
The Reborn Eon

Life isn't always fair. But, that doesn't mean you can't live it to its fullest. That was the case with a young child known as Virgil as he had been born with numerous brain tumours, already deciding that his life would have ended upon becoming of the age of around twelve. Though, he did try his best to live it to the best that he could. However, he wasn't expecting to become one of those people who are given another chance just like in those stories he liked to read every now and then. Definitely not having expected to be reborn as a Latios...

ConstantReign · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Within The Egg






'System, how long exactly is it until I hatch?'

[Approximately 8 more months before the incubation period concludes]

The mental voice of a young man could be heard, and from the pitch, it could be assumed that they were most likely around the age of eleven or twelve. Though, the whole thing about age was a confusing situation at the moment as said person was currently inside of what could be seen to be an egg. A white egg with a blue and red colouration.

How was this possible?

Well, the young male was actually someone who had recently given into the brain tumours that they had been born with, having found himself in Death's arms, quite literally too. He didn't know exactly why, but he had been given the chance to be able to be reborn, though not having expected to be reborn in this situation.

Though, he wasn't complaining as he was going to be able to live, even if he wasn't a human anymore. He would just have to adjust to the new environment and lifestyle.

'So when I become a year old, huh? Oh, boy...'

The young man couldn't help but sigh, mentally, as he heard what the System had just responded to him with. It had already been around four months since he was inside this egg and slowly growing, though it wasn't like he experienced those months as he had only actually gained consciousness around two days ago from now.

[User, Status Sheet is now available]

'Hm? Oh, please do display it to me.'

[Of course]

The young man soon found the image of a sheet of information appear inside of his mind, though he felt as if it had appeared right in front of him. He just calmly looked over what was written, and it displayed information such as his name, age, and other pieces of information that had to do with his whole pokemon species and that.

He was glad that he had a great extensive knowledge of Pokemon, with it being one of his favourite shows to watch and play, as he could understand what each thing meant. He wasn't clueless at all.


[Status Sheet]

Name: ??? [Original Name: Virgil Destiny]

Age: 3 Months

Species: Latios

Current State: Unborn

Potential: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

Ability: ???

Type: Dragon [▰▱▱▱▱] and Psychic [▰▰▱▱▱]

Attacks: None


✦ Physical Attack - ?

✦ Special Attack - ?

✦ Defense - ?

✦ Special Defense - ?

✦ Speed - ?


When he had first heard from the System that he was going to be born into a Latios, he was pleasantly surprised by the news. While Latios wasn't the greatest legendary pokemon out there, it was still a legend nonetheless. He wasn't going to complain, and he wouldn't even complain if he became a Weedle as they can evolve into Beedril, which even has a mega evolution.

Reading over the information, he nodded his head, not literally though, just mentally. He understood why he didn't have any attacks, and that was because he was an egg still. Just like the games, eggs of course don't have any attacks that they can utilise. It wouldn't make any sense at all if they did have anything to use.

'System, what is this potential all about?'

[To put it simply, potential is what determines how much talent User has. The greater User's potential, the faster User will be capable of growing stronger. Having greater potential can, for example, mean that User can strengthen User's muscles through physical training to a greater degree than others if User's potential is higher than their's]

'Ah~, that makes sense... Is there a way to improve it?'

From what he could understand, it seems that he almost had half of the greatest possible potential one could have. While he may assume that four stars weren't a bad amount, he honestly wished that it could be higher. He definitely wanted to get as strong as he could, and while he wouldn't admit it too much, he always liked to imagine himself as those characters from those fighting animes and cartoons.

[Certainly. However, there is no true method of doing so. Simple training won't increase User's potential. The potential will only rise as User goes about User's life. Others grow in potential quicker than others, and some slower. The actions of fate during User's life can also affect what User's potential in the future might become and how it will be affected]

'Hold on, 'how it will be affected? Does that mean potential can be lowered?'

[User is correct. Depending on what happens, User's potential may very well lower as User goes about User's life]

'Hmm, I see...' The young man thought to himself as he thought about this. He wasn't certain about what the System meant by actions of fate, but he got the general idea that whatever happens in his life will affect his possible potential. So, he'll have to be careful about that. 'What about those progress bars next to my typings? What's that about?'

[That is a bit more complicated, though not too much. Each of those bars represent a certain realm within that specific typing, with the fifth being the highest and most powerful. The higher the realm User has access to within each typing, not only will moves of those typings be stronger, but User will also have the ability to learn stronger moves of those typings]

'Can you elaborate on that last bit?'

[If a pokemon of the Dragon typing is only within the first realm of that type, then they will only be capable of learning dragon moves such as Dragon Rage and Twister, while those of stronger realm such as the third realm are capable of learning stronger moves such as Dragon Tail and Dragon Pulse. Does User understand?]

'Yeah, that's fine... What about how pokemon learn moves outside their typings?'

[That is simple. While those pokemon may be capable of learning moves not under the categories of their typings, they are very limited on the moves that they are capable of learning outside their specified types. Some may have a rather versatile selection of different moves they can learn, but others may have a very limited pool]

'Basically, these realms only affect their own types?'

[Not entirely. Let us take User, for example, User is a Dragon and Psychic type, thus User will have much higher difficulty training moves outside of those types to become stronger. An already powerful pokemon may be able to learn a different type's move and use it to a great extent, though that pokemon will have incredible difficulty making it any stronger it already is]

'I see, so the stronger the move of a type outside of a pokemon's specified typing will increase in difficulty to train the stronger the move becomes. I get it now.'

Thinking over this, that pretty much meant that he could throw away the whole moveset learning system with levels and that. In the games, pokemon were capable of learning such moves if the game allowed them upon reaching a certain level, though it seems that even if a pokemon were to be a baby in this world, if their aptitude within their typing is great enough, they could learn an incredibly powerful move despite their current power.

At the moment, it seemed that he was already in the second Psychic realm and only in the first Dragon realm.


'System, what was that?' The young man couldn't help but ask curiously as the sound of a strange chime had just knocked him out of his thoughts. He wasn't sure if that noise was supposed to be a good thing or not, and he was hoping that it was the former. He had yet to hear that dinging sound, this was the first time.

[There is no need for concern, User. You have just become officially four months old]


[This means that User is now capable of Realm Training]

'Mind explaining?'

[Realm Training is the method that allows pokemon to have a better connection with their typings, this is the greatest method to use when trying to access a greater realm within the typings. This method is practically completely unknown to both humans and pokemon, even most legendaries don't have knowledge of this method. It is rather slow, but the most effective]

'And you're saying that I can do this even without moving?'

[Certainly. User may view this simply as meditation to discover the User's inner strength]

'Well, doing that will be better than just idling doing nothing for the next eight months. Let's start then.'
