. Through his journey, he discovers the importance of balance between life and death, and learns to use his powers wisely to help others rather than bring forth destruction.

_sleepyhead · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A dangerous game

The air crackled with tension as the mysterious figure stood opposite the other figure, who had also drawn a weapon. It was as if a duel was about to begin.

"Who are you?" the mysterious figure asked, his voice as cold as ice.

The other figure stayed silent for a moment, their eyes gleaming in the darkness. Then, they spoke.

"I am a reaper, appointed by God to collect souls."

The mysterious figure seemed surprised by the reaper's answer. He hadn't expected such an answer to his simple question.

"Why are you here?" the mysterious figure asked, his voice still calm.

The reaper stayed silent, looking at the mysterious figure with their gleaming eyes.

"Are you here to collect my soul?" the mysterious figure continued, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

The reaper didn't respond. Instead, they began to approach the mysterious figure, their dagger held tightly in their hand.

The mysterious figure stayed still, his eyes locked on the reaper. He felt a chill run up his spine as the reaper came closer, but he remained unfazed.

"Are you truly here to take my soul?" the mysterious figure asked again.

"My soul is not so easy to take," he continued. "Even God is not able to take it."

The reaper continued to approach, their dagger held tightly in their hand. The mysterious figure stayed still, waiting for the reaper to make the first move.

The reaper suddenly lunged forward, thrusting their dagger at the mysterious figure.

The mysterious figure dodged out of the way just in time, his cloak swirling around him. He could feel his heart pounding, but he couldn't afford to make a mistake.

The reaper stabbed again, their dagger aimed at the mysterious figure's chest.

But the mysterious figure dodged again, his cloak billowing in the wind. He was just as skilled with his dagger as the reaper was, if not more so.

The mysterious figure and the reaper continued to spar, their daggers glittering in the moonlight. Every dodge and strike was precise, and every move carried the weight of the world's fate.

But the mysterious figure felt he was gaining an edge over the reaper, slowly but surely.

"Is this really how you would take my soul?" the mysterious figure asked, a hint of laughter in his voice.

The reaper stayed silent, their eyes focused on their target. They would not fail.

The air was thick with tension. The mysterious figure felt the pressure of the Reaper's stare, as if he was a predator hunting down his prey.

It was time for the mysterious figure to turn the tables on the reaper.

"Perhaps I will take your soul instead," the mysterious figure said boldly.

The reaper didn't react, their eyes still gleaming as they watched the mysterious figure's every movement with caution.

"After all," the mysterious figure continued, "what makes you think you would win against me?"

The reaper suddenly flung his dagger at the mysterious figure, aiming for the heart.

But the mysterious figure was too fast, gliding out of the way and avoiding the attack.

"My soul belongs to me," the mysterious figure said coldly. "It's not yours to claim."

The reaper roared in anger, their eyes glinting with fury. They drew a second dagger from under their cloak and flung it at the mysterious figure.

But once again, the mysterious figure avoided the attack, his cloak billowing in the wind.

The reaper was beginning to get frustrated, their face twisted with rage.

They drew a third dagger from under their cloak and flung it towards the mysterious figure, their aim growing more and more erratic.

But the mysterious figure calmly sidestepped the attack, his cloak whipping around him in a flurry of movement.

"I will not let you take my soul so easily," he said coldly.

The reaper hissed, brandishing a fourth dagger from under their cloak and lunging forward to thrust it towards the mysterious figure.

The mysterious figure quickly shifted to dodge the reaper's attack, his cloak swirling around him in an arc.

The reaper quickly drew another dagger, their face twisted with rage and frustration. This time, they didn't throw the dagger, but instead lunged forward with it, trying to stab the mysterious figure in the heart.

But the mysterious figure dodged out of the way at the last moment, his cloak billowing around him once more.

The reaper was getting more and more frustrated, and they drew an even bigger dagger from under their cloak and attacked once more.

The mysterious figure glided out of the way once again, his body so synchronized with his movements that it was almost like watching a dance.

But as the reaper lunged forward multiple times, the mysterious figure finally went on the offense. He took out his own dagger and flung it at the reaper, his aim true and his speed unrivaled.

The reaper tried to dodge the attack, but they were too slow, and the dagger hit them square in the chest.

They dropped to the ground, their face twisted in pain and their eyes glaring at the mysterious figure.

The mysterious figure walked towards the reaper, his cloak billowing behind him. He was unafraid and confident in his abilities, and he knew that his victory was near.

As he reached the reaper, he bent over and picked them up, their dagger dropping to the ground. He looked them in the eye and spoke with confidence.

"I know your role, reaper," he said sternly.

The reaper hissed in anger and pain, their eyes glaring back at the mysterious figure. But he was not afraid.

"Why me?" the reaper asked, his voice filled with hurt and confusion.

The mysterious figure looked back at the reaper and shrugged. "Because it's your destiny," he said simply.

The reaper stayed silent for a moment, their eyes filled with anger and pain, but also a hint of understanding. They knew that the mysterious figure was right, and that they were not meant to win this fight.

After a moment of tension, the reaper finally spoke.

"Fine," the reaper said reluctantly. "But you better make the most of my soul."

The mysterious figure didn't respond, but instead turned and walked away, his cloak swirling behind him.