
The Rebirth System!

In the city of Primos, power is everything. In a world of humans with magical ‘abilities’, the strong survive and thrive, while the frail are left to suffer. Either you are born with a strong ability and you’re given the world. Or you are born a regular human, and you are given nothing. You have nothing. You are nothing. Brandyn Santiago, a regular-born citizen of Primos, is forced to endure the demoralising life in Primos and unsurprisingly, he isn’t able to keep his life through the brutal torture from the demonic beasts of the higher social classes. However, he is given another chance. He is reborn with an ability and, now, he has the chance to finally enact his revenge on those who caused him so much torment and anguish!

LELOUP · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
242 Chs


Brandyn began his first day in the store and it was quite nice. The shopkeeper helped him on how to clean certain parts of the store and he was quite impressed with how quickly he was getting all of the things that he was saying to him.

The new worker was a skilful cleaner and actually managed to clean the entire floor of the store in that time. After talking with each other for the past 3 hours, Brandyn learned a few things about this shopkeeper.

His name was Keegan Gertrud, and his ability had the name 'Odin'. He had the ability of enhanced strength and other things, coupled with the manipulation of electricity and finally, the proficiency with hammers.

Promptly, Mr Gertrud gave him a quick 5 Mark note, followed by 2 Marks.

"There you go. What schedule would you like? I'm guessing you go to school." He asked with calmness and a laidback attitude.

"I come back from school and get here at around 4:30. I could go 5 - 9 since the educational aide of things will tune down soon. That's 12 Marks a day for the weekdays then I can do a 9 hour or something on the weekend. That'll be around 27 Marks each day so in total, that's 114 Marks a week. Decent, will definitely pay for the protein. If it's a non-contracter then I can still get my benefits from the government. That'll be good." He evaluated deeply.

Brandyn gave his goodbyes then left, with a nice feeling for once. He felt calm, and at ease. This feeling, he hadn't felt since before his parents died. Thinking about the experience he had just had, he started to water again but this time, he almost said to himself to stay calm and to simply be grateful for people like his new boss.

With a peaceful smile, he walked off and returned to his apartment.

The next day, Brandyn went through with his usual new schedule. Going to school, going to work, studying, then completing his daily tasks.

Since his school started rather late, at 9:50, it allowed him to work deep into the night to get everything complete. His work ethic really started to develop and nurture, as he had finally been given a motive to continue.




The days passed and he continued on his purpose, further drilling in his motivations. He started completing his daily tasks quicker than usual, and what was quite noticeable was that he could complete the 10 push ups in just 2 sets of 5 now, instead of individual sets.




Upon the final week, Brandyn received his 114 Mark reward. This next achievement fuelled him even more, adding to his shallow tally of achievements in the last fortnight.

Once he received such reward, he was quick to buy a large amount of canned chicken, chicken slices and, most importantly, purified tuna. In Helion, it was common to find tuna that had been completely cleansed of any mercury. This technology was achieved by Primos more than 10 years ago, which brought in a lot of income to the country once the rest of the world was forced to catch up by buying the product.

The purified tuna was 27 grams of protein per a mere 100g of tuna and it was only 100 calories. It was perfect to fuel Brandyn's daily workout and activity.

This Saturday evening, he sat in his dimly lit room, which had only his lamp providing it with light. By now, the sun had left the sky, leaving a dark scenery that was filled with the enchanting beams of light from the faraway stars and the larger, more prominent moon.

Brandyn casually opened his notification panels, to find that something had been altered about his daily quests.

[Daily Tasks: 0/5]

[Run 100m: 0/1]

[Lift 80kg: 0/1]

[Eat 100g protein: 0/1]

[Do 10 push ups: 0/1]

[Throw 30 Jabs: 0/1]

"Jabs? That's a new addition. It kinda makes sense since I'm going to have to learn how to fight at some point. It's a good thing that I'll be rewarded for it by this system." He thought, while doing his push ups.

Running 100 metres was a breeze for Brandyn. Even inside of his compact apartment, he was easily able to just run up and down his apartment to complete the task.

For the task of lifting 80 kilograms, he decided to lift a part of his bed. He had certainly be getting stronger and was able to lift part of his bed in a deadlift motion, which added 22kg to his 80kg bar.

Finally, he lifted it multiple times to run the bar up to 86kg.

Fir the last task, Brandyn had no real clue how to throw a jab. It was odd since any normal person, after getting beat up as much as he did, would train in some form of self defence or martial art. However, since he was getting bullied by people like Elias, having self defence meant pretty much nothing. Elias, from an A-Rank dynasty, could easily kill him if he wanted.

Brandyn was smart and didn't just rashly throw some sluggish jabs. He watched a video on MeTube, the largest video platform on earth.

The man advised him to push off his back foot to throw a straight jab with power. He had some weird ability to make his arms more muscular but that wasn't the only thing. His arms coated in a thick and unkept cloak of brown fur over his skin. Due to this enhancement, his punches were

Since Brandyn was right handed, the orthodox stance felt natural to him. It was perfect to gain power off the jab but to also deliver deadly right hands when needed.

Brandyn, in his dim room, took a calm exhale then shot forward his first jab. Compared to the skilled fighter on the video, his own attack was clumsy and lacklustre. However, this fact didn't slow him down and even motivated him more. It allowed him to have another goal that he could strive to achieve.

He threw the first 10 jabs and what he noticed was that boxing was no easy task. The attacks took quite a bit of stamina out of him and after the 10 consecutive jabs, he had to have a break to not tire himself out completely.

Although, he hated to wait. He wanted to finish the task and to work even through the pain. When he was waiting, it reminded him of his past weaknesses. His inability to have power for himself. He didn't want to wait around, he wanted to work incredibly hard towards his ultimate goal. The image of him, finally triumphing over Elias filled his brain and the feeling of his draining stamina was pretty much overwritten by this empowering thought.

Before he could even stop himself, 25 jabs were thrown to cause a total of 35 jabs.

[Daily Task Complete!]


"Phew.. I overworked myself at the end there. My shoulder's killing me! If I do this everyday for like a month, my jab might become really strong!" He thought to himself with hope and anticipation of the fighter that he might become.