
The Rebirth System!

In the city of Primos, power is everything. In a world of humans with magical ‘abilities’, the strong survive and thrive, while the frail are left to suffer. Either you are born with a strong ability and you’re given the world. Or you are born a regular human, and you are given nothing. You have nothing. You are nothing. Brandyn Santiago, a regular-born citizen of Primos, is forced to endure the demoralising life in Primos and unsurprisingly, he isn’t able to keep his life through the brutal torture from the demonic beasts of the higher social classes. However, he is given another chance. He is reborn with an ability and, now, he has the chance to finally enact his revenge on those who caused him so much torment and anguish!

LELOUP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
242 Chs


"Woah! That felt awful! My breastbone is definitely broken now.. Urgh, that's just unnecessarily painful!" Botan thought, while grasping his chest in pain.

If he would be able to dish out punches like this constantly, he stood no chance anymore. His strikes were just way too powerful and he couldn't handle attacks like that. His chest was throbbing with a pain that felt like multiple knives were being forcefully pulled and twisted in his body.

Nicolas zoomed towards Botan with a smirk and as he came close to Botan, his strides became lengthy and powerful. This time, using his left fist, he threw at an alarming speed.


Botan had predicted this incoming attack so he proceeded to drop his body significantly, dodging the attack entirely. The wind from this punch almost slammed his hair down onto his skull.

As Nicolas was left extended and vulnerable, Botan lashed out with two strikes. He almost lobbed his weight into each hit to try and deliver as much power as he could with his large arms. He was certainly able to do so and Nicolas looked quite stunned after the two strikes. His footwork had disintegrated into spontaneous stumbles, while his arms were kept close to his body incase another attack came for him.

Again, Botan launched his body forward and cocked back his fist in the process. Nicolas tried to secure his range with a jab but this was a terribly bad mistake. All Botan needed was a slight readjustment to allow the sluggish jab to go right past his face.

Botan had been bullied, similar to how Brandyn was. There were still several higher-ups far above his level and, so, he had had his fair share of battles. What he gained from these battles was a slight sense of prediction and adaptability. As he got beat up, he tried to dodge the incredibly painful attacks as much as he could. If he wanted to do this, he had to use his prediction and intelligence to do so since he was always weaker and slower than the people he fought.

Now, with a relatively weak and unskilled fighter, he was able to really showcase his strength.


Botan threw an overextending right punch but he did so, knowing that Nicolas didn't know how to properly counter. His entire body was left open but Nicolas' eyes had shut as this dark fist came into contact with his nose.

Nicolas visibly stumbled away and Botan ran after him again, this time with the intent to end the battle. As he ran, his legs slightly shortened but they also grew more muscular and heavier. Even though they were heavier, he only used enough amplification to significantly amplify his speed. Now, running at a slight superhuman running speed, he swung ferociously and landed a straight punch to Nicolas' gut.

Nicolas' body began to cave in and fold like a beach chair, while Botan was still ready to dish out far more attacks.

It felt like a cannon had been shot into his stomach, making him a little nauseous and incredibly weak.


The second punch cracked his cheek bone, making him also swerve around from the force. As he began to fall, Botan cocked back and launched his final attack, a full power punch. His fist shot in a straight like a bullet, landing square of Nicolas' already broken nose.


Nicolas' eyes shut as he fell, leaving him to just fall onto the ground while briefly knocked out. However, after a second, his eyes blasted open and wide as he surveilled his surroundings. He had no sense of the battle for a second but once everything came back to him, he forced his sickened body up.

His arms shook under just his weight while blood dripped from several cuts and wounds across his face.

"Damn it! I can't lose in the first round!" Nicolas shouted to himself in his mind, punching the ground in fury.

With a scream, he slammed the ground while also pushing himself back up to his feet. In his blind rage, he ran as fast as he could and put as much power into his strides as possible. Once he approached Botan, he utilised his stacking ability with his power to make his fist shake with the overwhelming force inside it, waiting to be unleashed.

Closing the distance between him and Botan quite easily, he chucked out this dimly lit fist at Botan's stomach.


"ARGH!!" Botan shouted, as he felt the force rattle in his intestines and vital organs.

Nicolas looked down to his bent finger, which was bleeding and in a very painful position. By w down on his lip, he snapped the finger back into place but it was still bloody and broken.

"Damn! I shouldn't have used that attack twice on one arm, I know I can't do that!" Nicolas thought.




"Oh!" Brandyn said in the stands, watching Nicolas flop to the floor like a fish on land.

"He really sent him!" Brandyn thought, lifting from the stands to head off.

The next few matches would be matches he wasn't exactly convinced in watching so he decided to take a break from the viewing to have some time to himself.



"Hey there, Nicolas. Your injuries have been healed and you are now free to leave this room."

"I lost?! I couldn't have I hit him with that shot then.. then… damn it!" Nicolas thought to himself, lifting off the hospital bed to leave the room.